Why some whites just LOVE black sellouts


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The New Zealand Shooter, a citizen of Australia, in his manifesto, stated he taking a stand against immigration in Australia and New Zealand and chose the very visible Pakistani community in Christchurch to give notoriety to his position.

Given their can't be more than a few hundred persons of African heritage in New Zealand, I seriously doubt they were in the forefront of his thoughts when planning his heinous act.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
You are such a racist pig for saying that people who dont tow the slave plantation party lines way are called "sell outs". Just like you call them Oreo's and Uncle Toms. Just shows how stupid you really are and jealous to boot. They have theirs, live their lives like most Americans do, and all you can do is be envious of them. What a dumbass...
IM2 thinks any black person who has a job, likes to read books, has a 401K, believes in education, owns a home, and doesn't always vote Democrat, is a "sellout" trying to act white. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
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The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
... and a Dollar in the right place.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
You are such a racist pig for saying that people who dont tow the slave plantation party lines way are called "sell outs". Just like you call them Oreo's and Uncle Toms. Just shows how stupid you really are and jealous to boot. They have theirs, live their lives like most Americans do, and all you can do is be envious of them. What a dumbass...

And here is an example of what the article states. The opinion of a democrat plantation for blacks, unless they think the way white conservative republicans tell them, are unable to think for themselves and must be told what to think by democrats or liberals. You are doing exactly what you claim liberals are doing and you try projecting to deny it.

Solomon Jones wrote this article. Send him an email or tweet and bitch to him about his "racism" then see what you get.
IM2 thinks any black person who has a job, likes to read books, has a 401K, believes in education, and owns a home, is a "sell out" trying to act white. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
He certainly puts a lot of pressure on blacks to stay on the plantation. "Black sellout" is a term that is intended to discourage independent thoughts. @I'M must have something against blacks if he would use such a term that threatens ALL blacks who might want to think for themselves.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.

Blacks think freely and independently without being sellouts, but we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation. What sellouts are preaching is not independent thought, it is blacks who are pushing the herd mentality by their acceptance of white supremacy. So go fuck yourself white boy, because Jones is right. There are blacks that need to stop adopting white supremacist beliefs about black people.
IM2 thinks any black person who has a job, likes to read books, has a 401K, believes in education, and owns a home, is a "sell out" trying to act white. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
He certainly puts a lot of pressure on blacks to stay on the plantation. "Black sellout" is a term that is intended to discourage independent thoughts. @I'M must have something against blacks if he would use such a term that threatens ALL blacks who might want to think for themselves.
A white person like you is going to reject any opposition to the black sellout mentality because as ling as blacks sell out you can maintain white supremacy. All blacks think for themselves, its funny how you sway only the blacks that validate your beliefs about blacks are the ones thinking independently.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.

Blacks think freely and independently without being sellouts, but we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation. What sellouts are preaching is not independent thought, it is blacks who are pushing the herd mentality by their acceptance of white supremacy. So go fuck yourself white boy, because Jones is right. There are blacks that need to stop adopting white supremacist beliefs about black people.
Way to back the herd!
IM2 thinks any black person who has a job, likes to read books, has a 401K, believes in education, owns a home, and doesn't always vote Democrat, is a "sellout" trying to act white. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
I have and do all those things and no one calls me a sellout. Oprah has all that and then some and no one calls her a sellout. Voting democrat has nothing to do with this because there are sellout blacks in the democratic party.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.

Blacks think freely and independently without being sellouts, but we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation. What sellouts are preaching is not independent thought, it is blacks who are pushing the herd mentality by their acceptance of white supremacy. So go fuck yourself white boy, because Jones is right. There are blacks that need to stop adopting white supremacist beliefs about black people.
Way to back the herd!

You and black sellouts are the herd.
IM2 thinks any black person who has a job, likes to read books, has a 401K, believes in education, and owns a home, is a "sell out" trying to act white. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
He certainly puts a lot of pressure on blacks to stay on the plantation. "Black sellout" is a term that is intended to discourage independent thoughts. @I'M must have something against blacks if he would use such a term that threatens ALL blacks who might want to think for themselves.
A white person like you is going to reject any opposition to the black sellout mentality because as ling as blacks sell out you can maintain white supremacy. All blacks think for themselves, its funny how you sway only the blacks that validate your beliefs about blacks are the ones thinking independently.
Your herd thanks you for defending the rigid dogma. Way to stick to the program.
IM2 thinks any black person who has a job, likes to read books, has a 401K, believes in education, and owns a home, is a "sell out" trying to act white. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
He certainly puts a lot of pressure on blacks to stay on the plantation. "Black sellout" is a term that is intended to discourage independent thoughts. @I'M must have something against blacks if he would use such a term that threatens ALL blacks who might want to think for themselves.
A white person like you is going to reject any opposition to the black sellout mentality because as ling as blacks sell out you can maintain white supremacy. All blacks think for themselves, its funny how you sway only the blacks that validate your beliefs about blacks are the ones thinking independently.
Your herd thanks you for defending the rigid dogma. Way to stick to the program.
The black sellouts are the ones sticking to the dogma and the program of white supremacy in America.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.

Blacks think freely and independently without being sellouts, but we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation. What sellouts are preaching is not independent thought, it is blacks who are pushing the herd mentality by their acceptance of white supremacy. So go fuck yourself white boy, because Jones is right. There are blacks that need to stop adopting white supremacist beliefs about black people.
Way to back the herd!

You and black sellouts are the herd.
Freedom is waiting for you, but you are letting the ivy grow over the door.
IM2 thinks any black person who has a job, likes to read books, has a 401K, believes in education, and owns a home, is a "sell out" trying to act white. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
He certainly puts a lot of pressure on blacks to stay on the plantation. "Black sellout" is a term that is intended to discourage independent thoughts. @I'M must have something against blacks if he would use such a term that threatens ALL blacks who might want to think for themselves.
A white person like you is going to reject any opposition to the black sellout mentality because as ling as blacks sell out you can maintain white supremacy. All blacks think for themselves, its funny how you sway only the blacks that validate your beliefs about blacks are the ones thinking independently.
Your herd thanks you for defending the rigid dogma. Way to stick to the program.
The black sellouts are the ones sticking to the dogma and the program of white supremacy in America.
You just love using this anti-black term. Why does it bother you so much to see blacks go free from your program?

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