Why the dems will lose this election


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
(sigh)....the minute they discussed including illegals in ACA and including illegals in a whole host of social events in this country, a lot of people including myself just shook our heads in complete disbelief. I struggle every damned day to keep a roof over my head and ahead of the game and like most working class in this country, the last thing I want to do is care for those who break laws to come to this country and live off of my dime simply because you had a baby here legally. I can not support a group who single handily has wiped out a job industry that inner city and young teens of all economic presense once dominated as a source of income, ie low skilled jobs, a major reason why we have so much inner city issues today and I can't support a group who has no concern for America's values or language, save for the ol mighty buck. And for democrats to support this, I may be looking elsewhere.

I agree that Latino's add value to this country, I just don't know where? I agree that we can't deport millions, but we certainly can't keep supporting an open door policy decade after decade after decade...your thoughts
If democrats & republicans have about the equally popular candidates, I think republicans have higher chance of winning. People have had democrats & Obama for 10 years already. They have seen that it gets them nowhere. Even for the sake of "getting at least somewhere for the better or worse but not this", republicans will likely win. Besides, Donald Trump is a far better candidate than the most whether "big mouthed" (not a flaw, he has the right to express) or not.
A candidate like Kasich or Rubion, or the two of them on the ticket, have a real chance of winning. Otherwise, the Dem's get it for another term.

The Senate will go Dem 54-46 at the worst.

GOP will keep the House.
I agree...Americans want our people taken care of ...Not the entire fucking world.

Still I'd be very shocked if the republicans get Ohio, Florida, Virgina and Co to win it.
More than a handful of RINOs in House OR Senate and you might as well consider Congress a Democrat fiefdom.
Give them worker status
If they want to pay into healthcare, let them
After ten years, let them become citizens
If democrats & republicans have about the equally popular candidates, I think republicans have higher chance of winning. People have had democrats & Obama for 10 years already. They have seen that it gets them nowhere. Even for the sake of "getting at least somewhere for the better or worse but not this", republicans will likely win. Besides, Donald Trump is a far better candidate than the most whether "big mouthed" (not a flaw, he has the right to express) or not.

I agree. But please don't fall the Trump bs...this guy can not and will not deliver on one promise he's making, because he can't. He's not bringing jobs from China back to this country, he can't depart millions of illegals, there isn't a wall big enough to keep them out, I mean this guy is like Santa Claus and I hate to tell you this, cause I know yaw lack intelligence a bit, but Santi ain't real either...I'm sorry!!
Yea I heard this same Bullshit in 2008, and 2012, how those maggots , Repukes, and Tea Baggers were all gonna sink Obama:rofl:

I sincerely hope Uncle Tom Carson, or that pile of shit Orangutan with the ugly rug get the nomination Hillary would smoke em both like a cheap cigar..
(sigh)....the minute they discussed including illegals in ACA and including illegals in a whole host of social events in this country, a lot of people including myself just shook our heads in complete disbelief. I struggle every damned day to keep a roof over my head and ahead of the game and like most working class in this country, the last thing I want to do is care for those who break laws to come to this country and live off of my dime simply because you had a baby here legally. I can not support a group who single handily has wiped out a job industry that inner city and young teens of all economic presense once dominated as a source of income, ie low skilled jobs, a major reason why we have so much inner city issues today and I can't support a group who has no concern for America's values or language, save for the ol mighty buck. And for democrats to support this, I may be looking elsewhere.

I agree that Latino's add value to this country, I just don't know where? I agree that we can't deport millions, but we certainly can't keep supporting an open door policy decade after decade after decade...your thoughts
That's hilarious. I was thinking the same thing about Redneck Republicans. They don't speak understandable English. So many are on welfare. I can't think of anything of value they bring to this country. Can you?
(sigh)....the minute they discussed including illegals in ACA and including illegals in a whole host of social events in this country, a lot of people including myself just shook our heads in complete disbelief. I struggle every damned day to keep a roof over my head and ahead of the game and like most working class in this country, the last thing I want to do is care for those who break laws to come to this country and live off of my dime simply because you had a baby here legally. I can not support a group who single handily has wiped out a job industry that inner city and young teens of all economic presense once dominated as a source of income, ie low skilled jobs, a major reason why we have so much inner city issues today and I can't support a group who has no concern for America's values or language, save for the ol mighty buck. And for democrats to support this, I may be looking elsewhere.

I agree that Latino's add value to this country, I just don't know where? I agree that we can't deport millions, but we certainly can't keep supporting an open door policy decade after decade after decade...your thoughts
That's hilarious. I was thinking the same thing about Redneck Republicans. They don't speak understandable English. So many are on welfare. I can't think of anything of value they bring to this country. Can you?
They are an illiterate bunch of government tit-sucking drones.

These fucking fools crack me up with their, "when they come here they bedder leern how two speek amerikan" demand.

Most immigrants I know are bilingual, and the nutter morons (Staph, etc...) on this message board butcher the English language so bad you would think they are the ones who just immigrated here.

More often than not, it is difficult to even figure out what they are trying to state because their grammar is so bad.
Yea I heard this same Bullshit in 2008, and 2012, how those maggots , Repukes, and Tea Baggers were all gonna sink Obama:rofl:

I sincerely hope Uncle Tom Carson, or that pile of shit Orangutan with the ugly rug get the nomination Hillary would smoke em both like a cheap cigar..

lib says a black man who is conservative is an uncle tom- huge huge surprise!
Yea I heard this same Bullshit in 2008, and 2012, how those maggots , Repukes, and Tea Baggers were all gonna sink Obama:rofl:

I sincerely hope Uncle Tom Carson, or that pile of shit Orangutan with the ugly rug get the nomination Hillary would smoke em both like a cheap cigar..

lib says a black man who is conservative is an uncle tom- huge huge surprise!
No more of a surprise than a con or Tea Bagger calling Obama a Muslim...

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