Why the Hullabaloo about the shooting at a high school in FL?

There are more than enough laws on the books that were meant to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The school where this occurred is "protected" by the federal "Gun Free School Zone" law, which prevents even off-duty law-enforcement officers from being armed while on school grounds. Schools are free fire zones for this very reason.

Yet as is evident, the gun free zone law does not work. Perhaps it's time for the realization that a teacher or other school employee carrying a legal concealed firearm is far less worse than a bunch of dead kids.

The purpose of the no gun zone is probably too abstract for you. As for your comment, we have enough gun laws, we hear/read that every time a horrific mass murder with a gun occurs.

A school resource officer is a fully armed police officer assigned to the school (in CA.); I suspect the same is true in FL and every other state.

Update: 17 killed.

Those above who who care so much for their 2nd A. Rights don't give a damn, and the NRA will continue to threaten members of Congress if they dare to sponsor any gun control bills they'll fund a gun lover to run against them.

The only purpose of a "gun free zone" is to make it easier for assholes like this one, to murder large numbers of people.

Once again an effort to mislead the reader, even if your comment is sarcasm.

Gun free and drug free zones do not prevent guns or drug in the zone, much like the speed limit does not prevent speeding in a regulated zone.

What they do is make it a crime to enter the zone unless authorized.

Indeed. It's also a crime to murder people but those laws don't seem to prevent them. The only thing that a gun free zone does, is guarantee a bad actor a free fire zone with no fear of reprisal till after they have done their terrible deed. Thanks for making that obvious.
Shootings at schools in America have become a common occurrence. Since guns don't kill people I suspect the gun(s) used will be melted down and made into pins for the NRA.

There have been more mass shootings in the U.S. in 2017 than days

Since 2013, there have been nearly 300 school shootings in America — an average of about one a week.
The long, shameful list of school shootings in America

Pretty pathetic bit of propaganda you reference. The vast majority of those "school" shootings, weren't.

Prove it! I didn't inventory the shootings but apparently you did (fast reader).

Tell the reader how many school shooting since 2003 and list the one's you are suggesting are fake news.

BTW, you've lost credibility and anything you post the reader should not trust and verity.

I already did numbnuts. Try keeping up. And if you are trying to impugn credibility you had best be lookin' in the mirror.

So your did, I've read your link:

Have there been 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook? A closer look at a tricky statistic

Mea culpa.

That said, sincerely.

I'll not focus on the number of events, I do think we as a society need to study the who, why and how does this happen, and what solutions can be proffered to limit the numbers of mass shootings in America, at schools, at malls, at theaters, at concerts, etc.

Clearly the Right to Life of those killed in these events, and wounded, have had their right to life, liberty and happiness taken from them. That the how is easy as is the who (a person with a gun); we must focus on the why.

Oh, so Politifact is an accurate source.....when it favors your opinion.
Whenever I post Politifact as a source, the pond scum rises to the surface to denounce it.

Grow up, punks call other people "pond scum", and punks are cowards; especially when they do so by hiding by anonymity and hiding behind a keyboard.
There are more than enough laws on the books that were meant to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The school where this occurred is "protected" by the federal "Gun Free School Zone" law, which prevents even off-duty law-enforcement officers from being armed while on school grounds. Schools are free fire zones for this very reason.

Yet as is evident, the gun free zone law does not work. Perhaps it's time for the realization that a teacher or other school employee carrying a legal concealed firearm is far less worse than a bunch of dead kids.

The purpose of the no gun zone is probably too abstract for you. As for your comment, we have enough gun laws, we hear/read that every time a horrific mass murder with a gun occurs.

A school resource officer is a fully armed police officer assigned to the school (in CA.); I suspect the same is true in FL and every other state.

Update: 17 killed.

Those above who who care so much for their 2nd A. Rights don't give a damn, and the NRA will continue to threaten members of Congress if they dare to sponsor any gun control bills they'll fund a gun lover to run against them.

The only purpose of a "gun free zone" is to make it easier for assholes like this one, to murder large numbers of people.

Once again an effort to mislead the reader, even if your comment is sarcasm.

Gun free and drug free zones do not prevent guns or drug in the zone, much like the speed limit does not prevent speeding in a regulated zone.

What they do is make it a crime to enter the zone unless authorized.

Indeed. It's also a crime to murder people but those laws don't seem to prevent them. The only thing that a gun free zone does, is guarantee a bad actor a free fire zone with no fear of reprisal till after they have done their terrible deed. Thanks for making that obvious.

By your logic, answer this:

Q. why do we have any laws?
Interesting history Fun Facts.
1949, Camden, N.J. 13 killed. Howard Unruh, a World War II veteran, walks the streets of Camden killing random people.
The incident became known as the "Walk of Death".
1966, Austin. 18 killed. Charles Whitman fires from a tower on the University of Texas campus.
1982, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 13 killed. George Banks kills five of his children and 8 other people.
1984, San Ysidro, Calif. 21 killed. James Huberty enters a McDonald’s and begins shooting.
1986, Edmond, Okla. 14 killed. Postal worker Patrick Sherrill kills 14 people at his workplace.
1990, Jacksonville, Fla. 10 killed. James Pough kills 8 people after his car is repossessed. He'd killed two others earlier.
1991, Killeen, Tex. 23 killed. George Hennard drives his truck into a cafeteria and then opens fire.
1999, Littleton, Colo. 13 killed. The shooting at Columbine High School is the deadliest high school shooting to date.
1999, Atlanta. 12 killed. Mark Barton kills nine people at brokerage firms after having killed three relatives.
2005, Red Lake, Minn. 9 killed. Jeffrey Weise kills members of his family and then students at a local high school.
2007, Blacksburg, Va. 32 killed. Until Sunday, the 32 people killed by Seung Hui Cho at Virginia Tech was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.
2009, Fort Hood, Tex. 13 killed. Nidal Hasan kills 13 people at the Army base.
2009, Binghamton, N.Y. 13 killed. Jiverly Wong murders 13 people at a small immigrant services center.
2009, Geneva County, Ala. 10 killed. Michael McClendon kills 10 people, including a baby, in rural Alabama.
2012, Newtown, Conn. 27 killed. Adam Lanza’s spree at Sandy Hook Elementary included the murder of 20 children.
2012, Aurora, Colo. 12 killed. James Holmes opens fire during a late-night movie screening.
2013, Washington. 12 killed. Aaron Alexis kills a dozen people with a shotgun.
2015, San Bernardino, Calif. 14 killed. Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, kill more than a dozen people during a holiday party.
2015, Roseburg, Ore. 9 killed. Chris Mercer kills nine in a shooting at a community college in Oregon.
2015, Charleston, S.C. 9 killed. Dylann Roof attends a prayer meeting at a historic black church in Charleston before opening fire.
2016, Orlando. 50 killed. The attack at the gay nightclub Pulse in Orlando is the deadliest in U.S. history.
2017, Vegas 58 + shooter dead. 851 (422 by gunfire)

Notice that the number of such incidents has become more frequent in recent years.
THANKS NRA, you and your Gun Nutter folks are fully responsible, and to blame here.

btw. Some 19 school shooting in 2018
btw. Some 19 school shooting in 2018


THANKS NRA, you and your Gun Nutter folks are fully responsible, and to blame here.

What does the NRA have to do with it?
The NRA is pushing guns on America and with the help of the stupids who believed in Obamas warehouses of confiscated weapons buying so many more the nation is overflowing with killing machines. And a gun is made for only one reason; killing
. And a gun is made for only one reason; killing

I've owned firearms for over 50 years, as have both brothers.

Both grandfathers, and 5 out of 6 uncles owned firearms


over 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of civilians in this country..

less than 1% used to kill.

We must use them for wall decorations, hmmm?

I realize you're waiting for congratulations that you haven't murdered anyone but you reminded me that a mass shooter used to post here. Maybe someone else can remember his name.

BUT - what Tax Man wrote is true - guns have only one purpose. Killing.

Never mind that firearms also have the deterrent purpose of preventing one from being killed.

Cool, and true ^^^.

Q. How will gun control prevent a sober, sane and law abiding individual kfully vetted from protecting their home, business, family or property?
There are more than enough laws on the books that were meant to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The school where this occurred is "protected" by the federal "Gun Free School Zone" law, which prevents even off-duty law-enforcement officers from being armed while on school grounds. Schools are free fire zones for this very reason.

Yet as is evident, the gun free zone law does not work. Perhaps it's time for the realization that a teacher or other school employee carrying a legal concealed firearm is far less worse than a bunch of dead kids.

The purpose of the no gun zone is probably too abstract for you. As for your comment, we have enough gun laws, we hear/read that every time a horrific mass murder with a gun occurs.

A school resource officer is a fully armed police officer assigned to the school (in CA.); I suspect the same is true in FL and every other state.

Update: 17 killed.

Those above who who care so much for their 2nd A. Rights don't give a damn, and the NRA will continue to threaten members of Congress if they dare to sponsor any gun control bills they'll fund a gun lover to run against them.

The only purpose of a "gun free zone" is to make it easier for assholes like this one, to murder large numbers of people.

Once again an effort to mislead the reader, even if your comment is sarcasm.

Gun free and drug free zones do not prevent guns or drug in the zone, much like the speed limit does not prevent speeding in a regulated zone.

What they do is make it a crime to enter the zone unless authorized.

Indeed. It's also a crime to murder people but those laws don't seem to prevent them. The only thing that a gun free zone does, is guarantee a bad actor a free fire zone with no fear of reprisal till after they have done their terrible deed. Thanks for making that obvious.

By your logic, answer this:

Q. why do we have any laws?

Merely to punish the wrong doer. The laws prevent virtually nothing. If they did the drug war would have been won long ago.

What does the NRA have to do with it?
The NRA is pushing guns on America and with the help of the stupids who believed in Obamas warehouses of confiscated weapons buying so many more the nation is overflowing with killing machines. And a gun is made for only one reason; killing
. And a gun is made for only one reason; killing

I've owned firearms for over 50 years, as have both brothers.

Both grandfathers, and 5 out of 6 uncles owned firearms


over 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of civilians in this country..

less than 1% used to kill.

We must use them for wall decorations, hmmm?

I realize you're waiting for congratulations that you haven't murdered anyone but you reminded me that a mass shooter used to post here. Maybe someone else can remember his name.

BUT - what Tax Man wrote is true - guns have only one purpose. Killing.

Never mind that firearms also have the deterrent purpose of preventing one from being killed.

Cool, and true ^^^.

Q. How will gun control prevent a sober, sane and law abiding individual kfully vetted from protecting their home, business, family or property?

Once government gets involved they determine who is worthy. Washington DC prevented anyone who wasn't rich, or a politician, or a criminal, from owning handguns. The rich and powerful buy whatever license they need, the criminals ignore the laws anyway, but the poor and the middle class were at the mercy of the criminal element.

Once again you make my point for me.
Shootings at schools in America have become a common occurrence. Since guns don't kill people I suspect the gun(s) used will be melted down and made into pins for the NRA.

There have been more mass shootings in the U.S. in 2017 than days

Since 2013, there have been nearly 300 school shootings in America — an average of about one a week.
The long, shameful list of school shootings in America

You mean Sandy Hoax????

Pretty pathetic bit of propaganda you reference. The vast majority of those "school" shootings, weren't.
Yeah like Sandy Hook
The NRA is pushing guns on America and with the help of the stupids who believed in Obamas warehouses of confiscated weapons buying so many more the nation is overflowing with killing machines. And a gun is made for only one reason; killing
. And a gun is made for only one reason; killing

I've owned firearms for over 50 years, as have both brothers.

Both grandfathers, and 5 out of 6 uncles owned firearms


over 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of civilians in this country..

less than 1% used to kill.

We must use them for wall decorations, hmmm?

I realize you're waiting for congratulations that you haven't murdered anyone but you reminded me that a mass shooter used to post here. Maybe someone else can remember his name.

BUT - what Tax Man wrote is true - guns have only one purpose. Killing.

Never mind that firearms also have the deterrent purpose of preventing one from being killed.

Cool, and true ^^^.

Q. How will gun control prevent a sober, sane and law abiding individual kfully vetted from protecting their home, business, family or property?

Once government gets involved they determine who is worthy. Washington DC prevented anyone who wasn't rich, or a politician, or a criminal, from owning handguns. The rich and powerful buy whatever license they need, the criminals ignore the laws anyway, but the poor and the middle class were at the mercy of the criminal element.

Once again you make my point for me.

Perfect.....not a single thing I can add to that.......
Just gonna post what I put in CDZ.
I would rather see a conversation about how our culture and education system has been failing males for the last several decades. How our society feels the need to overmedicate youth.
Our failure to keep dangerous mentally ill people from harming others. A permissive culture that glorifies violence from movies to video games with imagery no youth should be absorbing at a young age. A culture where personal responsibility died long ago.

This crap didn't happen during my school years and no one would have even entertained the idea.
Our culture is sick, and our youth are the victims.

Will there began actual discussion? No, easier to blame a gun.
The purpose of the no gun zone is probably too abstract for you. As for your comment, we have enough gun laws, we hear/read that every time a horrific mass murder with a gun occurs.

A school resource officer is a fully armed police officer assigned to the school (in CA.); I suspect the same is true in FL and every other state.

Update: 17 killed.

Those above who who care so much for their 2nd A. Rights don't give a damn, and the NRA will continue to threaten members of Congress if they dare to sponsor any gun control bills they'll fund a gun lover to run against them.

The only purpose of a "gun free zone" is to make it easier for assholes like this one, to murder large numbers of people.

Once again an effort to mislead the reader, even if your comment is sarcasm.

Gun free and drug free zones do not prevent guns or drug in the zone, much like the speed limit does not prevent speeding in a regulated zone.

What they do is make it a crime to enter the zone unless authorized.

Indeed. It's also a crime to murder people but those laws don't seem to prevent them. The only thing that a gun free zone does, is guarantee a bad actor a free fire zone with no fear of reprisal till after they have done their terrible deed. Thanks for making that obvious.

By your logic, answer this:

Q. why do we have any laws?

Merely to punish the wrong doer. The laws prevent virtually nothing. If they did the drug war would have been won long ago.

Why don't you violate laws, or do you?

Since you've not responded to my post on gun control, how would you feel if anyone convicted of a crime, from a low misdemeanor to the most nefarious felony be denied for life their 2nd A. privilege?

Maybe not tomorrow, next week, next year, but one day The Congress will pass a gun control bill, and the President of the United States will sign it, and the petition to the Supreme Court will not be reviewed. And it will not be the fault of gun grabbers or liberals or Democrats, it will be the result of a loud and angry citizenry who say, enough is enough.

The NRA and those who think the 2nd A. protects their right to own guns will be to blame, for limited gun controls may not be a panacea, but it can mitigate the horrific gun violence which takes the lives of so many innocents
The only purpose of a "gun free zone" is to make it easier for assholes like this one, to murder large numbers of people.

Once again an effort to mislead the reader, even if your comment is sarcasm.

Gun free and drug free zones do not prevent guns or drug in the zone, much like the speed limit does not prevent speeding in a regulated zone.

What they do is make it a crime to enter the zone unless authorized.

Indeed. It's also a crime to murder people but those laws don't seem to prevent them. The only thing that a gun free zone does, is guarantee a bad actor a free fire zone with no fear of reprisal till after they have done their terrible deed. Thanks for making that obvious.

By your logic, answer this:

Q. why do we have any laws?

Merely to punish the wrong doer. The laws prevent virtually nothing. If they did the drug war would have been won long ago.

Why don't you violate laws, or do you?

Since you've not responded to my post on gun control, how would you feel if anyone convicted of a crime, from a low misdemeanor to the most nefarious felony be denied for life their 2nd A. privilege?

Maybe not tomorrow, next week, next year, but one day The Congress will pass a gun control bill, and the President of the United States will sign it, and the petition to the Supreme Court will not be reviewed. And it will not be the fault of gun grabbers or liberals or Democrats, it will be the result of a loud and angry citizenry who say, enough is enough.

The NRA and those who think the 2nd A. protects their right to own guns will be to blame, for limited gun controls may not be a panacea, but it can mitigate the horrific gun violence which takes the lives of so many innocents

Oh hell yes. I speed all of the time. I'm off to dinner so I will continue after that,.
Waste of time to argue with people who view gun owners as American terrorists.

Its certainly true that RWNJs love domestic terrorists and ALWAYS defend them but you're just going for your fellow low hanging froot.

Back to the subject - this school had armed police on site.

But the nutters always say that stops shootings from happening.

No one is going to defend the cretin that shot this school up.

Did someone say that?

Link please.

Blech. You idiots say the same crap every day. You're incapable of learning or of ever siding with your own country.

Oh, I see. You thought I was calling him a "domestic terrorist".

That would be the kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist so beloved by the jackass in the WH and his fans.

Oh and then there are the Communists you fools are still pretending aren't sleeping in the WH.

You're arguing with yourself again.
Waste of time to argue with people who view gun owners as American terrorists.

Its certainly true that RWNJs love domestic terrorists and ALWAYS defend them but you're just going for your fellow low hanging froot.

Back to the subject - this school had armed police on site.

But the nutters always say that stops shootings from happening.

No one is going to defend the cretin that shot this school up.

Yes, the "cretin", I notice you refrain from calling him a monster or a murderer, is alive and in custody. So we'll find out where and how Little Johnny got his gun, won't we?

He is a "monster" he is a "murderer". Better now ?
Once again an effort to mislead the reader, even if your comment is sarcasm.

Gun free and drug free zones do not prevent guns or drug in the zone, much like the speed limit does not prevent speeding in a regulated zone.

What they do is make it a crime to enter the zone unless authorized.

Indeed. It's also a crime to murder people but those laws don't seem to prevent them. The only thing that a gun free zone does, is guarantee a bad actor a free fire zone with no fear of reprisal till after they have done their terrible deed. Thanks for making that obvious.

By your logic, answer this:

Q. why do we have any laws?

Merely to punish the wrong doer. The laws prevent virtually nothing. If they did the drug war would have been won long ago.

Why don't you violate laws, or do you?

Since you've not responded to my post on gun control, how would you feel if anyone convicted of a crime, from a low misdemeanor to the most nefarious felony be denied for life their 2nd A. privilege?

Maybe not tomorrow, next week, next year, but one day The Congress will pass a gun control bill, and the President of the United States will sign it, and the petition to the Supreme Court will not be reviewed. And it will not be the fault of gun grabbers or liberals or Democrats, it will be the result of a loud and angry citizenry who say, enough is enough.

The NRA and those who think the 2nd A. protects their right to own guns will be to blame, for limited gun controls may not be a panacea, but it can mitigate the horrific gun violence which takes the lives of so many innocents

Oh hell yes. I speed all of the time. I'm off to dinner so I will continue after that,.

Maybe after your breakfast you'll respond to the real issues of school shootings, and shootings at concerts, churches, theaters, military bases and ball fields.
Indeed. It's also a crime to murder people but those laws don't seem to prevent them. The only thing that a gun free zone does, is guarantee a bad actor a free fire zone with no fear of reprisal till after they have done their terrible deed. Thanks for making that obvious.

By your logic, answer this:

Q. why do we have any laws?

Merely to punish the wrong doer. The laws prevent virtually nothing. If they did the drug war would have been won long ago.

Why don't you violate laws, or do you?

Since you've not responded to my post on gun control, how would you feel if anyone convicted of a crime, from a low misdemeanor to the most nefarious felony be denied for life their 2nd A. privilege?

Maybe not tomorrow, next week, next year, but one day The Congress will pass a gun control bill, and the President of the United States will sign it, and the petition to the Supreme Court will not be reviewed. And it will not be the fault of gun grabbers or liberals or Democrats, it will be the result of a loud and angry citizenry who say, enough is enough.

The NRA and those who think the 2nd A. protects their right to own guns will be to blame, for limited gun controls may not be a panacea, but it can mitigate the horrific gun violence which takes the lives of so many innocents

Oh hell yes. I speed all of the time. I'm off to dinner so I will continue after that,.

Maybe after your breakfast you'll respond to the real issues of school shootings, and shootings at concerts, churches, theaters, military bases and ball fields.

Sure thing. What's the one common denominator? Yep....an unarmed target pool, and no means of defending them is allowed. Nope. In spite of all of those countries where guns are already outlawed, and where these tragedies continue to occur, you all think it is still the guns fault. Ignore the fact that in the overwhelming number of cases the shooters are KNOWN to authorities, who do nothing, and we are indeed at an impasse. You claim more government control is the answer but can point to not a single case where government has prevented a crime, and instead you scream out against the guns, all the while ignoring that your vaunted gun controls haven't worked either.

Until you admit that it is a PEOPLE problem, and not a gun problem you are merely going to go round and round.
Indeed. It's also a crime to murder people but those laws don't seem to prevent them. The only thing that a gun free zone does, is guarantee a bad actor a free fire zone with no fear of reprisal till after they have done their terrible deed. Thanks for making that obvious.

By your logic, answer this:

Q. why do we have any laws?

Merely to punish the wrong doer. The laws prevent virtually nothing. If they did the drug war would have been won long ago.

Why don't you violate laws, or do you?

Since you've not responded to my post on gun control, how would you feel if anyone convicted of a crime, from a low misdemeanor to the most nefarious felony be denied for life their 2nd A. privilege?

Maybe not tomorrow, next week, next year, but one day The Congress will pass a gun control bill, and the President of the United States will sign it, and the petition to the Supreme Court will not be reviewed. And it will not be the fault of gun grabbers or liberals or Democrats, it will be the result of a loud and angry citizenry who say, enough is enough.

The NRA and those who think the 2nd A. protects their right to own guns will be to blame, for limited gun controls may not be a panacea, but it can mitigate the horrific gun violence which takes the lives of so many innocents

Oh hell yes. I speed all of the time. I'm off to dinner so I will continue after that,.

Maybe after your breakfast you'll respond to the real issues of school shootings, and shootings at concerts, churches, theaters, military bases and ball fields.
The real issue is the demoscum have passed laws that prevent people from arming themselves in those places. I dont expect any reasonable answer from scum like you so come get them. Traitor coward.
Notice that the number of such incidents has become more frequent in recent years.
THANKS NRA, you and your Gun Nutter folks are fully responsible, and to blame here.
Yes. 100%. The various people pulling the trigger had nothing to do with all these tragedies.
Not a one of them! That the DOJ hasn't shut down the NRA and put all the responsible people in prison for life is a
blight on our legal system.
Thank you for remarkably rational and legally sound comment.

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