why the left hates glen beck

Yes, Beck is "devoted or biased" to his positions. I like the guy. The fact that he lines up with John Birch Society/ Cleon Skousen mantras truly bothers me. Some of those morons though Dwight Eisenhower to be a willing dupe of the commies, when he was president. Some of Beck's comments on Obama's character is egregious, to say the least. And if you have ever seen his"professor shows" on TV, he is hysterical. My wife, who likes him on the radio, will not watch on TV: two different guys, she says.
You'll have to provide evidence that he promotes the Birchers.

But despite some of its questionable tactics in the past, the Birch Society bills itself a group that supports principles of anti-communism, limited government, and personal freedom.

Glenn Beck also supports those principles.

Foxfyre also supports those principles.

We can support a concept or principles without supporting everybody and everything that also supports that concept or those principles. We would be hard put to find anybody, no matter how evil, that we didn't agree with about something.
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I don't have to prove a thing. It is there for any who want to look, and I have posted all of that in the past. I always get neg reps from Mr. Fitnah for outing the group. :lol: That's easy to live with. Glenn is fun to listen to for patriotism, but his dialogues and diatribes are seriously very funny because they are so strange. However, compared to Hannitty and Limbaugh, he is a well mannered and good spirited fellow as I would expect from any Latter-day Saint. I like him but realize he is wrong on most of what he preaches.
Well of course you don't HAVE to do anything here. But making an unqualified statement like that and being unwilling to back it up with anything of substance does make it look very much like you're parroting the hate speech of Beck haters and are pretty much talking through your hat.
The statement has been backed up repeatedly. If you have time to do some reading, go find a copy of "The Naked Communists" by Clousen, read it, and you will clearly see what Beck is doing. Your attack is very close to being silly, Foxfyre, when this subject has been discussed several times in the last three months on the board. You don't like it, then two words for you: ignore it.
They hate Beck because he's the only that is exposing the people Obama selected to run the white house. When they can't disprove any of Becks findings, it looks pretty darn bad for the left. The left can not stand being exposed, and they can't fight the facts without tearing him up by calling him a racist, liar, and other things to try to disqualify his findings. I applaud a man that will not follow the rest of the sheep in the heard. He is doing what the media use to do....telling Americans the entire truth.
Beck "proves" nothing, airportengineer, and those who hang on his words hang on air.
They hate Beck because he's the only that is exposing the people Obama selected to run the white house. When they can't disprove any of Becks findings, it looks pretty darn bad for the left. The left can not stand being exposed, and they can't fight the facts without tearing him up by calling him a racist, liar, and other things to try to disqualify his findings. I applaud a man that will not follow the rest of the sheep in the heard. He is doing what the media use to do....telling Americans the entire truth.

At least he's giving us information that almost nobody else is doing and he's also telling us where he's getting it and encouraging us to do our own research. When is the last time you saw a dedicated leftwinger do that?

Again Beck frequently cautions his listeners/fans to not believe something just because he says it. He urges us all to check out the stuff. The primary service he is providing is advising us of what needs to be checked out. We are not getting much if any of that kind of information from the mainstream media these days and of course the dedicated leftwing extremists, statists, and diehards don't want to hear it at all. And without doing any research of their own or being able to provide any credible source to back up their opinions, they disrespect, attack, ridicule, and criticize Beck or any of us who are paying attention to some of this stuff and beginning to demand answers.
Because his belief in adhering to the Constitution in governing is counterproductive to the the Left's ideologies just as Barack Obama who taught the Constitution as a charter of negative liberties, chooses to live that perspective.

If you're going to make up reasons why people hate him then it should be OK to assume you hate Obama due to racism.

I didnt' see anything in AquaAthena's post that suggested the Left hates. What precisely did she say in that short post that you think cannot be defended?

I thought I cut out Aqua, but whatever.

It's not his beliefs that make him loathed, it's his conspiracy theories and his attempts to compare progressives to Nazis. I thought that was obvious.
They hate Beck because he's the only that is exposing the people Obama selected to run the white house. When they can't disprove any of Becks findings, it looks pretty darn bad for the left. The left can not stand being exposed, and they can't fight the facts without tearing him up by calling him a racist, liar, and other things to try to disqualify his findings. I applaud a man that will not follow the rest of the sheep in the heard. He is doing what the media use to do....telling Americans the entire truth.

At least he's giving us information that almost nobody else is doing and he's also telling us where he's getting it and encouraging us to do our own research. When is the last time you saw a dedicated leftwinger do that?

Again Beck frequently cautions his listeners/fans to not believe something just because he says it. He urges us all to check out the stuff. The primary service he is providing is advising us of what needs to be checked out. We are not getting much if any of that kind of information from the mainstream media these days and of course the dedicated leftwing extremists, statists, and diehards don't want to hear it at all. And without doing any research of their own or being able to provide any credible source to back up their opinions, they disrespect, attack, ridicule, and criticize Beck or any of us who are paying attention to some of this stuff and beginning to demand answers.

I would guess Ed Schultz and Jon Stewart offer a lot of the "go look at this stuff" that Beck does, but I grant 100% that Beck is good at that. Yes, without a doubt, he is talking a lot of John Birch Society stuff. You may look it up at its own website The John Birch Society. Due diligence would suggest you also look at the charge that "Robert Welch believed that Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, and Dwight Eisenhower, were part of a communist conspiracy. Welch sent out a letter claiming that President Eisenhower was a "conscious, dedicated agent of the Communist Conspiracy". In 1956 Welch wrote that other top government officials such as John Foster Dulles and Allan W. Dulles were "communist tools". John Birch Society.

Note the sources: (1) a reactionary far right group and (2) a leftist British educational website. The truth is out there! :lol:

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