why the left hates glen beck

My mistake. I tried to edit out the unwanted stuff out of the quote and it somehow came up as truthmatters quote

I was agreeing with you just didn't come out that way

No problem. Just keeping the record straight. And I think you and I who accept Beck as totally fallible and sometimes wrong but also somebody who is often right are in a better place than are those who say he's wrong about everything, he's crazy, he's evil, etc. etc. etc.
That is exactly right. He usually is years ahead on the trends so everyone calls him crazy. But then a few years down the road he is proven right on so many things. The problem is people have forgoten what he has said.

The point is Beck spouts off on how screwed up Bush was all the time and still does it.

He may not be right on everything but he is right often enough and he's right on the major things.

Wait, so by this logic, Keith Olberman might be a visionary, hated by the right, but will be proven correct in years time. Or Maddow for that matter. In other words, anybody who is hated is actually a visionary waiting to be vindicated. Right...
Wait, so by this logic, Keith Olberman might be a visionary, hated by the right, but will be proven correct in years time. Or Maddow for that matter. In other words, anybody who is hated is actually a visionary waiting to be vindicated. Right...

No, some people deserve to be hated because they are just plain hateful. I don't hate anybody nor do I need to automatically attack them just because they are who are they are. I feel it is my responsibility to actually hear what they say and not judge them on small sound bites or quotations plucked off the internet somewhere.

The fact is Olbermann and Maddow are both partisans to the core and I grow weary of their one-sided analysis of everything. That doesn't mean they are always wrong. But they are so incomplete and one dimensional--plus Olbermann IS hateful--that they bore me very quickly.

Beck does superb research, he doesn't have a partisan bone in his body, and Democrats, Republicans, and everything in between are going to be criticized or moved into the bullseye when he thinks criticism is warranted. Whether or not I agree with him--and I often don't or at least withhold judgment--he always gives you something new and different to think about. And for that reason he is interesting and he has a firm hold on #1 in his time slot and his books sell very well.
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

Because his belief in adhering to the Constitution in governing is counterproductive to the the Left's ideologies just as Barack Obama who taught the Constitution as a charter of negative liberties, chooses to live that perspective.
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

Because his belief in adhering to the Constitution in governing is counterproductive to the the Left's ideologies just as Barack Obama who taught the Constitution as a charter of negative liberties, chooses to live that perspective.

Correct. Beck is not partisan in any way. But he is an ideologue as much as any of us are in that he does hold individual liberties and the proper restraint of government as very important and very dear to him. Whomever he perceives is an enemy of that he will put in the crosshairs of his targeted criticism.
No, some people deserve to be hated because they are just plain hateful. I don't hate anybody nor do I need to automatically attack them just because they are who are they are. I feel it is my responsibility to actually hear what they say and not judge them on small sound bites or quotations plucked off the internet somewhere.

The fact is Olbermann and Maddow are both partisans to the core and I grow weary of their one-sided analysis of everything. That doesn't mean they are always wrong. But they are so incomplete and one dimensional--plus Olbermann IS hateful--that they bore me very quickly.

Beck does superb research, he doesn't have a partisan bone in his body, and Democrats, Republicans, and everything in between are going to be criticized or moved into the bullseye when he thinks criticism is warranted. Whether or not I agree with him--and I often don't or at least withhold judgment--he always gives you something new and different to think about. And for that reason he is interesting and he has a firm hold on #1 in his time slot and his books sell very well.

You're response was almost endearing in how you innocently hold Beck to be some non-partisan purist, who is somehow free from all the usual holdings of money and partisanship and allegiance to any particular dogma. In other words, you feel like he has integrity. Well, I would have to go ahead and say the opposite. I actually don't feel like Maddow WAS that partisan. She presents many facts about current things going on, and simply comments on them. So does Keith. Those two seem to have become more left, as Fox has been pressing more rightist views themselves, so, the two shows balance themselves out. The more to the right Fox goes, the more left MSNBC goes to counter that. I don't think it's intentional, I just think maddow and Olbermann are truly ticked about it what these people on Fox are saying, and I agree with them, because I think Fox is inflammatory, but that is just my opinion. I want to comment on what you said about Beck not being Partisan, because I don't see how that is possible. He spouts out all conservative talking points, paints the left as purely evil "leftist-progressive-liberall-socialist." I mean, how you can possibly say he is not partisan? Simply because he sometimes bashes his own party? So does Olbermann and Maddow, that doesn't make them non-partisan. I agree that maddow and Maddow are leftist. I'm not claiming they are non-partisan. certainly, they are, and that's okay. We are all entitled to our opinions. It's more the manner in which they conduct their show. maddow and Olbermann merely comment on things and yes, insert their educated opinions (and they are educated. don't play partisan willful ignorance and slam them because it's cool. You know they are intelligent.) Glenn is trying to 'teach' about what is going on, which implies that he really understands and also that he has the answer, both of which I think are false. He has a lot of evidence and facts about things, but they don't necessarily support his conclusions, because what he draws from facts is done so from a conservative mode of thinking, so although the facts themselves may be objective, he spins them to turn everything against the left, and that's not reality. Everything is not the lefts fault. The right do not have all the answers. Again, this is oversimplistic of reality, even if it were somewhat true. That kind of distortion of reality usually comes from the way someone has come to deal with the world, and in Becks case, being a recovering alcoholic, how one must re-accustom him/herself with reailty after such a radical shift in thinking, is to adhere to something very strongly, in an alcholics case, it is usually God, because that is the only piece of faith that gets an alcoholic through, and is step 1 in AA ("My problems have become unmanageable and have come to believe that a power higher than myself can restore me to sanity"). This faith is what makes AA possible. It doesn't have to be the christian God, but that's where Beck went, and his faith, his Christian faith drives everything he does, and I believe, is where the problem lies, because Christians are notorious for claiming reality for their own, and trying to impress it onto everyone else. At the center of all of Beck's whinings, is his concept of God, and again, it is only his god concept, not necessariliy true. That is why so many on the right like him as well, because he is a Christian. He is a conservative's wet dream, for so many reasons.
I did not say that Beck was not conservative. I said that he was not partisan. There is a HUGE difference between those two things.

Your comments would be read by more people, however, if you would learn to use paragraphs. I didn't want to read that big huge blob of gray small type, but I accept that you adopt the 'partisan' line that Beck and Fox et al are evil. But to brand them all as "Republican" or some other party is not only ignorant but indicative of somebody who has little understanding of the principles involved.

As far as Olbermann and Maddow being ticked about what the folks on Fox are saying, though, that is why they are so boring and ineffective and why their ratings are so low. I think they appeal only to the most angry and simple minded and not to anybody who really wants the real deal on any of the issues of the day. Olbermann and Maddow spend most of their time focused on and criticizing Fox et al rather than making a case for a different point of view.

Fox spends almost no time even referencing Olbermann and Maddow and does spend most of its time making a case for a specific point of view.

Those who can't rebut Fox and Beck with actual facts, rationale, and logic and without making ad hominem aspersions and attacking them are, in my opinion, basically clueless and mostly in that brainwashed bubble in which some people seem determined to live.
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It's funny to me because everything you say about MSNBC and their viewers is exactly how I feel about Fox and their viewers, and everything you say about Fox and their viewers is exactly how I feel about MSBNC and their viewers. To each his own I guess.

As for paragraphs, who cares... this isn't english class, thank god.
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

SOME deranged beck quotes;

1. "This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist." -on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show

2. "I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?" -musing about what he would do for $50 million

7. "Al Gore's not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however. The goal is different. The goal is globalization...And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did. That's what Al Gore, the U.N., and everybody on the global warming bandwagon [are doing]." –"The Glenn Beck Program," May 1, 2007

10. "O-L-I-G-A-R-H-Y." –misspelling "oligarchy" on his chalk board while claiming he had deciphered a secret code that he said was proof President Obama was trying to create an "Oligarhy," Aug. 27, 2009, Glenn Beck show on FOX News Channel (Source)

beck does what all of the right wing conservative do; he uses fear, misinformation, lies and hate to encourage his viewers to continue to do what they already do; hate liberals, blame liberals for all the problems of America

it is obvious to sane and rational people that beck is a nut job...

and we fear his millions of deranged and hatefilled followers more than we fear him.

alone, beck can't do much to anybody...
but with the power of fox news behind him he can rile millions of deranged conservatives into a hate filled frenzy....

it's a short step from.."i hate liberals....i blame liberals..." to "lets get those liberals and kill them for destroying our country"

since you think beck is right....
what would you do to stop the "evil liberals"

round them up?

execute them?

deport them?

silence them?

would you like to kill michael moore, too?

do you think beck is right to want to kill michael moore?

is killing liberals something christ would advocate?
It's funny to me because everything you say about MSNBC and their viewers is exactly how I feel about Fox and their viewers, and everything you say about Fox and their viewers is exactly how I feel about MSBNC and their viewers. To each his own I guess.

As for paragraphs, who cares... this isn't english class, thank god.

Well I've spent some time watching MSNBC looking for the analysis and rationale for the policies they promote and the analysis and rationale for why they oppose other policies. But that is very difficult to come by there. Mostly it is sniping and accusing the other side for the policies they promote.

Certainly Fox does some of that but too, but you also get the deeper analysis too, most especially on a program like Becks. He gives the history. He gives accurate descriptions about what has happened in history and the long term results of that. I rarely find cause to fault his research though I frequently disagree or question his conclusions. I get bored sometimes with O'Reilly and Hannity as they don't get too deep into the issues as much, but they both at least point to things to look up the information. Huckabee, Stossel, and sometimes even Geraldo, the one who is mostly left of center, do a pretty good job with their programs.

And it is up to you whether you use paragraphs. But if you want folks to read your stuff, I suggest it would be a good idea to use them even if this isn't English class.
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

Because his belief in adhering to the Constitution in governing is counterproductive to the the Left's ideologies just as Barack Obama who taught the Constitution as a charter of negative liberties, chooses to live that perspective.

If you're going to make up reasons why people hate him then it should be OK to assume you hate Obama due to racism.
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

Because his belief in adhering to the Constitution in governing is counterproductive to the the Left's ideologies just as Barack Obama who taught the Constitution as a charter of negative liberties, chooses to live that perspective.

If you're going to make up reasons why people hate him then it should be OK to assume you hate Obama due to racism.

I didnt' see anything in AquaAthena's post that suggested the Left hates. What precisely did she say in that short post that you think cannot be defended?
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

in addition

beck presents a selfish and greedy ideal of America;

an America that is the sole property of conservative christians

one that is in direct contrast to the view that America belongs to ALL of us, regardless of religion or opinion
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

in addition

beck presents a selfish and greedy ideal of America;

an America that is the sole property of conservative christians

one that is in direct contrast to the view that America belongs to ALL of us, regardless of religion or opinion

Okay, I'm putting this quote inside that brainwashed bubble that some on the Left insist on living in, because I am 100% certain that you cannot support ANYTHING you say here with any evidence. And yes, I will require his direct statements IN CONTEXT if you decide to prove me wrong about that. Quotes pulled off hate sites and posted out of context will be put into the bubble with your other remarks.
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

in addition

beck presents a selfish and greedy ideal of America;

an America that is the sole property of conservative christians

one that is in direct contrast to the view that America belongs to ALL of us, regardless of religion or opinion

Okay, I'm putting this quote inside that brainwashed bubble that some on the Left insist on living in, because I am 100% certain that you cannot support ANYTHING you say here with any evidence. And yes, I will require his direct statements IN CONTEXT if you decide to prove me wrong about that. Quotes pulled off hate sites and posted out of context will be put into the bubble with your other remarks.

so I can't use any evidence at all?

that makes it kind of hard....

i've seen beck on tv

he regularly promotes the christian god as the ONLY true god
he regularly promotes America as a CHRISTIAN nation
he regularly states/insinuates that liberals/democrats are "the enemy" of REAL Americans

and in his opinion REAL Americans are CHRISTIANS and CONSERVATIVES
in addition

beck presents a selfish and greedy ideal of America;

an America that is the sole property of conservative christians

one that is in direct contrast to the view that America belongs to ALL of us, regardless of religion or opinion

Okay, I'm putting this quote inside that brainwashed bubble that some on the Left insist on living in, because I am 100% certain that you cannot support ANYTHING you say here with any evidence. And yes, I will require his direct statements IN CONTEXT if you decide to prove me wrong about that. Quotes pulled off hate sites and posted out of context will be put into the bubble with your other remarks.

so I can't use any evidence at all?

that makes it kind of hard....

i've seen beck on tv

he regularly promotes the christian god as the ONLY true god
he regularly promotes America as a CHRISTIAN nation
he regularly states/insinuates that liberals/democrats are "the enemy" of REAL Americans

and in his opinion REAL Americans are CHRISTIANS and CONSERVATIVES

Again prove your assertions with verifiable quotations IN CONTEXT or hush. I don't get his program regularly but I have read some of his stuff, I have had his radio program running in the background here in the office quite a bit, and I have seen his television program now and then. And I have seen NONE of the stuff you are accusing him of.
Definitions of partisan on the Web:
* a fervent and even militant proponent of something
* enthusiast: an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity
* a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries
* devoted to a cause or party

Yes, Beck is, of course, partisan. So is Maddow.

And what is the point of all of this if you all won't recognize normal definitions?
Okay, I'm putting this quote inside that brainwashed bubble that some on the Left insist on living in, because I am 100% certain that you cannot support ANYTHING you say here with any evidence. And yes, I will require his direct statements IN CONTEXT if you decide to prove me wrong about that. Quotes pulled off hate sites and posted out of context will be put into the bubble with your other remarks.

so I can't use any evidence at all?

that makes it kind of hard....

i've seen beck on tv

he regularly promotes the christian god as the ONLY true god
he regularly promotes America as a CHRISTIAN nation
he regularly states/insinuates that liberals/democrats are "the enemy" of REAL Americans

and in his opinion REAL Americans are CHRISTIANS and CONSERVATIVES

Again prove your assertions with verifiable quotations IN CONTEXT or hush. I don't get his program regularly but I have read some of his stuff, I have had his radio program running in the background here in the office quite a bit, and I have seen his television program now and then. And I have seen NONE of the stuff you are accusing him of.

"Again prove your assertions with verifiable quotations IN CONTEXT or hush."

I have a feeling that the ONLY "verifiable" quotations you would accept would have to come from fox news

I have provided quotations from other reliable sources but you (i'm not surprised) refuse to accept them.

I say he promotes fundamentalist christian theocracy of America
I hear it when I listen to him

I can't "prove" it to YOU because you are beyond proof...
You apparently continue to deny reality.....

You , on the other hand, have provided NO PROOF that what I say is NOT true...

show me VERIFIABLE SOURCES that do NOT COME from conservative hate sites PROVING that beck is NOT a right wing conservative christian theocrat.....


" I don't get his program regularly but I have read some of his stuff, I have had his radio program running in the background here in the office quite a bit, and I have seen his television program now and then. And I have seen NONE of the stuff you are accusing him of."

your reality denial mechanism is working fine!

good for you
If you include a general cause or idea in your definition of partisanship, then yes, Beck is a strong proponent of the Tea Party ideals of individual liberties that include small efficient, effective, and responsible limited government as the Founders intended, and I will concede that Beck is partisan in that way.

If your definition of partisan is somebody who promotes or defends a particular political party or religion or political group, which is what I was thinking of, then I have seen no evidence of that and suggest none of you who criticize him can provide evidence of that.

The fact that he witnesses to his religious faith or socioeconomic or political beliefs makes him a patriot, an American, a Christian not a partisan. He doesn't demand anybody share those beliefs. In fact he frequently says don't believe anything he says simply because he says it. Check it out for yourself. And then decide what is true.

Here is the definition, agreed by almost all dictionary sources, in the free Online Dictionary:

par·ti·san 1 (pärt-zn)
1. A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea.
2. A member of an organized body of fighters who attack or harass an enemy, especially within occupied territory; a guerrilla.
1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a partisan or partisans.
2. Devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause: partisan politics.
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