Zone1 Why Don't Gay Men and Women Repent?

Why do they not repent? Is there sin any less than that of a gay person?

Ah well I see your point if they're Christians. Unless they're in abusive relationship as that just goes without saying.
According to common sense. Or do you disagree with all of the commands against improper sexual relations listed in Leviticus chapter 18?
soooooooo....... gots anything to say about LOT offering up his daughters cause homogay sex is bad & then later having sex with them himself... so is that A-OK?
soooooooo....... gots anything to say about LOT offering up his daughters cause homogay sex is bad & then later having sex with them himself... so is that A-OK?
You tell me. You're the one who thinks abortion is A-OK.

My answers would be consistent.
Some gay men become transsexual women in order to have sex with straight guys.
I don't think they are. Walk me through it.

how are they not consistent? numbers 5:11-31 specially condones abortion. btw, i also favor the death penalty.

speaking of which, you reciting leviticus passages to justify that homogays & what they do are sinful, tend to overlook that the very same portion of the bible also calls for adulterers to be put to death, by stoning i believe.

oooopsie ... ba-bye donny!
how are they not consistent? numbers 5:11-31 specially condones abortion. btw, i also favor the death penalty.

speaking of which, you reciting leviticus passages to justify that homogays & what they do are sinful, tend to overlook that the very same portion of the bible also calls for adulterers to be put to death, by stoning i believe.

oooopsie ... ba-bye donny!
That's a very interesting leap in logic.

I'm using Leviticus 18:22 to show that the idiot I'm conversing with makes unrealistic leaps in logic, much like the one you just made. If you want to abort your babies, go right ahead. If you want to have sex, go right ahead. I really couldn't care less.
That's a very interesting leap in logic.

I'm using Leviticus 18:22 to show that the idiot I'm conversing with makes unrealistic leaps in logic, much like the one you just made.

okey dokey.

If you want to abort your babies,

i personally do not; & they aren't babies until viability.

go right ahead.

how magnanimous of you.

If you want to have sex,

genesis 19: 36

go right ahead.

as if you can give anyone permission.

I really couldn't care less.

okey dokey.
Nope. The Ten Commandments were written by God. An Old Testament verse was written by men. Not the same and not a sin.
Moses brought the words of God to mankind. Not just the Ten Commandments. God reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets Amos3:7. Not you.
He also brought them to his servants the Apostles who are also prophets, seers and revelators. Romans chapter 1 is clear about homosexual acts. They are as much of a sin as the other sins mentioned at the end of chapter one. The reason why homosexuals, not just same-sex attracted men and women, commit sin with a reprobate mind. Which is a brain that has been brainwashed into believing what they do is good instead of knowing it’s evil. They are therefore not born that way.

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