Why the liberals hate Bachmann and Palin so much

The bigger question is why don't conservatives hate them? I would not want either one of them claiming to represent my political point of view

hey! we can take anything after the pos schmuck you elected.

If I were conservative I would hate the fact that people associate their wild political views with mine

I would hate the fact that by some bizarre set of circumstances they may end up representing my party

I would hate the fact that my party actually takes them seriously

I would hate the fact that the ridiculous things they say could be reflected on me

I would hate the fact that they make my party seem like a bunch of loons
After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her


Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad

I can't speak for Liberals but I find Bachmann entertaining as hell. Yes, I think she is a lying, hypocritical, stupid whackjob. But this is not without reason or evidence. I have pissed off one Tea Partier so badly on this that she now follows my posts just to attack them. So people just can't let go... :eusa_whistle:
So here's the deal.
It has nothing to do with her being a woman. Gender is the new Race Card - congrats Conservs, you've become the 2008 Democrats with the absurd belief that "It's not that the Left dislikes the HIGHLY Right-wing views of these women, it's that they're women!"
So that they're women? Weak. Ridiculous. The Tea Partier I mentioned got highly pissed when I mentioned that I would definitely take a look at Kay Bailey Hutchison or a more conservative Susana Martinez of NM. So much for my views being about Bachmann having anything to so with either gender or Conservativism. That's what really gets the goat.
So how are my views of her formed? I have like, a dozen screens on in my office at any time and when she comes on tv, I pause it and then listen. Ever since she called for an investigation of Democrats for UnAmerican Activities, I've listened. So it's not this bs people try to push that I haven't seen her for myself or get my opinions from the so-called Liberal Media. Hell, MTP last Sunday was priceless! Gays are dysfunctional slaves? Oh yeah. I'm voting for that whackjob!
Bachmann is a hypocrite. I don't care if she & hubby took $600K from Medicare for praying the gay away. It's that she goes out of her way to say that Medicare is "morally objectionable" , "Ruining America" and campaigning against something she chooses to accept. If she said nothing and took the money fine. But she's a hypocrite. Same thing goes with stating she's never taken a farm subsidy. She could have just said nothing. Oops.
Bachmann is a liar. Obama's trip to India cost us $200M a day? WTF? Does she just pull this stuff out of her butt? There are other examples but whatever. She lies a lot.
Bachmann is stupid and a whackjob - like many of her scary followers. The woman just says a lot of stupid things! Now, I just love a good gaffe by anyone. My all time favorite is from Biden. But dang that girl can say some wacky sh1t! The Elvis thing was hilarious! Talk about an "OOPS!" who the hell is advising this woman??? That was like the John Wayne vs. John Wayne Gacy thing.
But here's the scary part: While Conservs were always fond of calling Obama "Messiah" and claiming his proponents can see no wrong in him, Libs criticize him all the time.
But laugh at something Bachmann did and you might as well have just drawn a picture of Mohammed in a mosque! Her cult freaks out! They're like religious followers or something. Don't be laughing at their candidate! She is GOD! She is right about everything! John Quincy Adams, who was 9 at the time of the USC signing, is now a "Founding Father"! WTF??? Really??? Well of course he was! Mother Michele said so, thus verily it must be! And they will viciously attack anyone daring to point out this is just plain stupid.
So all the Dems, Moderates and Independents look at something like that and think "Why didn't she just say she misspoke? Why can't her Faithful Followers just say she made a mistake?" When you have people who will back up what they know is wrong because they are so devoted to a person, history tells us you get bad things.
That's a little bit of the whackjobbery part.

So I'm not a Lib.
The Race card - er Gender card doesn't work as I can name women I would like to see in office.
The "Strong Conservative" bullsh1t doesn't fly with me either because there are plenty of Conservative candidates I like and plenty I like about even the candidates i wouldn't vote for.
There is no hate. I just don't take Whackmann or Eskimo Barbie seriously or believe a word they say.
My biggest beef is not with the candidates - they're just selling books or being a politician. It's that there are so many better candidates out there and i'd really like a replacement for this weak-ass idiot in the White House. He sucks.
But if the idiots put Bachmann on the ticket, I will definitely vote for Obama and so will every Independent, Moderate, Gay, Minority, Atheist, Agnostic, Non-Christian, Awake, Not In A Coma person in the country. Brilliant.
Those of you worshipping at the alter of Mother Michele, amy now sling insults for my blasphemy. :eek:

M.B and her dealings with Medicare are just that
look at the facts and decide of you want to support her as president
what examples of her lying?
Is there something out there that dis proves those cost for Obama?

You make my point better than I can ever
I have 0 desire to vote for M.B
but that does not mean I have to attack her the way you have with calling her a liar, stupid and as far as you being a conservative
never mind, it would be a waste of my time to even start that conversation
As A Lefty, I don't hate them as they're free-advertising on why it's a good idea to steer clear of anybody having to do w/ Teavangelists such as the Repub party. I hope they stay in the spotlight as long as possible. :)
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The bigger question is why don't conservatives hate them? I would not want either one of them claiming to represent my political point of view

hey! we can take anything after the pos schmuck you elected.

If I were conservative I would hate the fact that people associate their wild political views with mine

I would hate the fact that by some bizarre set of circumstances they may end up representing my party

I would hate the fact that my party actually takes them seriously

I would hate the fact that the ridiculous things they say could be reflected on me

I would hate the fact that they make my party seem like a bunch of loons

Palin had a 93% approval rating in Alaska
As governor of Alaska, Palin's job approval rating ranged from a high of 93% in May 2007 to 54% in May 2009. In November 2006, the month before Palin took office, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski’s job approval rating was 19%.[16
taken seriously?
are you kidding me?
93% and you do not want this kind of person representing you and your beliefs?

No i would go with the guy who after 30 months is in the 30s and hope if I scream loud enough about the ones while they served where in the 90s, no-one will notice

I really feel for you bud right now
As A Lefty, I don't hate them as they're free-advertising on why it's a good idea to steer clear of anybody having to do w/ Teavangelists such as the Repub party. I hope they stay in the spotlight ass long as possible. :)

Obama has an approval rating after 30 months of 39%
Palin was Gov of Alaska hers was 93%
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which fell right before she resigned...
You know why her approval rating was so high? She increased the amount of the check Alaskan citizens get each month, you know spreading the wealth. .

what's her ratings now?
As A Lefty, I don't hate them as they're free-advertising on why it's a good idea to steer clear of anybody having to do w/ Teavangelists such as the Repub party. I hope they stay in the spotlight ass long as possible. :)

Obama has an approval rating after 30 months of 39%
Palin was Gov of Alaska hers was 93%
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HALF-TERM Governor ;)

Here is right wing site though.
Obama Mother Nude Photos Reported (PICS) » Right Pundits

Obama's Mother Nude Photos: Was she a freak?

snopes.com: Ann Dunham Soetoro

A link to the nude photo was even posted here, permission given by Gunny. When people start posting pics of nude women claiming it is Palin's mom, we will talk.

Do what?
what does this have to do with the cash that it cost Palinn to fend off the lies that your side attacked her with?
and I hate to say this but to start with none of what you just showed me makes any sense
Your saying this web site is claiming that Obama's mom has made some pictures of her naked, and then showed them?
well to start with it is it true?
if not why didn't they get sued?
and did it cost her 2.5 million dollars to have them taken off?
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bud your comparing apples and oranges
Sarah Palin has been attacked like no person in this countries history has been attacked. As the Governor of Alaska she had an approval rating of 93% and when she was spending every penny she had to fend off the lies in court it was till close to 60%
Job approval ratings, with comparisons
As governor of Alaska, Palin's job approval rating ranged from a high of 93% in May 2007 to 54% in May 2009. In November 2006, the month before Palin took office, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski’s job approval rating was 19%.[163]
She couldn't have them taken off because SHE IS DEAD!
She coudn't defend them because SHE IS DEAD!

God, you are a hypocrite of the highest order. :lol:

You think Obama wanted to get into whether they are of his mom or not? It seems he had enough respect for his mom to ignore it so it would just go away. The right had already said enough about his dead mother and who she was friends with.
She couldn't have them taken off because SHE IS DEAD!
She coudn't defend them because SHE IS DEAD!

God, you are a hypocrite of the highest order. :lol:

You think Obama wanted to get into whether they are of his mom or not? It seems he had enough respect for his mom to ignore it so it would just go away. The right had already said enough about his dead mother and who she was friends with.

Dude I am a hypocrite?
I never would have known this event took place if not for you
Let me add one other thing about Obama's mother
You the first person I have ever heard talk about her
know about these pictures
where they where
and I have never heard anyone talk about her dead or alive but you
and as far as this whole thing not being true, sounds like to me no-one is denying it

so whats the big deal?
She couldn't have them taken off because SHE IS DEAD!
She coudn't defend them because SHE IS DEAD!

God, you are a hypocrite of the highest order. :lol:

You think Obama wanted to get into whether they are of his mom or not? It seems he had enough respect for his mom to ignore it so it would just go away. The right had already said enough about his dead mother and who she was friends with.

Dude I am a hypocrite?
I never would have known this event took place if not for you
Let me add one other thing about Obama's mother
You the first person I have ever heard talk about her
know about these pictures
where they where
and I have never heard anyone talk about her dead or alive but you
and as far as this whole thing not being true, sounds like to me no-one is denying it

so whats the big deal?

So its my fault I have been here awhile and remember what right wing loons have posted here?:lol:
As A Lefty, I don't hate them as they're free-advertising on why it's a good idea to steer clear of anybody having to do w/ Teavangelists such as the Repub party. I hope they stay in the spotlight ass long as possible. :)

Obama has an approval rating after 30 months of 39%
Palin was Gov of Alaska hers was 93%
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HALF-TERM Governor ;)


your doing more to validate my thread than I ever could
you Libs just walk right into it
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
she would not run for re-election in the 2010 Alaska gubernatorial election and would resign before the end of July. In her announcement,[176] Palin stated that both she and the state had been expending an "insane" amount of time and money ($2.5 million)[177] to address "frivolous" ethics complaints filed against her,[177][178][179][176] and that her decision not to seek reelection would make her a lame duck governor.[176] A Palin aide said Palin was "no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do. Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah to go to work every day and defend herself."[180] Palin and her husband Todd had personally incurred more than $500,000 in legal fees defending against ethics charges brought against her as governor.[177] Palin transferred the office of governor to Sean Parnell in Fairbanks on July 26, 2009.[181]
In December 2010, new rules governing Alaska executive branch ethics, stemming from Sarah Palin's tenure as governor, took effect.[182] "These include allowing for the state to pay legal costs for officials cleared of ethics violations; (and) allowing for a family member of the governor or lieutenant governor to travel at state cost in certain circumstances . . ."[182]
I admit that I don't get a chance to read the entire internet every day however... From my perspective the biggest news about Bachmann has been:
Family Farm subsidies
Husband's clinic
Family Reunion
Elvis Presley

Has the press reported on anything substantive aside from maybe the debt ceiling? I must have missed it.
She couldn't have them taken off because SHE IS DEAD!
She coudn't defend them because SHE IS DEAD!

God, you are a hypocrite of the highest order. :lol:

You think Obama wanted to get into whether they are of his mom or not? It seems he had enough respect for his mom to ignore it so it would just go away. The right had already said enough about his dead mother and who she was friends with.

Dude I am a hypocrite?
I never would have known this event took place if not for you
Let me add one other thing about Obama's mother
You the first person I have ever heard talk about her
know about these pictures
where they where
and I have never heard anyone talk about her dead or alive but you
and as far as this whole thing not being true, sounds like to me no-one is denying it

so whats the big deal?

So its my fault I have been here awhile and remember what right wing loons have posted here?:lol:

I am so confused
was this thing about Obama's mom true or not?
can we start there?
Are you saying that someone on this message board took the pictures?

Bud I am being dead serious here

You have thrown something in the mix here I have never heard of thats is first grade tabloid trash
see all of the stuff about Plain
being a slut
her daughter having sex with a grown man during the 7th inning of a baseball game
that was all made up
in addition the frivolous" ethics complaints filed against her cost her and the state of Alaska millions
it was all BS

This is news to me about Obama's mom
no BS I did not know she was dead
I had no idea she posed nude or was accused of posing nude
I admit that I don't get a chance to read the entire internet every day however... From my perspective the biggest news about Bachmann has been:
Family Farm subsidies
Husband's clinic
Family Reunion
Elvis Presley

Has the press reported on anything substantive aside from maybe the debt ceiling? I must have missed it.

I started this thread and I should have put a condition with this thread. I would not have voted for either
this thread is a fact
the democratic party is so scared that a Palin will come along and change 5% of those women who think the democratic party is really about protecting a womans rights to what they really are
when they do that, (if it ever happened) the democratic party would never win another election
They have the minorities
the illegals that vote anyway
they have those 4 ever
and they have just enough women to have a fighting chance
they lose that

Its over for good
Thats why Palin and MB have been attacked with no mercy
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Here is right wing site though.
Obama Mother Nude Photos Reported (PICS) » Right Pundits

Obama's Mother Nude Photos: Was she a freak?

snopes.com: Ann Dunham Soetoro

A link to the nude photo was even posted here, permission given by Gunny. When people start posting pics of nude women claiming it is Palin's mom, we will talk.

If you compare Marcy Moore's pictures to the pictures of Ann Dunham, you can see it's not the same person. How desperate can you right wingers get?? What a disgusting bunch.
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Dude I am a hypocrite?
I never would have known this event took place if not for you
Let me add one other thing about Obama's mother
You the first person I have ever heard talk about her
know about these pictures
where they where
and I have never heard anyone talk about her dead or alive but you
and as far as this whole thing not being true, sounds like to me no-one is denying it

so whats the big deal?

So its my fault I have been here awhile and remember what right wing loons have posted here?:lol:

I am so confused
was this thing about Obama's mom true or not?
can we start there?
Are you saying that someone on this message board took the pictures?

Bud I am being dead serious here

You have thrown something in the mix here I have never heard of thats is first grade tabloid trash
see all of the stuff about Plain
being a slut
her daughter having sex with a grown man during the 7th inning of a baseball game
that was all made up
in addition the frivolous" ethics complaints filed against her cost her and the state of Alaska millions
it was all BS

This is news to me about Obama's mom
no BS I did not know she was dead
I had no idea she posed nude or was accused of posing nude
Dude, did you not look at the links I posted?:lol:

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