Why the Olmecs did not stay in Ancient America. Blacks came to America before Columbus

The Olmecs visited America, Mexico, and south America. These Olmecs were black people. Their appearance was similar to a tribe of Africans that inhabit modern day Senegal. Many European and American archeologist, who through their own racism, do not recognize their historical visit. The huge stone heads that were dug up in Mexico, San Lorenzo , all have black facial features. These Olmecs, visited North America, and San Lorenzo , and La Venta Mexico. They did not stay in America, or Mexico. They say the land had evil spirits, and did not stay. They eventually went back to Africa.
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Are any supporting this Mormon?
These Olmecs were black people.
No, you are lying

The Olmecs were African.
lol, 🇷🇺 loser , read this :
lol, 🇷🇺 loser , read this :

The Olmec heads have African features. Undeniable
The Olmec heads have African features. Undeniable
she has them as well, so what ?


black Cleopatra ?

This is ridiculous if the sub-Saharan Africans had a seagoing technology why didn't they settle the islands just offshore from the African continent?
The early European historians were very racist. They did all they could to wipe African people out of history. What is that old saying: "Until the lion learns to write, the hunter will always be the winner of the story".
Or something like that.
No, they didn't. it's just human nature; everyone writes from their own perspective the early historians didn't mention blacks very much because they didn't see very many. Until the Age of exploration the Europeans didn't even know that Sub Saharan Africa existed. In ancient times, they thought there were only two Continents Europe and Asia. North Africa was thought to be only an extension of Asia.
This is ridiculous if the sub-Saharan Africans had a seagoing technology why didn't they settle the islands just offshore from the African continent?
True. Polynesians were the first people in Madagascar and the Portuguese the first on Cape Verde.
The Olmecs visited America, Mexico, and south America. These Olmecs were black people. Their appearance was similar to a tribe of Africans that inhabit modern day Senegal. Many European and American archeologist, who through their own racism, do not recognize their historical visit. The huge stone heads that were dug up in Mexico, San Lorenzo , all have black facial features. These Olmecs, visited North America, and San Lorenzo , and La Venta Mexico. They did not stay in America, or Mexico. They say the land had evil spirits, and did not stay. They eventually went back to Africa.
Your thoughts.
The Olmecs visited America, Mexico, and south America. These Olmecs were black people. Their appearance was similar to a tribe of Africans that inhabit modern day Senegal. Many European and American archeologist, who through their own racism, do not recognize their historical visit. The huge stone heads that were dug up in Mexico, San Lorenzo , all have black facial features. These Olmecs, visited North America, and San Lorenzo , and La Venta Mexico. They did not stay in America, or Mexico. They say the land had evil spirits, and did not stay. They eventually went back to Africa.
Your thoughts.
You are making a funny
The Olmecs visited America, Mexico, and south America. These Olmecs were black people. Their appearance was similar to a tribe of Africans that inhabit modern day Senegal. Many European and American archeologist, who through their own racism, do not recognize their historical visit. The huge stone heads that were dug up in Mexico, San Lorenzo , all have black facial features. These Olmecs, visited North America, and San Lorenzo , and La Venta Mexico. They did not stay in America, or Mexico. They say the land had evil spirits, and did not stay. They eventually went back to Africa.
Your thoughts.
Yeah, and the Mayans really looked like this;
No, they didn't. it's just human nature; everyone writes from their own perspective the early historians didn't mention blacks very much because they didn't see very many. Until the Age of exploration the Europeans didn't even know that Sub Saharan Africa existed. In ancient times, they thought there were only two Continents Europe and Asia. North Africa was thought to be only an extension of Asia.
Even after they did know of Africa, they tried to whitewash the history by saying that Europeans created/invented everything. Ancient Greece and the Romans got much of their learning from the Sumerians of Africa. (circa 1250 BC).
Also, in some parts of Africa where statues were made that had African features, the noses and lips of the statues were knocked off so the African features wouldn't show.
There is a lot more, but I can't think of it all right now. I'll get back to you.
Sumerians of Africa.

"Sumerians of Africa"?

Oh dear lord, talk about a load of garbage!

Just to start with, Sumeria was in Asia, not Africa. So we can start with a huge geographical failure. If placed on a modern map, that is where Iraq and Syria are today. And that is very much not Africa.

And they did not even arrive at that area from Africa. Most though believe they came from modern Russia, as it is in keeping with both their chariots and other artifacts. If they had indeed come out of Africa, then their technology, culture and beliefs would have been closer to that of Egypt and the rest of the levant, and not so vastly different that few comparisons can be made between theirs and others in the region before them.
Even after they did know of Africa, they tried to whitewash the history by saying that Europeans created/invented everything. Ancient Greece and the Romans got much of their learning from the Sumerians of Africa. (circa 1250 BC).
Also, in some parts of Africa where statues were made that had African features, the noses and lips of the statues were knocked off so the African features wouldn't show.
There is a lot more, but I can't think of it all right now. I'll get back to you.

Just because someone makes money printing stuff you want to read and believe doesn't make it true.​

The Evidence Against an African Origin

There are many pieces of evidence that suggest that the Sumerians did not come from Africa. The most obvious is that they spoke a completely different language from any African language. They also had a different type of writing, called cuneiform, which was used in Mesopotamia for thousands of years before the first Africans arrived in the region.

Other evidence against an African origin for the Sumerians includes their physical appearance. The Sumerians were a light-skinned people with straight hair, while most Africans are dark-skinned with curly hair. In addition, the Sumerians were shorter than average for people from Africa.

Finally, there is no archaeological evidence to support the claim that the Sumerians came from Africa. There are no remains of early African settlements in Mesopotamia, and no African artifacts have been found in Sumerian sites.
There are many pieces of evidence that suggest that the Sumerians did not come from Africa. The most obvious is that they spoke a completely different language from any African language. They also had a different type of writing, called cuneiform, which was used in Mesopotamia for thousands of years before the first Africans arrived in the region.

Even more striking is simply their technology.

The Sumerians were accomplished horse breeders and charioteers. And were masters of a two wheeled light chariot. This is an almost classic sign that a culture came from Central Asia as that is where all of the multiple civilizations that used chariots at that time originated out of.

And exactly what African cultures in that era are renowned for chariots or horse breeding? Even the Egyptians in that era had barely advanced chariots beyond a kind of cart that had solid wood wheels.

And if they had come "out of Africa", where did their horses come from? And how did they pass through Egypt, and the Egyptians not pick up some of their horses for breeding and learn how to improve their own chariots? Because when the two cultures did start to clash, their abilities shocked the Egyptians. That is something that would not have happened if they had already passed through their nation.

Oh, and they have some of the most extensive records of the ancient world. Even showing meetings with proto-Hebrews and what areas they allowed them to settle in. But strange, no mentions in any of their ancient historical records of a people passing through their territory with impressive horses and chariots. Only first meeting them once they moved into the Levant. Therefore, logically they could only have entered the Levant from somewhere other than Africa.

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