Why the Olmecs did not stay in Ancient America. Blacks came to America before Columbus

All that ”proof” and no DNA evidence?!?!
Just a Hypothesis of mine. I do agree with Thor Hyradall's theory of cultural migration. He crossed the ocean on a craft made of dry water grass. so anything is possible.
Some black historian professor theorized that since some statues in C. S. America had big lips they were modeled after people who came from Sub Saharan Africa lol.
There is zero evidence of any ship building culture from SSA.

If anyone made it the the Americas, before the Vikings that was not native, it would have been Polynesians who could travel vast distances in the pacific.
Blacks never discovered islands a stone throw from the continent (that's why they're all Portugese colonies and I don't think they swam to the Americas. Hell, the Polynesians got to Madagascar before blacks.

Given all that, it's a hell of a stretch.
Portugese built the first sugar plantations on uninhabited islands 100 miles off of the w. coast of Africa. They built the first ships designed for the Atlantic. Prior to that everything was designed for the Mediterranean Sea.
The Olmecs were African.

When the Spaniards "discovered" South America, they found Asian chicken that were left as gifts from a Chinese fleet who arrived 150 years before

Gobekeli Tepi was a civilization that was fully formed and advanced 12,000 years ago

The builders of the Pyramids and walls in Peru and many other places the world over percision carved and moved massive stones in ways far beyond copper chisels and deer antlers ever could

You have been taught a completely fictional history
You've been watching too much Ancient Aliens and not enough Discovery Channel........
Portugese built the first sugar plantations on uninhabited islands 100 miles off of the w. coast of Africa. They built the first ships designed for the Atlantic. Prior to that everything was designed for the Mediterranean Sea.
So the Olmecs Googled "African Faces" to make those carvings?
You need a lot more evidence than "because they look the same," especially if you're going to accuse anyone who calls you on it of racism.
So the Olmecs Googled "African Faces" to make those carvings?
There is no one way to look native American nor African. There is like a 1,000 different tribes of the Americas and all kinds of different tribes and people in Africa.
There is no one way to look native American nor African. There is like a 1,000 different tribes of the Americas and all kinds of different tribes and people in Africa.
True, the southeastern tribes in the U.S.A. look a lot different than those on the pacific coast.
There is no one way to look native American nor African. There is like a 1,000 different tribes of the Americas and all kinds of different tribes and people in Africa.
Forget what you were taught and take an honest look at the carvings, those are African faces.
Photo of a black polynesian. What do you think similar to the carvings?
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In other revisionist history, Wakanda became the capital of the One World Government. Ironically, the year was 1619.
The Olmecs visited America, Mexico, and south America. These Olmecs were black people. Their appearance was similar to a tribe of Africans that inhabit modern day Senegal. Many European and American archeologist, who through their own racism, do not recognize their historical visit. The huge stone heads that were dug up in Mexico, San Lorenzo , all have black facial features. These Olmecs, visited North America, and San Lorenzo , and La Venta Mexico. They did not stay in America, or Mexico. They say the land had evil spirits, and did not stay. They eventually went back to Africa.
Your thoughts.
Didn't stay? Really----what makes you think that they were killed off as being undesireable (assuming your story isn't fiction to begin with.)

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