Why The OWS Is Allowed in Public Parks


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. The Democrats were certain that they had the equal and opposite response to the Tea Party...

a. Obama supported it...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH99q2CRNZg]Obama Supports Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

b. "House Democratic Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she supports the growing nationwide Occupy Wall Street movement,..." Politics News: Latest Political News and U.S. Elections Coverage - ABC News

2. Zuccotti Park, NYC...private park:
a. "...we basically look to the police leadership and mayor to decide what to do,” Brookfield’s chairman, John Zuccotti, said last month.

Sure, we understand the pressure the company’s been under -- including, most shamefully, from cynical New York pols looking to cozy up to the heavily out-of-towner-based group, local radicals, and their manipulators in the labor unions seeking to capitalize on the “occupation.”

That pressure explains why Brookfield has been reluctant to push City Hall -- publicly -- for action.
Time to throw the bums out - NYPOST.com

b. Mayor Bloomberg:"Mayor Bloomberg & Co. have essentially been hiding behind the fact that Zuccotti Park is not city property.

“If Brookfield were to come to us and say that their rules are being violated ... the Police Department will do what it has to do,” Bloomberg said last week. “But this is not a public park.” (ibid.)

3. Connect the dots: the White House had hopes that this 'movement' would push the electorate in their direction, and put the pressure on Zuccotti and Bloomberg....wrong again, Obama. What pressure?

a. "The Union Leader of New Hampshire reported that the Obama administration has backed a local wind farm (tied to Brookfield) with taxpayer dollars. The title of the story, “A NH Solyndra? Wind farm gets fed loan” leads one to believe that the project is probably on shaky financial footing. The Union Leader connects the dots from the White House to Brookfield and then, in the wake of the Solyndra bankruptcy, questions the financial wisdom of this loan.

Why would a company created by a $3.2 billion company and backed by a $2.7 billion private fund need federal loan guarantees? That would be an important question at any time, but it is more pertinent after the bankruptcy of Solyndra, a solar-panel maker that got a $535 million federal loan guarantee from the Obama administration last year."
Occupy Wall Street | Zuccotti Park | Who is John Zuccotti? | TheBlaze.com

b. "The Department of Energy finalized the loan guarantee less than a week after Occupy Wall Street protesters took to Zuccotti Park, and with the Obama administration's Tuesday endorsement of the protests, rumors are starting to circulate that this could be the reason Brookfield is allowing protesters to remain on its property."
Here's The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park

So, let's review:
1. Fear of the power of the Tea Party ( see mid-term elections, 2010) had the incompetent Leftists in charge of the Democrat Party searching for a response.

2. The incipient band of rabble known as the OWS (the eponymic Pee Party) seemed to fit the bill....

3. White House bribes the owners of Zuccotti Park with taxpayer funds, to allow the 'occupation.'

4. Little Mikey Bloomberg falls right in line.

5. Violence and illegality becomes the hallmark....

6. Another strike out by the Obama administration.

Wadda ya' say....call it a scandal?
1. The Democrats were certain that they had the equal and opposite response to the Tea Party...

a. Obama supported it...
Obama Supports Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

b. "House Democratic Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she supports the growing nationwide Occupy Wall Street movement,..." Politics News: Latest Political News and U.S. Elections Coverage - ABC News

2. Zuccotti Park, NYC...private park:
a. "...we basically look to the police leadership and mayor to decide what to do,” Brookfield’s chairman, John Zuccotti, said last month.

Sure, we understand the pressure the company’s been under -- including, most shamefully, from cynical New York pols looking to cozy up to the heavily out-of-towner-based group, local radicals, and their manipulators in the labor unions seeking to capitalize on the “occupation.”

That pressure explains why Brookfield has been reluctant to push City Hall -- publicly -- for action.
Time to throw the bums out - NYPOST.com

b. Mayor Bloomberg:"Mayor Bloomberg & Co. have essentially been hiding behind the fact that Zuccotti Park is not city property.

“If Brookfield were to come to us and say that their rules are being violated ... the Police Department will do what it has to do,” Bloomberg said last week. “But this is not a public park.” (ibid.)

3. Connect the dots: the White House had hopes that this 'movement' would push the electorate in their direction, and put the pressure on Zuccotti and Bloomberg....wrong again, Obama. What pressure?

a. "The Union Leader of New Hampshire reported that the Obama administration has backed a local wind farm (tied to Brookfield) with taxpayer dollars. The title of the story, “A NH Solyndra? Wind farm gets fed loan” leads one to believe that the project is probably on shaky financial footing. The Union Leader connects the dots from the White House to Brookfield and then, in the wake of the Solyndra bankruptcy, questions the financial wisdom of this loan.

Why would a company created by a $3.2 billion company and backed by a $2.7 billion private fund need federal loan guarantees? That would be an important question at any time, but it is more pertinent after the bankruptcy of Solyndra, a solar-panel maker that got a $535 million federal loan guarantee from the Obama administration last year."
Occupy Wall Street | Zuccotti Park | Who is John Zuccotti? | TheBlaze.com

b. "The Department of Energy finalized the loan guarantee less than a week after Occupy Wall Street protesters took to Zuccotti Park, and with the Obama administration's Tuesday endorsement of the protests, rumors are starting to circulate that this could be the reason Brookfield is allowing protesters to remain on its property."
Here's The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park

So, let's review:
1. Fear of the power of the Tea Party ( see mid-term elections, 2010) had the incompetent Leftists in charge of the Democrat Party searching for a response.

2. The incipient band of rabble known as the OWS (the eponymic Pee Party) seemed to fit the bill....

3. White House bribes the owners of Zuccotti Park with taxpayer funds, to allow the 'occupation.'

4. Little Mikey Bloomberg falls right in line.

5. Violence and illegality becomes the hallmark....

6. Another strike out by the Obama administration.

Wadda ya' say....call it a scandal?

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Why The OWS Is Allowed in Public Parks?

Is that a rhetorical question?

Now, Techy, why would you pretend that these folks merely visit parks, public or privately owned, such as Zuccotti?

You know very well that they annex said parks.

Would you care to read the OP, and respond to the question as to whether the Obama administration encouraged this disgusting congregation?


I can understand why...it represents both skullduggery and incompetence.

Snidely Whiplash in the White House: "Curses! Foiled again!"
Why The OWS Is Allowed in Public Parks?

Is that a rhetorical question?

Now, Techy, why would you pretend that these folks merely visit parks, public or privately owned, such as Zuccotti?

You know very well that they annex said parks.

Would you care to read the OP, and respond to the question as to whether the Obama administration encouraged this disgusting congregation?


I can understand why...it represents both skullduggery and incompetence.

Snidely Whiplash in the White House: "Curses! Foiled again!"

Obama and Pelosi both encouraged it. Heck even a local politician who is running against Scott Brown for the senate seat here used it...then an ad came out against her for it...let me show you videos

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNxez4ddpa0]Crossroads GPS: "Foundation" MA - YouTube[/ame]

Oh and here is an interesting video with obama's and pelosi's support in it. The video is obviously not pro OWS

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8UtYQ2zKmk]Democrats Shamefully support Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

Is that a rhetorical question?

Now, Techy, why would you pretend that these folks merely visit parks, public or privately owned, such as Zuccotti?

You know very well that they annex said parks.

Would you care to read the OP, and respond to the question as to whether the Obama administration encouraged this disgusting congregation?


I can understand why...it represents both skullduggery and incompetence.

Snidely Whiplash in the White House: "Curses! Foiled again!"

Obama and Pelosi both encouraged it. Heck even a local politician who is running against Scott Brown for the senate seat here used it...then an ad came out against her for it...let me show you videos
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNxez4ddpa0]Crossroads GPS: "Foundation" MA - YouTube[/ame]

Oh and here is an interesting video with obama's and pelosi's support in it. The video is obviously not pro OWS

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8UtYQ2zKmk]Democrats Shamefully support Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

Well, Pilgrim...now it's official!

Another flub by the Democrats! And they threw in the towel!

This morn, the police did at Zuccotti Park exactly what the American people will do in November '12: they threw the bums out!

"Hundreds of New York City police officers cleared Zuccotti Park of the Occupy Wall Street protesters early Tuesday, arresting dozens of people there after warning them that the nearly two-month-old camp would be “cleared and restored” before the morning and that any demonstrator who did not leave would be arrested.

The protesters, about 200 of whom have been staying in the park overnight, initially resisted with chants of “Whose park? Our park!” as officers began moving in and tearing down tents. The protesters rallied around an area known as the kitchen, near the middle of the park and began building barricades with tables and pieces of scrap wood. "


So, the Progressives thought they had the answer to the Tea Party in the OWS shock troops, but the usual violence and illegality associated with the Left revealed the ineptitute of these ersatz revolutionaries.

Bye, bye, Obama-boys!
Why The OWS Is Allowed in Public Parks?

Is that a rhetorical question?

It's not a public park; it's private property, and improper activities on private property are normally called "public nuisances" by the authorities and are shut down, with legal action taken against the instigators.

So true, Horse!

Can you imagine that Lefty Bloomberg would think folks would believe that he couldn't do what his police did this morning just because it was 'private property'???

As though they wouldn't arrest you on your own front lawn if they smelled pot!
No...the Dems thought they had the answer to the Tea Party...

Nah, they should have tried their mobile shout-out.
Now, Techy, why would you pretend that these folks merely visit parks, public or privately owned, such as Zuccotti?

You know very well that they annex said parks.

Would you care to read the OP, and respond to the question as to whether the Obama administration encouraged this disgusting congregation?


I can understand why...it represents both skullduggery and incompetence.

Snidely Whiplash in the White House: "Curses! Foiled again!"

Obama and Pelosi both encouraged it. Heck even a local politician who is running against Scott Brown for the senate seat here used it...then an ad came out against her for it...let me show you videos
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNxez4ddpa0]Crossroads GPS: "Foundation" MA - YouTube[/ame]

Oh and here is an interesting video with obama's and pelosi's support in it. The video is obviously not pro OWS

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8UtYQ2zKmk]Democrats Shamefully support Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

Well, Pilgrim...now it's official!

Another flub by the Democrats! And they threw in the towel!

This morn, the police did at Zuccotti Park exactly what the American people will do in November '12: they threw the bums out!

"Hundreds of New York City police officers cleared Zuccotti Park of the Occupy Wall Street protesters early Tuesday, arresting dozens of people there after warning them that the nearly two-month-old camp would be “cleared and restored” before the morning and that any demonstrator who did not leave would be arrested.

The protesters, about 200 of whom have been staying in the park overnight, initially resisted with chants of “Whose park? Our park!” as officers began moving in and tearing down tents. The protesters rallied around an area known as the kitchen, near the middle of the park and began building barricades with tables and pieces of scrap wood. "


So, the Progressives thought they had the answer to the Tea Party in the OWS shock troops, but the usual violence and illegality associated with the Left revealed the ineptitute of these ersatz revolutionaries.

Bye, bye, Obama-boys!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WMDbFZfX_0]Occupy Wall Street "Dazed and Confused" -a comparison of OWS and the Tea Party. - YouTube[/ame]

^^^^ Really long video but if you have the time to watch its an excellent comparison between OWS and the TEA party. They actually back up what they say and go into detail a bit which is part of why the video is so long.
Why The OWS Is Allowed in Public Parks?

Is that a rhetorical question?

It's not a public park; it's private property, and improper activities on private property are normally called "public nuisances" by the authorities and are shut down, with legal action taken against the instigators.

Privately Owned Public Space - New York City Department of City Planning

See the link above for details on POPS or privately owned public spaces. Basically developers traded space at lower levels of the properties for the ability to build higher buildings. Some of them, like zuccotti park, are open spaces at ground level of the property. Others are rooftop areas on smaller buildings in a development, still others are basically open areas in the lower floor of buildings, often with resturants and public restrooms. Some are just corridors between buildings with plants and seats.

The reason the protesters selected these instead of actual parks (NYC Parks Department) is that the rules state they must be availible for 24 hour occupation by people involved in leasure activities. NYC parks have more stringent rules, such as closing times, and equipment bans already in place. These spaces never had such rules, because they never really needed them.
*''The current Occupy Wall Street movement is the best illustration to date of what President Barack Obama’s America looks like. It is an America where the lawless, unaccomplished, ignorant and incompetent rule. It is an America where those who have sacrificed nothing pillage and destroy the lives of those who have sacrificed greatly...."

This is a letter to the editor of Knoxville News-Sentinel . It is correct and true, and on the newspaper’s website. The letter was wrongly attributed to Thomas Sowell. Thomas Sowell did not write this letter to the editor, so I have been informed. It was written by a Knoxville local named Jack Furnari.

The rest of the letter may be found here:
Obama’s America | LibertyLog

Is that a rhetorical question?

It's not a public park; it's private property, and improper activities on private property are normally called "public nuisances" by the authorities and are shut down, with legal action taken against the instigators.

Privately Owned Public Space - New York City Department of City Planning

See the link above for details on POPS or privately owned public spaces. Basically developers traded space at lower levels of the properties for the ability to build higher buildings. Some of them, like zuccotti park, are open spaces at ground level of the property. Others are rooftop areas on smaller buildings in a development, still others are basically open areas in the lower floor of buildings, often with resturants and public restrooms. Some are just corridors between buildings with plants and seats.

The reason the protesters selected these instead of actual parks (NYC Parks Department) is that the rules state they must be availible for 24 hour occupation by people involved in leasure activities. NYC parks have more stringent rules, such as closing times, and equipment bans already in place. These spaces never had such rules, because they never really needed them.

"The reason the protesters selected these instead of actual parks ..."

Marty, the question is, rather, why they were allowed to remain by the owners.

And the answer is the essence of the OP....the owners were induced by a Left wing administration that hoped, believed, that this group would be the answer to the Tea Party.

"The Department of Energy finalized the loan guarantee less than a week after Occupy Wall Street protesters took to Zuccotti Park, and with the Obama administration's Tuesday endorsement of the protests, rumors are starting to circulate that this could be the reason Brookfield is allowing protesters to remain on its property."
Here's The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park
*''The current Occupy Wall Street movement is the best illustration to date of what President Barack Obama’s America looks like. It is an America where the lawless, unaccomplished, ignorant and incompetent rule. It is an America where those who have sacrificed nothing pillage and destroy the lives of those who have sacrificed greatly...."

This is a letter to the editor of Knoxville News-Sentinel . It is correct and true, and on the newspaper’s website. The letter was wrongly attributed to Thomas Sowell. Thomas Sowell did not write this letter to the editor, so I have been informed. It was written by a Knoxville local named Jack Furnari.

The rest of the letter may be found here:
Obama’s America | LibertyLog

I think I just found a new sig line
Is like the Soros thing? Where he donated all this money to OWS, but really didn't?

The group speaks out against democrats and republican almost every day on their facebook page.
To put Obama aside, why would it matter is someone who is running for office supported the OWS?
Is like the Soros thing? Where he donated all this money to OWS, but really didn't?

The group speaks out against democrats and republican almost every day on their facebook page.
To put Obama aside, why would it matter is someone who is running for office supported the OWS?


A lot of the groups that donated money and paid people to go to the OWS receive Sorros money. The connection is as good as, and even better than, the Koch connections people bring up.

Is that a rhetorical question?

It's not a public park; it's private property, and improper activities on private property are normally called "public nuisances" by the authorities and are shut down, with legal action taken against the instigators.

Privately Owned Public Space - New York City Department of City Planning

See the link above for details on POPS or privately owned public spaces. Basically developers traded space at lower levels of the properties for the ability to build higher buildings. Some of them, like zuccotti park, are open spaces at ground level of the property. Others are rooftop areas on smaller buildings in a development, still others are basically open areas in the lower floor of buildings, often with resturants and public restrooms. Some are just corridors between buildings with plants and seats.

The reason the protesters selected these instead of actual parks (NYC Parks Department) is that the rules state they must be availible for 24 hour occupation by people involved in leasure activities. NYC parks have more stringent rules, such as closing times, and equipment bans already in place. These spaces never had such rules, because they never really needed them.

Excellent post, thank you for making it!
*''The current Occupy Wall Street movement is the best illustration to date of what President Barack Obama’s America looks like. It is an America where the lawless, unaccomplished, ignorant and incompetent rule. It is an America where those who have sacrificed nothing pillage and destroy the lives of those who have sacrificed greatly...."

This is a letter to the editor of Knoxville News-Sentinel . It is correct and true, and on the newspaper’s website. The letter was wrongly attributed to Thomas Sowell. Thomas Sowell did not write this letter to the editor, so I have been informed. It was written by a Knoxville local named Jack Furnari.

The rest of the letter may be found here:
Obama’s America | LibertyLog

So you consider a group who most have had some college, a large portion has bachelor's degree and master's degree unaccomplished and ignorant? :lol:
I think the person you quoted is partisan and it is showing.
And these kids are not destroying America, thinking the way that man does is destroying America. Putting corporation and Wall Street ahead Main street is destroying America.

And I also want to know who he is referring to when he said they sacrificed greatly?
Well, PC, for once your OP is almost on target, as far as explaining why Occupy is being allowed to continue doing things that are of dubious legality.

There are just a couple of errors in your analysis.

1) The Obama administration is not capitalizing politically on Occupy nearly as much as you imply, nor, in my opinion, as much as it should.

2) While talk about misbehavior on the part of the protesters may have become a major meme in right-wing circles, among the general population sympathy for the protest is running very high, and support for the movement's issues is huge.

So this is hardly a "strike-out" for the administration. First, it has yet to swing; second, this is a sucker pitch set up for a homer if there ever was one.
That's government for you | Nealz Nuze | www.boortz.com

Cub Scouts reduced to tears for picking up leaves in a park.

As I understand the story, Governor Granholm --- and remember that she is a Democrat --- initiated a program whereby all adults in Michigan who accept Medicaid dollars for the care of their disabled adult children are deemed to be providing care for their children as employees – yes, as employees – of some government outfit called the Michigan Quality Community Care Council.

In this section the author has no clue what he is talking about, just so you know. ;)

You know how I know? Because I take care of Adults who are disabled, and my friend's dad is paid to take care of his............ through the state. When you do this, you are also usually required to go through training, and for good reason.

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