why the usps is going broke


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i received a tervis tumbler in the mail....it was unsealed from inner cup to out cup. they have a life time warrenty...no biggie...i am in a hurry yesterday to get things done...so i gave the cup and the address and go on...

well....i get to the post office planning to simply drop it in a priority mail box and go on.
the only box it would fit in was a flat rate box....for $10.35. I ask for a non flat rate box for priority shipping...they didnt have any...but they did have a box with hearts for $4.50 cents that the tumber would fit in.


i cant imagine they weigh more than a oz or more....they hold 16 oz....the post office is putting itself out of business...i brought the tumber home....wrapped it in an old cat food box and now lets see how much they want to mail it first class?
USPS is going broke because the government decided it needed to be run like a for profit business.

Its current business model is burdened with debts (pensions, mostly, and real estate, too) it took on before it was supposed to run like a for-profit business.
The USPS is going broke because if you want to get a message to someone, you will email them. And if you want to get a package to them, you'll FedEx or UPS.

If you want it to get lost, you'll stick it in the mail.
The USPS is going broke because if you want to get a message to someone, you will email them. And if you want to get a package to them, you'll FedEx or UPS.

If you want it to get lost, you'll stick it in the mail.
There you go, says it all.
The USPS is going broke because if you want to get a message to someone, you will email them. And if you want to get a package to them, you'll FedEx or UPS.

If you want it to get lost, you'll stick it in the mail.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

The USPS also has inferior tracking systems for express and priority packages which make me want to pay more with UPS and FedEx. I'm not spending my money on "It was picked up." I want to follow my package everywhere it goes.

Additionally, I can't purchase some of the USPS's other services such as first class mail, bound and printed matter, media mail, etc. online. Why not??? Why not offer ALL of your services online??
Ten years ago, I received most of my bills and bank statements through the mail. When I paid my bills, I sent a check through the mail. Today, I receive all my bank statements online. I receive all my bills online except for two, and I only pay one of those by check sent through the mail, and that is a bill that is only paid quarterly. Basically, I've reduced the mail I receive and send through the mail from around 240 pieces to 8. That's a loss of $100 per year. Combine that by the average household and every business, and it is easy to see why the USPS is broke.
The USPS is going broke because if you want to get a message to someone, you will email them. And if you want to get a package to them, you'll FedEx or UPS.

If you want it to get lost, you'll stick it in the mail.

yes, let's have the government run more....
I think we should employ the principles of rightwing conservative ideology, and completely privitize the Postal Service.

We could put brilliant and competent captains of corporate industry in charge; like the dudes from AIG, Enron, Chrysler, GM, and Bear Stearn.
The USPS is going broke because if you want to get a message to someone, you will email them. And if you want to get a package to them, you'll FedEx or UPS.

If you want it to get lost, you'll stick it in the mail.

yes, let's have the government run more....

If this is how uncle runs the mail, can you imagine the mess they'll make with healthcare?
The USPS is going broke because if you want to get a message to someone, you will email them. And if you want to get a package to them, you'll FedEx or UPS.

If you want it to get lost, you'll stick it in the mail.

yes, let's have the government run more....

If this is how uncle runs the mail, can you imagine the mess they'll make with healthcare?

The postage system is centuries old and is a gigantic mess that's been needing fixing for over 20 years. I have complete confidence that Obama will create an efficient, state of the art government health insurance program for people to choose if they don't want private health care.
I think we should employ the principles of rightwing conservative ideology, and completely privitize the Postal Service.

We could put brilliant and competent captains of corporate industry in charge; like the dudes from AIG, Enron, Chrysler, GM, and Bear Stearn.

And then we - that bad old government - could bail them out as we have S&L and banking and on and on. LOL

It bewilders me why the conservatives hate the very things that have made this nation great. What a odd bunch, spoiled and self indulgent I guess as my wife tells me so often on today's youth.
I think we should employ the principles of rightwing conservative ideology, and completely privitize the Postal Service.

We could put brilliant and competent captains of corporate industry in charge; like the dudes from AIG, Enron, Chrysler, GM, and Bear Stearn.

And then we - that bad old government - could bail them out as we have S&L and banking and on and on. LOL

It bewilders me why the conservatives hate the very things that have made this nation great. What a odd bunch, spoiled and self indulgent I guess as my wife tells me so often on today's youth.

No, then you let them go under and something better and stronger will emerge.

It bewilders me why liberals hate personal responsibility, the very thing that made this country great. What an odd bunch, spoiled and lazy wanting uncle to carry them from cradle to grave.
The post office used to be one of the only government agencies that ran in the black.. those days are indeed past

I guess it is debatable whether or not we really NEED a post office any more.. there are better options when sending things, and there is much less normal or personal mail.. online bill paying, e-mail , facebook, etc have greatly attributed to that...

So maybe, just maybe, it is time for private businesses to research into doing it faster and cheaper with the total coverage needed, and rid the government of the post office... there are indeed businesses and business leaders who COULD do it...

But having the government let go of anything is harder than stopping a speeding semi truck with a sheet of gauze....
yes, let's have the government run more....

If this is how uncle runs the mail, can you imagine the mess they'll make with healthcare?

The postage system is centuries old and is a gigantic mess that's been needing fixing for over 20 years. I have complete confidence that Obama will create an efficient, state of the art government health insurance program for people to choose if they don't want private health care.

The post office needs to acclimate to the technological changes that have occurred and succeed or go out of business.

Obama will create an efficient state of the art government health insurance program? You used efficient and government in the same sentence. Fail.

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