Why voting by mail is risky!

Maybe dumb assed Republicans should be making efforts to make it more secure, instead of preventing or eliminating vote by mail. I don't think they want it secure, as it would take away a bitching point.
And maybe illegal immigrants shouldn't have been encouraged as your party's leader said..."surge to the border" so their illegal votes count!
Biden urged, begged...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

In 2012, the Pew Research Center’s National Survey of Latinos found that among Latino immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (and therefore likely unauthorized immigrants), some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans. An additional 33% say they are political independents, 16% mention some other political party and 15% say they “don’t know” or refuse to answer the question.

National Democrats often applaud efforts such as the expansion of mail balloting in blue states and allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. Their silence on New York City’s immigrant-voting law, however, likely reflects an ambivalence by the city’s own leadership and national advocates for immigration reform about both the political wisdom of the policy and its constitutionality.
Definitely! The vote in person's signature is compared with the signature ON FILE!!! If there is ANY question the ballot is "cured"...

What is Ballot Curing?​

The majority of states rely on a process called signature verification to confirm the identity of mail voters. Voters in these states are required to sign their outer ballot envelope to establish their eligibility. Election officials then compare that signature to the voter’s signature on file, which is collected either during voter registration or some other transaction with the state.
If a voter’s signature is missing on the outer ballot envelope, or if it does not match their signature on file, the ballot can be rejected because the voter’s eligibility cannot be confirmed.
To make sure all eligible voters have their voices heard, many states rely on ballot curing to give voters a chance to fix—or “cure”—problems on their ballot envelope before their ballot is discarded. Importantly, voters aren’t changing their choices on the ballot itself.
My sister was a poll watcher in NJ and she was tasked with comparing signatures of walk-ins. If she wasn't sure of a match she'd asked for another sample of the person standing in front of her.
And maybe illegal immigrants shouldn't have been encouraged as your party's leader said..."surge to the border" so their illegal votes count!
Biden urged, begged...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

In 2012, the Pew Research Center’s National Survey of Latinos found that among Latino immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (and therefore likely unauthorized immigrants), some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans. An additional 33% say they are political independents, 16% mention some other political party and 15% say they “don’t know” or refuse to answer the question.

National Democrats often applaud efforts such as the expansion of mail balloting in blue states and allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. Their silence on New York City’s immigrant-voting law, however, likely reflects an ambivalence by the city’s own leadership and national advocates for immigration reform about both the political wisdom of the policy and its constitutionality.

I don't have a party, so no party leader. By the way, how many illegal alien non-citizens have been discovered to have voted in the 2022 election. I have not heard of any or are you just trying to stand up another straw man?
My sister was a poll watcher in NJ and she was tasked with comparing signatures of walk-ins. If she wasn't sure of a match she'd asked for another sample of the person standing in front of her.
Right! And that's what should happen don't dispute. But how did she do vote by mail ballots? Was she the expert on signatures that compared the ballot envelope with the request for ballot signed form?
I don't have a party, so no party leader. By the way, how many illegal alien non-citizens have been discovered to have voted in the 2022 election. I have not heard of any or are you just trying to stand up another straw man?
Why are you as a so-called "moderator" expressing an opinion? Aren't you suppose to be objective? Middle of the road? That's the definition of a "moderator"...A great moderator utilizes language that is straight without being confrontational, and crystal clear without being biased. A moderator's job is to make sure the speakers and audience members understand each other and get along. It is important to be clear and concise with your delivery.https://blog.pigeonholelive.com/5-key-traits-of-moderator-that-every-event-planner-should-kn
Why are you as a so-called "moderator" expressing an opinion? Aren't you suppose to be objective? Middle of the road? That's the definition of a "moderator"...A great moderator utilizes language that is straight without being confrontational, and crystal clear without being biased. A moderator's job is to make sure the speakers and audience members understand each other and get along. It is important to be clear and concise with your delivery.https://blog.pigeonholelive.com/5-key-traits-of-moderator-that-every-event-planner-should-kn
Good luck with that. I am a poster first and a moderator 2nd, or I wouldn't have taken the gig. I don't use opinion or bias when dealing with the rules or moderator actions, but when posting as a member, I post what I feel like, what I agree with and think.
You mean you would give up your soul to be a moderator somewhere? This one isn't even a paid gig. I assure you it wouldn't be worth it.
Right! And that's what should happen don't dispute. But how did she do vote by mail ballots? Was she the expert on signatures that compared the ballot envelope with the request for ballot signed form?
She was not involved with and knows nothing about the mail ballots.
Good luck with that. I am a poster first and a moderator 2nd, or I wouldn't have taken the gig. I don't use opinion or bias when dealing with the rules or moderator actions, but when posting as a member, I post what I feel like, what I agree with and think.
You mean you would give up your soul to be a moderator somewhere? This one isn't even a paid gig. I assure you it wouldn't be worth it.
But you honestly can't be a person who under definition DOES NOT take a side which you have! I'd question usmessageboard's judgement in
defining you as a moderator because the term is corrupted.

5. Be strictly neutral​

Never take sides or express your own opinions. In the discussion, it’s the panelist’s job to provide and shape arguments,
while yours, as a moderator, is to ensure the panel discussion flows and the audience is getting the most out of it.

OH geez... how f...king stupid! These were REAL prominent people who's signatures were copied. NOT mail in ballots!
No wonder you believe everything the MSM says... you don't read closely!
AGAIN because your attention span is shorter than the average American's of 8.5 seconds...
Genuine signatures are compared to forged signatures.
WHICH is a real signature and a phony signature is the question!
Do you understand?
Now the extension to idiots like you is this... if you are an election worker who is comparing the voter registration form signature with the signature on the envelope the ballot was in AND you have less than 5 seconds... what would you do in your decision the ballot is valid.
When performed by professionals in criminal cases or legal proceedings, signature verification can take hours. But election employees in many states must do the job in as little as five seconds.
That's why I say all signatures on mail in ballots should be notarized in order to be valid. That wouldn't eliminate all questions or all fraud because I'm sure there are dishonest and criminal notaries too, but at least if the signatures look pretty much the same AND the mail in signature is notarized, it would help eliminate a lot of fraud and the people would have far more confidence in the election.

Example. Most people who know me recognize my signature, but it is almost never the same two times in a row. It is very likely my signature on a ballot would not exactly match that on my registration, so having my signature notarized would ensure my ballot would be accepted and not tossed out as unverifiable. It would greatly simplify the lives of those counting the ballots.
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That's why I say all signatures on mail in ballots should be notarized in order to be valid. That wouldn't eliminate all questions or all fraud because I'm sure there are dishonest and criminal notaries too, but at least if the signatures look pretty much the same AND the mail in signature is notarized, it would help eliminate a lot of fraud and the people would have far more confidence in the election.

Example. Most people who know me recognize my signature, but it is almost never the same two times in a row. It is very likely my signature on a ballot would not exactly match that on my registration, so having my signature notarized would ensure my ballot would be accepted and not tossed out as unverifiable. It would greatly simplify the lives of those counting the ballots.
Definitely a good idea BUT it was never an issue until political parties controlled the elections.
My position is that the BIASED MSM that favors the Democrats is the real reason for this.
Now I've posted the below two articles and to date NOT one person has refuted the information.
SO if that is the case, whatever "election voting mechanisms" are improved we will still see the voters INFLUENCED by the biased MSM.
The ONLY solution is more and more people recognizing the biased MSM and their voting decisions are tremendously influenced by the MSM.
I'm still waiting for some advocate of MSM to refute this.
Multiple states (red and blue) have voted by mail exclusively for many election cycles. The Military has voted by mail for over a century.

Nobody has ever questioned those ballots.

Thread fail.
But you honestly can't be a person who under definition DOES NOT take a side which you have! I'd question usmessageboard's judgement in
defining you as a moderator because the term is corrupted.

5. Be strictly neutral​

Never take sides or express your own opinions. In the discussion, it’s the panelist’s job to provide and shape arguments,
while yours, as a moderator, is to ensure the panel discussion flows and the audience is getting the most out of it.

I guess you will have to live with it, quit reading my posts or quite the board.:dunno:
Multiple states (red and blue) have voted by mail exclusively for many election cycles. The Military has voted by mail for over a century.

Nobody has ever questioned those ballots.

Thread fail.
And I've voted in the last 4 national elections by mail!
But all the times I voted by mail... I REQUESTED THE BALLOT!
In all-mail elections, all registered voters are sent a ballot in the mail. The voter marks the ballot, puts it in a secrecy envelope or sleeve and then into a separate mailing envelope, signs an affidavit on the exterior of the mailing envelope and returns the package via mail or by dropping it off.

Eight states—California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington—allow all elections to be conducted by mail.
How many of the ballots that were mailed to voters that no longer lived at the address?
For the past five years, just over 40 million Americans moved each year, according to American Community Survey (ACS) data. That calculates to about 13 percent of Americans moving each year.moved in 2021.

Consider than every 4 years at least 40 million addressed ballots were most likely not received.

Nearly 30,000 Ballots Automatically Mailed to DC Voters Returned to Sender​

And that was just Washington DC!!!

According to the 2020 Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS), states reported transmitting a total of 90.7 million mailed ballots to voters (not including ballots sent to and from UOCAVA voters) for the November 2020 general election. Approximately 77.8 percent of these ballots were returned by voters.

So the major reason Biden said this...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

And Biden's encouragement has this results...
In 2012, the Pew Research Center’s National Survey of Latinos found that among Latino immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (and therefore likely unauthorized immigrants), some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans. An additional 33% say they are political independents, 16% mention some other political party and 15% say they “don’t know” or refuse to answer the question.
Definitely a good idea BUT it was never an issue until political parties controlled the elections.
My position is that the BIASED MSM that favors the Democrats is the real reason for this.
Now I've posted the below two articles and to date NOT one person has refuted the information.
SO if that is the case, whatever "election voting mechanisms" are improved we will still see the voters INFLUENCED by the biased MSM.
The ONLY solution is more and more people recognizing the biased MSM and their voting decisions are tremendously influenced by the MSM.
I'm still waiting for some advocate of MSM to refute this.
View attachment 739541
It is no secret to ANYBODY with intellectual honesty that the vast majority of the MSM is wholly in bed as surrogates, advocates, and promoters of the Democrat Party and its assigned propaganda. Even electing a 100% GOP Congress and President won't made much difference.

We won't remedy that until people like Elon Musk start buying the media corporations and restoring free speech and honorable ethics and policy in journalism.

But thanks to Fox News and a few others that do report ALL the news and not just that favorable to Democrats plus conservative talk radio, message boards, social media etc., Patriots are able to get out a message that resonates with all honorable people and I think will win elections except in the hard core blue states and/or those totally infested with election fraud.

And if Patriots have a big enough voice in the various states, they can demand an election process and system in which ALL Americans can be confident their vote counted and people not authorized to vote and/or not capable of voting don't vote.
The following link shows distinct issues regarding the AZ governor election that
  1. There were hundreds of thouands of illegal ballots counted in Arizona’s midterm elections — in Maricopa County alone.
  2. Almost 60% of Maricopa County’s voting machines failed on Election Day —that’s not a statistic you’ll see reported in our corporate media.
  3. There is no way that 59% of Maricopa County’s voting machines stopped working on Election Day by accident — and one day after being tested.
  4. Between November 9th and November 11th, Maricopa County suddenly discovered more than 25,000 additional ballots that needed to be counted
  5. At least 16 voting stations in Maricopa County mixed together uncounted ballots with already counted ballots — and they did so intentionally.

Kari lake is pulling charges from out of the air.

#5 is partially true, uncounted and already counted ballots were mixed in some voting centers. I question the "intentionally" part. But in that situation the audit of the number of voters against the number of ballots counted is out of synch. To remedy the situation all votes from each mixed batched is voided from the tabulation and the batch is re-tabulated. It's sort of like counting the cards in a deck and dropping the deck in the middle of the count. You start the count over. It's not rocket science.

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