Why we needed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

It's the total lack of government regulation and government involvement in US Healthcare that has exploded the costs.

1980? Reagan. See? Connect the dots! Reagan deregulated the US Healthcare industry and exploded the costs. We need more, better and smarter government to get these costs under control. Who knows more about your health care needs, you or the government?

We should be more like countries with a homogeneous population and no illegals...that Reagan and his awful deregulation! grrrrrrr!!
no facts penitrate the minds of idiots like this on the right.

The republican part will die if they keep doing the bidding of the stupid
More central planning. Always the best path to outstanding service and lower prices! :cuckoo:
Obama did say that he is God's Partner in matters of life and death. That might be one way to bend down the cost curve
Here is a list of reasons why Obama's Healthcare bill will fail, and why. It's starts with thsi realization:

Our very real medical crisis has been the product of massive government intervention, state and federal, throughout the century; in particular, an artificial boosting of demand coupled with an artificial restriction of supply. The result has been accelerating high prices and deterioration of patient care. And next, socialized medicine could easily bring us to the vaunted medical status of the Soviet Union: everyone has the right to free medical care, but there is, in effect, no medicine and no care.
Murray Rothbard

Here is the reading:

Why ObamaCare Will Fail: A Reading List

Links to articles and journals to support the case in the above link.

I'm not seeing your point. This chart shows overwhelming evidence that the health care market is dysfunctional. It shows ample evidence of artificial health care inflation. I don't see any 'evidence' to support a plan to make us all indentured servants to the insurance industry. Was there another page I missed?

That's because it isn't there. The OP tries to say that we need Obama Tax because the charts at the link show an explosive increase in healthcare costs in the US. While we already have massive govt. intervention into this economic sector, the OP points out that this new legislation will improve costs (at least in a vague manner) where all of the others fail.

But of course, this is simply more statist cheering for more state encroachment at the expense of freedoms/liberties. It's the same story from Statists we see time and time again. That although legislation has failed and creates unseen consequences, we simply need more legislation to fix the problem of too much legislation.
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see how stupid they inssit on being?

the republican party did this to it self.

They now recognise no facts.

that in its self will cause their self distruction
Being stupid as a poltical tactic leads you to have nohting but idiotic voters willing to give your party a vote.

That is suicide
Being stupid as a poltical tactic leads you to have nohting but idiotic voters willing to give your party a vote.

That is suicide

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

I'm not seeing your point. This chart shows overwhelming evidence that the health care market is dysfunctional. It shows ample evidence of artificial health care inflation. I don't see any 'evidence' to support a plan to make us all indentured servants to the insurance industry. Was there another page I missed?

That's because it isn't there. The OP tries to say that we need Obama Tax because the charts at the link show an explosive increase in healthcare costs in the US. While we already have massive govt. intervention into this economic sector, the OP points out that this new legislation will improve costs (at least in a vague manner) where all of the others fail.

But of course, this is simply more statist cheering for more state encroachment at the expense of freedoms/liberties. It's the same story from Statists we see time and time again. That although legislation has failed and creates unseen consequences, we simply need more legislation to fix the problem of too much legislation.

The issue is affordable health care and not a debate on your ideology. The cost to both private sector and public sector employers and citizens has continued to grow for three decades, and your solution is for government to get out of the way; the same solution for every problem proposed by the wackadoodle right. Next I suspect you'll play the "Socialism card" as a well indoctrinated parrot is want to do.
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