Why women don't like "nice guys."

Do you actually like "nice guys"

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
It's easy, I'm a guy who doesn't like "nice guys" either.

A "nice guy" is usually boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall.

I haven't met a single "nice guy" that wasn't a constitution hating liberal.

When's the last time you pulled her hair and ravaged her from behind?

Are you sure your children aren't mine?

I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

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You should read Leo Derichoer's(sp) Nice Guys Finish Last.

Assholes get the pootang for a short period of time. Nice guys get the wife who loves them.
You should read Leo Derichoer's(sp) Nice Guys Finish Last.

Assholes get the pootang for a short period of time. Nice guys get the wife who loves them.
Yeah, nice guys get the used wife and all the baggage.

Why do you think guys don't marry anymore?
My wife thinks I'm a nice guy, but I'll have to tell her when I get home that she's wrong. I can't be a nice guy because the OP says nice guys are "boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall."

Though, I do cook but that's because no one can cook better than I can.
My wife thinks I'm a nice guy, but I'll have to tell her when I get home that she's wrong. I can't be a nice guy because the OP says nice guys are "boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall."

Though, I do cook but that's because no one can cook better than I can.

There's a difference between a "nice guy" and a "good guy."
My wife thinks I'm a nice guy, but I'll have to tell her when I get home that she's wrong. I can't be a nice guy because the OP says nice guys are "boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall."

Though, I do cook but that's because no one can cook better than I can.

There's a difference between a "nice guy" and a "good guy."
I've known some nice guys that really were sleazeballs.
Great thread. The OP desperately wants to have a discussion about sex with the people here. He thinks he's a stud or something. All studs are overweight, can't establish a career and have to lie on forums about their future in the Air Force Academy.

Classic example of a dude who doesn't walk the talk.
I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

Ha! If I was married and you did that to me, you would find out just how anit-gun I am, pal.

I've been married twice and was a nice guy, but NEVER fit the rest of your 'nice guy' mold. But it was the bitches that you took away from me that made me grow out of marriage, lol.
I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

Ha! If I was married and you did that to me, you would find out just how anit-gun I am, pal.

I've been married twice and was a nice guy, but NEVER fit the rest of your 'nice guy' mold. But it was the bitches that you took away from me that made me grow out of marriage, lol.

It's easy to spot a real man. I wouldn't hit on his wife in front of him or behind his back.
My wife thinks I'm a nice guy, but I'll have to tell her when I get home that she's wrong. I can't be a nice guy because the OP says nice guys are "boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall."

Though, I do cook but that's because no one can cook better than I can.
If you screwin' my old lady, times must be really tough...
Great thread. The OP desperately wants to have a discussion about sex with the people here. He thinks he's a stud or something. All studs are overweight, can't establish a career and have to lie on forums about their future in the Air Force Academy.

Classic example of a dude who doesn't walk the talk.
What about us has beens?
It's easy, I'm a guy who doesn't like "nice guys" either.

A "nice guy" is usually boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall.

I haven't met a single "nice guy" that wasn't a constitution hating liberal.

When's the last time you pulled her hair and ravaged her from behind?

Are you sure your children aren't mine?

I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

With a face like that?
My wife thinks I'm a nice guy, but I'll have to tell her when I get home that she's wrong. I can't be a nice guy because the OP says nice guys are "boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall."

Though, I do cook but that's because no one can cook better than I can.
If you screwin' my old lady, times must be really tough...

Awesome! Made me spill my drink.
It's easy, I'm a guy who doesn't like "nice guys" either.

A "nice guy" is usually boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall.

I haven't met a single "nice guy" that wasn't a constitution hating liberal.

When's the last time you pulled her hair and ravaged her from behind?

Are you sure your children aren't mine?

I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

With a face like that?

It's better than the real one. Guaranteed.
Just because I am a nice guy does not mean I am a coward or a wimp. If you flirt with my wife or girlfriend, she will laugh and politely ignore your flirting or put you in your place. If you harass her I will step in. But just flirting is not an issue for me. I know my girl is going home with me.

As for being boring, just because I am a nice guy does not mean I am not well read, have traveled a bit, have varied interests, and can hold a conversation on a variety of topics. My sons are nice guys too. I've never heard them described as boring.

I think you need a new description for what you are calling a "nice guy". Being a nice guy means you are not an asshole. It means you will do what you can to help and to be polite. It does not make you a doormat.
It's easy, I'm a guy who doesn't like "nice guys" either.

A "nice guy" is usually boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall.

I haven't met a single "nice guy" that wasn't a constitution hating liberal.

When's the last time you pulled her hair and ravaged her from behind?

Are you sure your children aren't mine?

I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

What are you, 12 years old? And why is this in politics? Whatever.

Women do like nice guys. It's girls who don't. They like "edgy" guys, aka bad news douche bags who treat other human beings like shit and have poor functional coping skills with which to deal with the rest of the world. That's because girls don't know any better. Real men are mature, kind, and respectful. The edgy guys are just really old boys.

Me and all of my male buddies are nice guys. We can have conversations on all kinds of things. We are, in fact, some of the most popular people in town. We're all very mild mannered. We treat everyone around us with respect. My one friend, we'll call him "Jack" is expecting his first child with his girlfriend "Jill" of two years. They're the biggest couple in town. They have the most perfectly imperfect relationships you'll ever see. Another good friend, "Mike" has been friends with "Jill" since they were kids. He's one of the most calm and peaceful guys you'll ever meet. He's going through the process to join the State Police. Somehow, he was the only applicant this go-round who is prior military. Another good friend of ours is "Chris" whose place is the most common option to hang out and shoot guns. "Chris" is the baby of the group, but he's a really good guy. When he turned 21 a couple years ago we had a huge surprise party for him.

Back when we all would go out and paint the town together, it was always good times. Everywhere we go we find people we know, and everyone is always excited to see us. Especially the ladies. Of course, we're all starting to settle down. "Jack" has "Jill." "Mike," the biggest man-whore of us all, has settled in with a pretty cool chick he's been seeing since last summer. "Chris" has been dating a woman for the past three years who is in her forties. He's the youngest, dating the oldest. Those two are crazy about each other, though. And I'm in no position to judge, because I'm the oldest and am dating the youngest. My girlfriend since this past summer is in her mid-20s.

Real men date real women. Real women don't cheat. Partially because they date real men who treat them right. And sometimes that includes doing the dishes.
It's easy, I'm a guy who doesn't like "nice guys" either.

A "nice guy" is usually boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall.

I haven't met a single "nice guy" that wasn't a constitution hating liberal.

When's the last time you pulled her hair and ravaged her from behind?

Are you sure your children aren't mine?

I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

Shouldn't you at least get out of high school before doing that sort of stuff?

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