Why Wont Debbie Wasserman Answer When Megyn Kellys Asks"Why Do Most People Despise Hillary Clinton?

So...you are in Hillarys bedroom, are ya? It's no secret she swings both ways. Nothing wrong with that, either. Just sayin'

do you have anything political to add to this flame in the politics section, ungraceful one?
Debbie, why do you have a 95% dissapproval rating? and all those polled actually think you are an insane goat.

i'm so sure a substantive post by the op in the politics forum is on it's way any minute now...
Greta: So Debbie, tell me, is it true that flies avoid you all the time?

lol at your sig line btw

"Ted Cruz/Marco Rubio. Hillary's Most Feared Ticket"

saving for the future ridicule ^
The old prosecutors question "do you still beat your wife?". The question assumes a conclusion.
The simple minded don't see the false premise.
The hate is strong with the RW nuts today.. They can't seem to support there candidates and defend their policies so the just fill the board with lies and spiteful attacks..
Debbie will never answer questions aimed at her,,,,just starts with,,,,,well, as you know Donald Trump is a/or hates/or said that....etc...etc
WHY? :eusa_think:

why won't rexx taylor ever mention debbie wassrman's politics without mentioning her hair or her looks? :desk:
If you can sit there and post that and honestly say you have never posted anything having to do with the Donald's hair, fine, you win.

But everyone knows you are full of shit.

Don't be disingenuous.

Donald is hilarious, and so it this piece of work.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz!

Funny how Democrats put out clown propaganda and then they always hire clowns to chair their party.
:desk: :cow: :confused-84: So are any of you watching the Kelly File as we speak? Earlier she gave Wasserman the dreadful statistics of how most people in general can't stand Hillary. And how does Debbie Answer? Well, it seems that she didnt answer and talked about how bad the negatives were for Donald Trump. She may as well have answered, "Yah, but, what about Donald Trumps Negatives? I mean, everyone hates Donald Trump.:omg:

Just once we would all love to see if Debbie ever gives a straight answer why 100% of normal Americans hate and despise Hillary Clinton! and hopefully she wont blame it on Global Warming and George Bush :meow:
They are both loopy Kunts...
Ole poodle hairs doo was pretty bad Val, even by her standards. Uneven dye and medusa locks all over. What is there to say about her politically? It is already a fact that she will lie and say anything, anything to impugn republicans. She has no integrity or honor. She is a political thug and hitman, that's why she is there. Her appearance is just her inner person shining through.
:desk: :cow: :confused-84: So are any of you watching the Kelly File as we speak? Earlier she gave Wasserman the dreadful statistics of how most people in general can't stand Hillary. And how does Debbie Answer? Well, it seems that she didnt answer and talked about how bad the negatives were for Donald Trump. She may as well have answered, "Yah, but, what about Donald Trumps Negatives? I mean, everyone hates Donald Trump.:omg:

Just once we would all love to see if Debbie ever gives a straight answer why 100% of normal Americans hate and despise Hillary Clinton! and hopefully she wont blame it on Global Warming and George Bush :meow:

because the question was stupid and the basic premise false, hack.
Ole poodle hairs doo was pretty bad Val, even by her standards. Uneven dye and medusa locks all over. What is there to say about her politically? It is already a fact that she will lie and say anything, anything to impugn republicans. She has no integrity or honor. She is a political thug and hitman, that's why she is there. Her appearance is just her inner person shining through.

awwww....look at all the rightwingnut misogynist loons trolling.

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