Why won't Hamas accept a Cease-fire?

Simple question.

They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.
They still didn't succeed in killing enough Jews.

Lipush----you have answered the question-----

Until I read your answer----I did not understand ----but you are absolutely
right. They were SO OPTIMISTIC ----they actually believed that by
launching hundreds of nail bombs into Israel and murdering lots of kids
thereby-------they would WIN--------joooos would run. Afterall-----warfare
as conducted by muhummad simply consisted of MURDER ----hordes of scimitar
swingers would descend on unarmed villages and SWING away until the people
surrendered------either ran or signed up for the oppression under the stink of shariah.
Why argue with success-----they were successful with this technique for more
than 1000 years---------they are still doing it in Africa--------GRAB THE LITTLE GIRLS----
a very similar approach --------hack off heads-----hack off limbs----rape----
somethings never change
Simple question.

They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.

"They don't want the deaths of thousands of innocents to be in vain"


Every Palestinian killed in Gaza is the will of Hamas. Hamas SEARCHES and WISHES for thousands of Gaza men women and children to die, because THIS is how they trick the west to get sympathy.

Hamas wishes for as many Palestinian deaths as possible.

Only idiots don't see it!
Simple question.

They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.

I wish for all who say the rockets do nothing to live under them. and suffer their consequences.

May all those "nothings" be on you and your families.

And yes, I do realize I'm speaking Leshon Hara, but I am only human after all, I'd be willing to take the consquences.
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Simple question.

They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.

"They don't want the deaths of thousands of innocents to be in vain"


Every Palestinian killed in Gaza is the will of Hamas. Hamas SEARCHES and WISHES for thousands of Gaza men women and children to die, because THIS is how they trick the west to get sympathy.

Hamas wishes for as many Palestinian deaths as possible.

Only idiots don't see it!

You tell yourself whatever lies you want to believe to deny the evil nature of what you support, but please, don't state them to me as truth when I know better.
They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.

"They don't want the deaths of thousands of innocents to be in vain"


Every Palestinian killed in Gaza is the will of Hamas. Hamas SEARCHES and WISHES for thousands of Gaza men women and children to die, because THIS is how they trick the west to get sympathy.

Hamas wishes for as many Palestinian deaths as possible.

Only idiots don't see it!

You tell yourself whatever lies you want to believe to deny the evil nature of what you support, but please, don't state them to me as truth when I know better.

I'm sure you do. I'm sure you're Rambo with a suit fighting to save human kind.

I know the type...
They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.

I wish for all who say the rockets do nothing to live under them. and suffer their consequences.

May all those "nothings" be on you and your families.

And yes, I do realize I'm speaking Leshon Hara, but I am only human after all, I'd be willing to take the consquences.

I already know you're full of nothing but evil and hatred, you don't need to keep going on about it.

I'm still struggling with PTSD due to rocket lunchings, I've been struggling with it since Cast Lead.

And here come assholes like you saying "It is nothing".

So yes, you get on my bad side. Don't like it? you're more than welcome to sod off.
Simple question.

And it's a simple answer: They can't win a PR war without their civilians dying! They can't get Israel to respond and strike targets if they aren't firing missiles from those targets.

I hope Hamas doesn't agree to a cease fire. Bibi won't blink. He will keep pounding Hamas and Gaza into the ground until their is an agreed upon ceasefire or Hamas is completely destroyed! I pray :eusa_pray: for the later!
Simple question.

They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.

And I hope they don't agree to a ceasefire, why should Israel have to go through this exercise every few years. Israel should FINALLY just get the job done.
Simple question.

They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.

And I hope they don't agree to a ceasefire, why should Israel have to go through this exercise every few years. Israel should FINALLY just get the job done.

OK but-----if that happens------Islamic history will be -----ZIONISTS in Gaza----did it----
ZIONISTS in gaza handed the opportunity to the evil ZIONISTS.....
Ha ha ha ha ha. I fucking piss on your PTSD. You want PTSD then you go and cower in a UN bulding whilst the IDF bomb it because your family home has been flattened and your entire family wiped whilst evil dicks like you fully support the genocide you see all around you. A few chinese made rockets that are about as deadly as July 4th fireworks don't even compare.

Still at least you admit that an "evil side" comes from suffering, now have a really had imagine and you might just undertand why Hamas have done the terrible things they have done, because karma is a bitch and you reap what you sow.

You laugh at people's results of war says more about your evil soul than it says about any of us. We don't support the killing, we support the defending of our houses.

Be careful, indeed Karma is a bitch, and when you laugh about other's suffering, is when you invite the same suffering on yourself.

And I will no more talk to you, since I don't reduce to the level of the wicked ones. Let yourself be entertained by someone with your own depraved thoughts.

Starting to realise the extent of the evil you support? Uncomfortable isn't it. Sure run from me but the truth is far harder to run from.

Evil support? What would England do if Ireland, Wales, Scotland or even France started to lobby 1000s of missiles daily at England? Would the Brits sit on their asses and say, proportionate response? Don't do anything? No fucking way, they would slaughter, as they have done in Northern Ireland, anyone who attacked the homeland!
The guy supports Hamas. Anyone who does cannot criticize us. I'd rather be considered by such people as "evil" since their own conscience is so rediculouely twisted.
Simple question.

Simple questions deserve simple answers.

Hamas' charter says they strive for the destruction of Israel. If they accept a cease-fire they'd be in conflict with their very organization.

You can't negotiate with people who by their very nature want you dead. Best you can hope for is to hit them so hard they have no choice but to surrender. If they don't and you kill every last one of them, that's the best method. Once Hamas, Hezbollah, and every other anti-Israel group is gone, then there'll be no more conflict.
Simple question.

Simple questions deserve simple answers.

Hamas' charter says they strive for the destruction of Israel. If they accept a cease-fire they'd be in conflict with their very organization.

You can't negotiate with people who by their very nature want you dead. Best you can hope for is to hit them so hard they have no choice but to surrender. If they don't and you kill every last one of them, that's the best method. Once Hamas, Hezbollah, and every other anti-Israel group is gone, then there'll be no more conflict.

It comes to more than that, delta------not striving to murder jews might constitute
blasphemy in shariah law
Reaching ceasefire without anything achieved for Hamas is rather stupid, its a win win situation for them when civilians die, and pressure raise against Israel.
And these psychopaths only talk about ceasefire, ceaseforustogetmoreammo, violating their own fucking ceasefire..they lied so many times I think they made it to Guinness only in the past month alone.
Simple question.

They don't want the deaths of Thousands of innocents to be in vain. They will only be more slaughter of thousands more innocents ina couple of years when the murderers in Israel start up again. Because it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

That's the general gist if you actually read anything. The rockets they fire do nothing and Israel could stop at any time but they wont because nobody in the world will hold them to account for their evil.

You can't have it both ways. You can't call Israel monstrous for bombing Gaza, and--at the same time--refuse every cease-fire offer and lob missiles at them. Don't say self-righteous platitudes like, "It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees", while at the same time blaming Israel for Gazan casualties. Despite the death count on Israel's side, no country on Earth would have their citizens run to shelters at all hours of the day and night, and not be able to work, learn, shop or even sleep. In other words, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Simple question.

Hamas have presented their terms for a ceasefire, It's Israel that doesn't want to stop their blood-fest
Hamas leader says Israel must 'lift siege' of Gaza before any ceasefire - Telegraph

Israel's Terms are rather different


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