Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

No we don't remember that....because that was just another media fabrication.
You habit of selective memory is getting to be to boring to tolerate.
Lying POS.
They have it all documented you bumbling fool;

Why don't you show me where it's all wrong loser?
Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

Because he's a fucking fascist crook.
It took a court order to get them to release the paperwork on the Steele Dossier too.

This is a pattern that these folks follow.
They pull these stunts and they get caught...but nothing happens to them.
Or maybe you should come to terms with the fact that the boss is not above the law. You can rest assured they are following the letter of the law as it applies to a private citizen. Trump no longer possesses any vestige of his former presidential power.
No....we know.... only Democrats are above the law.......

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Now they claim that they're returning some of the stuff the stole because they had no right to take it in the first place.

Trump's fucking passports were reported to have been returned this morning.
😱😱😱 OMG! But, but, the passports. Who gives a shit about the classified info right?
It took a court order to get them to release the paperwork on the Steele Dossier too.

This is a pattern that these folks follow.
They pull these stunts and they get caught...but nothing happens to them.
Yea, the pattern is called procedure. A real corrupt way to do things. :spinner::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::aargh:🤪:abgg2q.jpg: You folks are so fucking stupid.
It took a court order to get them to release the paperwork on the Steele Dossier too.

This is a pattern that these folks follow.
They pull these stunts and they get caught...but nothing happens to them.
Still waiting loser.
It's not hard at all unless you are a grotesque willful ignoramus. The law doesn't give presidents the right to steal documents. Get a clue spin man.
The irony of you telling someone else to get a clue is mind boggling. Biden's KGB had access to Trump's storage in June. There were told to take whatever they needed. They took at least 15 boxes of materials that the GSA had packed and sent to Mar-a-lago when Trump left office, Why didn't Biden's henchmen take the materials then? And please, surely you aren't so dumb that you don't realize that Trump didn't pack the boxes that went to Mar-a-lago?
It took a court order to get them to release the paperwork on the Steele Dossier too.

This is a pattern that these folks follow.
They pull these stunts and they get caught...but nothing happens to them.
Steele Dossier/off topic. :auiqs.jpg:Go get them tiger.
The irony of you telling someone else to get a clue is mind boggling. Biden's KGB had access to Trump's storage in June. There were told to take whatever they needed. They took at least 15 boxes of materials that the GSA had packed and sent to Mar-a-lago when Trump left office, Why didn't Biden's henchmen take the materials then? And please, surely you aren't so dumb that you don't realize that Trump didn't pack the boxes that went to Mar-a-lago?

And they took classified documents at that time. Then recently, purportedly by someone in Mar-a-Raided, they were informed there might be more classified documents that were not turned over.
Again...the warrant means nothing. The affidavit will tell us what the evidence was that the DOJ claimed they had that Trump had committed a crime.
If Trump is so guilty then why is the DOJ so reluctant to release their evidence of said crime?
Because they haven't finished their investigation. Once they have done so, they will charge. Have you not watched Matlock?
The passports were returned already.

The attorney-client privilege papers are just a rumor.

The affidavit is never released prior to charges being filed. You act like it is out of the ordinary not release it, but that just is not true.

So, is Garland just a tool of the Party abusing his power or not? if he is then why did he need to ponder anything? Seems that him taking his time to make sure it was the right thing to do is good.

None of this is bad for me. My life in 100% unaffected no matter the outcome other than the increased entertainment value on this thread.

The passports were taken and never logged on the inventory of items taken.

So now the defense is, "big deal we still have college football"

That always works out well in history, doesn't it? The foundations of my nation is crumbling but HEY! Here's a fiddle and I know how to play! So I'm fine....
The irony of you telling someone else to get a clue is mind boggling. Biden's KGB had access to Trump's storage in June. There were told to take whatever they needed. They took at least 15 boxes of materials that the GSA had packed and sent to Mar-a-lago when Trump left office, Why didn't Biden's henchmen take the materials then? And please, surely you aren't so dumb that you don't realize that Trump didn't pack the boxes that went to Mar-a-lago?
But, but, Biden/off topic cowards who can't debate the thread. Figures right? :laughing0301:

In the meantime, the first time wasn't with a warrant. Is that answer too hard for you? Trump should have laid out the other stolen boxes but he didn't.

By the way, if you are the CIC back then, don't you think you need to know where your classified shit is? You damn right. He's a thief, he's sloppy, and he doesn't give a shit about anything other than himself. Stop being a Toadie you fool. It's gross.
Because they haven't finished their investigation. Once they have done so, they will charge. Have you not watched Matlock?

It already stinks. It's already tainted.

They took his passports, not pertinent to the warrant, KEPT them, and didn't have them logged on the inventory.

This is a failure.
And they took classified documents at that time. Then recently, purportedly by someone in Mar-a-Raided, they were informed there might be more classified documents that were not turned over.
So Biden's cretin's were too stupid to notice 20 boxes of classified documents next to the 15 they took? Really? Bless your heart.

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