Why would anyone become a COP now?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
At least for any large Democrat controlled city. Can you imagine the level of daily abuse and scrutiny Cops will be under now? I can see some changes need to be made such as cooling it with the random stops and getting bad cops off of street duty. Even with that and a murder conviction of Chauvin, it won't be enough. Remember last year when New York Cops were being doused with water or worse and nothing was done? That's nothing. They might have to start wearing body armor.
I bet that is where they ship the graduates from the Police Academy to these Democrat-infested shit holes. Little do they know...they already are wearing a target on their backs once they recruit to these blue-state cities.
They couldn't pay me enough to be a cop. Not even 30 years ago, when I first started working on their radio communications.
At least for any large Democrat controlled city. Can you imagine the level of daily abuse and scrutiny Cops will be under now? I can see some changes need to be made such as cooling it with the random stops and getting bad cops off of street duty. Even with that and a murder conviction of Chauvin, it won't be enough. Remember last year when New York Cops were being doused with water or worse and nothing was done? That's nothing. They might have to start wearing body armor.
  1. PHASE ONE: Democrats stress out society to the max insisting on insane societal restrictions wrecking the economy.
  2. PHASE TWO: Start a race riot with democrat organizations like Antifa.
  3. PHASE THREE: Politicize the event as much as possible defending the rioters and calling anyone demanding law and order to be a racist promoting hate and violence.
  4. PHASE FOUR: Ostracize the police to the extreme.
  5. PHASE FIVE: Drive officers out of the force, impose unworkable draconian restrictions, discourage new cops from joining.
  6. PHASE SIX: Crime soars as police presence and effectiveness disappear.
  7. PHASE SEVEN: Blame Trump for destroyed economy and massive crime spree to try to get Puppet Biden into office.
Only 5 months to go. That's a new phase every six weeks.
At least for any large Democrat controlled city. Can you imagine the level of daily abuse and scrutiny Cops will be under now? I can see some changes need to be made such as cooling it with the random stops and getting bad cops off of street duty. Even with that and a murder conviction of Chauvin, it won't be enough. Remember last year when New York Cops were being doused with water or worse and nothing was done? That's nothing. They might have to start wearing body armor.
What do you mean "start" ? Don't we all recall Baltimore's cops ordered to stand down in 2015, and retreating from rock-throwing punks, after their Democrat mayor talked about giving rioters "space to destroy"

Trump is right about bringing in federal troops. Should be done in much more than just Washington DC. Should be done in every Democrat shithole city, where negligent Democrat politicians stop cops from doing their jobs, and let rioters/looters/arsonists and traffic blockers run wild.

Those politcians should also be jailed, as accessories to all the rioting crimes.
The real protest should be the federal government and it's toadie police state

Trump is right about bringing in federal troops. Should be done in much more than just Washington DC. Should be done in every Democrat shithole city, where negligent Democrat politicians stop cops from doing their jobs, and let rioters/looters/arsonists and traffic blockers run wild.

Those politcians should also be jailed, as accessories to all the rioting crimes.

He would need GOP support for that; as we've seen so far, the GOP is just fine with throwing cops and uppity proles under the bus in an election year, and the Party's shills have been swarming this board gleefully cheering railroading and killing the cops like good little puppets; their masters think they will steal a few thug votes away from the commies or something, a stupid fantasy.

They detest blue collar types as much as Democrats do, after all. Don't hold your breath waiting for the GOP to do the right thing. Every cop now knows nobody has their backs, and will opt for submission, not rebellion; Nazis never had a problem finding local police to aid them, not in Poland, not in Denmark, not in France, not in the Netherlands. Whoever controls the paychecks of the polcie and the military wins, and as we've all seen before in the past, most of those beating their chests over '2A' and other right wing fantasies will be the first to trample over women, children, and the elderly to suck up to the new 'regime' in order to keep their comfy lifestyles, and anybody who thinks differently is a fool and an idiot. They will ratting each other out like there is no tommorrow to save their own asses.

The first clue for you should be the admin not indicting or even planning on investigating the treason and criminality of the Obama admin. It's turning out all that noise was just another 'good cop- bad cop' racket played on the public, and Wall Street and the 'Globalist' labor rackets and money laundering will be protected at all costs.

Soon, the DNC/RNC government will be selling your children to middle class Red Chinese Cadre families as housepets for their children.
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He would need GOP support for that; as we've seen so far, the GOP is just fine with throwing cops and uppity proles under the bus in an election year, and the Party's shills have been swarming this board gleefully cheering railroading and killing the cops like good little puppets; their masters think they will steal a few thug votes away from the commies or something, a stupid fantasy.

They detest blue collar types as much as Democrats do, after all. Don't hold your breath waiting for the GOP to do the right thing. Every cop now knows nobody has their backs, and will opt for submission, not rebellion; Nazis never had a problem finding local police to aid them, not in Poland, not in Denmark, not in France, not in the Netherlands. Whoever controls the paychecks of the polcie and the military wins, and as we've all seen before in the past, most of those beating their chests over '2A' and other right wing fantasies will be the first to trample over women, children, and the elderly to suck up to the new 'regime' in order to keep their comfy lifestyles, and anybody who thinks differently is a fool and an idiot. They will ratting each other out like there is no tommorrow to save their own asses.

The first clue for you should be the admin not indicting or even planning on investigating the treason and criminality of the Obama admin. It's turning out all that noise was just another 'good cop- bad cop' racket played on the public, and Wall Street and the 'Globalist' labor rackets and money laundering will be protected at all costs.

Soon, the DNC/RNC government will be selling your children to middle class Red Chinese Cadre families as housepets for their children.
I don't think the Republicans are quite THAT bad, but I agree that I would like to see more and faster action against the Obama/Hillary gangsters. I'm keeping my eyes and ears open, and hoping for some good things to HAPPEN. Some things have. (Muslim ban, VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, many new conservative judges, rebuilt military, stopped Medicare from ovrcharging, quit Iran deal, etc)

PS - isn't the Durham investigation still going on ?
He would need GOP support for that; as we've seen so far, the GOP is just fine with throwing cops and uppity proles under the bus in an election year, and the Party's shills have been swarming this board gleefully cheering railroading and killing the cops like good little puppets; their masters think they will steal a few thug votes away from the commies or something, a stupid fantasy.

They detest blue collar types as much as Democrats do, after all. Don't hold your breath waiting for the GOP to do the right thing. Every cop now knows nobody has their backs, and will opt for submission, not rebellion; Nazis never had a problem finding local police to aid them, not in Poland, not in Denmark, not in France, not in the Netherlands. Whoever controls the paychecks of the polcie and the military wins, and as we've all seen before in the past, most of those beating their chests over '2A' and other right wing fantasies will be the first to trample over women, children, and the elderly to suck up to the new 'regime' in order to keep their comfy lifestyles, and anybody who thinks differently is a fool and an idiot. They will ratting each other out like there is no tommorrow to save their own asses.

The first clue for you should be the admin not indicting or even planning on investigating the treason and criminality of the Obama admin. It's turning out all that noise was just another 'good cop- bad cop' racket played on the public, and Wall Street and the 'Globalist' labor rackets and money laundering will be protected at all costs.

Soon, the DNC/RNC government will be selling your children to middle class Red Chinese Cadre families as housepets for their children.
I don't think the Republicans are quite THAT bad, but I agree that I would like to see more and faster action against the Obama/Hillary gangsters. I'm keeping my eyes and ears open, and hoping for some good things to HAPPEN. Some things have. (Muslim ban, VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, many new conservative judges, rebuilt military, stopped Medicare from ovrcharging, quit Iran deal, etc)

PS - isn't the Durham investigation still going on ?

those can easily be defunded and ignored after the election, but yeah they were good things, but small potatoes in the scheme of things. I hope they don't drop the Durham investigation, too, but I'm not holding my breath any more waiting on the GOP to back up Trump on the important stuff. I never saw much difference between the DNC and RNC when it came to keeping the U.S. strong and prosperous, they both work hard to undermine it daily, and voted for Trump because they both seemed to hate him and hoped maybe he would be able to split them, but so far it all looks like the usual big noise.
1. It is believed that police work attracts very kinds of candidates:

a. Some are sadists. They see an opportunity.
b. Some are idealists. They truly want to help people.
c. Some simply need a job.

2. There are two disadvantages to being a cop.

a. It could be dangerous, depending on your assignment.
b. It will likely make you very cynical about human beings, for you come into contact with some very, very, very bad people. It's easy to forget that the majority of people are not like that.

3. In a few months, the Democrats will retake the White House and possibly both Houses.

a. They will pass legislation to please supporters of the current insurrection.

4. If someone is thinking about a police career, maybe s/he should consider another profession.
those can easily be defunded and ignored after the election, but yeah they were good things, but small potatoes in the scheme of things. I hope they don't drop the Durham investigation, too, but I'm not holding my breath any more waiting on the GOP to back up Trump on the important stuff. I never saw much difference between the DNC and RNC when it came to keeping the U.S. strong and prosperous, they both work hard to undermine it daily, and voted for Trump because they both seemed to hate him and hoped maybe he would be able to split them, but so far it all looks like the usual big noise.
Time will time. I just wish they wouldn't take so MUCH time...but they have to make sure they have all their i's dotted, ad all their t's crossed to get everything to be solid in court, as Democrat lawyers will try every trick in the books to derail them.

As for the things I mentioned being "small potatoes", they are not small potatoes for you, if you have direct involvement with them. The VA Choice Act allowed me to get a needed cancer surgery outside the VA hospital. We're talking life and death.
1. It is believed that police work attracts very kinds of candidates:

a. Some are sadists. They see an opportunity.
b. Some are idealists. They truly want to help people.
c. Some simply need a job.

2. There are two disadvantages to being a cop.

a. It could be dangerous, depending on your assignment.
b. It will likely make you very cynical about human beings, for you come into contact with some very, very, very bad people. It's easy to forget that the majority of people are not like that.

3. In a few months, the Democrats will retake the White House and possibly both Houses.

a. They will pass legislation to please supporters of the current insurrection.

4. If someone is thinking about a police career, maybe s/he should consider another profession.
What makes you think the Democrats will retake the White House ?
1. It is believed that police work attracts very kinds of candidates:

a. Some are sadists. They see an opportunity.
b. Some are idealists. They truly want to help people.
c. Some simply need a job.

2. There are two disadvantages to being a cop.

a. It could be dangerous, depending on your assignment.
b. It will likely make you very cynical about human beings, for you come into contact with some very, very, very bad people. It's easy to forget that the majority of people are not like that.

3. In a few months, the Democrats will retake the White House and possibly both Houses.

a. They will pass legislation to please supporters of the current insurrection.

4. If someone is thinking about a police career, maybe s/he should consider another profession.
What makes you think the Democrats will retake the White House ?

They will likely retake the Executive Mansion because of, uh. voter "irregularities."

Many Americans no longer believe in objective journalism or honest elections.

This country is sliding down the tubes to the status of a banana republic.

Have a nice weekend!

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