Wigger rapper, Eminem uses Trump in a feeble attempt to get back to relevance

Haha...you gotta love watching the filth all around us continue to make complete asses of themselves. These ignorant lowlifes have no clue of just how good of a job they're doing for Conservatives. It won't be long before the Left is made up of nothing more than the absolute lowest grade of human....haha...thanks Wigger...keep up the good work and keep playing your filthy followers like a fiddle. Now watch this wannabe Nigerian ghetto subhuman disgrace himself like the fool he is...haha
Eminem, a rare white artist speaks out for his black fans (opinion) - CNN

I saw that. His black dudes looked to clean, and he sounded like he had COPD. I mean he isn't even fat, but he sounded like he ran up 8 flights of stairs. And going after Trump saved Colberts career, can you blame other has been so for trying?

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