Wikileaks Bombshell Leaked To True Pundit: Hillary Clinton Knew of Weapons Supplied from....

truepundit ^ | 8/01/16 | by admin - truepundit
"Wikileaks Bombshell Leaked To True Pundit: Hillary Clinton Knew of Weapons Supplied from Benghazi to Al-Qaeda in Syria"" Wikileaks has promised to release documents linking Hillary Clinton to knowingly supplying Syria with weapons from her state department. That disclosure could come in any number of days, sources said. True Pundit, however, has already unearthed the documentation.

The Intel provides official confirmation of what has been rumored for years: President Obama, his White House, and Hillary Clinton and her State Department knew that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria. Those “rebels” were largely al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood extremist factions, according to corroborating documents.

Below is a gem of an intelligence cable we unearthed from the Defense Intelligence Agency dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack. Absent wholesale redaction, this could prove to be a smoking gun finally exhibiting what the United States was doing in Benghazi prior to the Jihadists attacks on the U.S. consulate and then-secret CIA annex just miles away.....


File this 'revelation' under 'No Shit'!
Obama did what Obama did best during his 8 years in office - finance, supply, arm, train, support, aid, abet, protect, defend, and even drag the US into Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists.

He dragged the US into the war in Libya, a war in which he helped Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 .... And 4 ... Americans - kill a sovereign nation's leader and take over their own country.

Of course Barry and Hillary were running guns to ISIS out of Benghazi....a CIA compound, ex-Special Forces, a State Department compound in Bu Fu Egypt in Al Qaeda-infested territory, shipments going in and out, the operation overseen by Stevens.

Only an idiot didn't know what was going on...

And what was so important in Bu Fu Egypt Libya that was important enough to leave under-protected Americans behind when every other nation pulled their people out due to the escalating violence and the known pending attacks on 9/11/12?

Obama's gun-running to terrorists Op.
If I can show with links what it was all about, would you believe me?
goodbye nut job

Nut job? Fine.

The Washington Times reported that the State Department admitted while John Kerry was SOS I might add, the State Department and the United States violated International Sanctions in arming Libya for the Civil War that is still going on. The Violations took place while Hillary was Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Well, what would the State Department know about anything that the State Deparment did right?

Let’s fast forward a bit to the death of the Ambassador. If only Ambassador Stevens was the only thing that happened, I’d be thrilled. But it wasn’t. Because the CIA was using Benghazi as the start of the pipeline to Syria through Jordan. This way we could arm more Jihadists, sorry, Moderate Jihadists who could then overthrow Assad who was just too friendly with Russia.

CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'

Well, at least it makes sense now. I mean, you never see an Ambassador at a Consulate. The Consulate is where minor things happen, the Ambassadors tend to stay at Embassy’s where the important work takes place. So Ambassador Stevens was meeting with the Arms Running team, to find out what he could do to facilitate more weapons. It further explains why he was there with no security, trying to low profile the whole thing.

So what hiccup caused the cessation of our weapons into Syria? Well Benghazi caused a major problem in the pipeline we had set up. The Benghazi outrage we actually should be talking about

The attack at Benghazi that screwed up the CIA weapons smuggling program, in violation of international law I might add, meant a new program was needed. Timber Sycamore - Wikipedia

So in short, Hillary and Obama violated dozens of international agreements, sanctions, and laws to gin up a couple wars for power. When you want to know why, get back to me. I’ll even give you links on it. All of the above are mainstream. In other words, the same media that hates Trump, but will you believe that Hillary and Obama did these things? If you don’t, it’s because you don’t want t believe.

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