Wikileaks Bombshell Leaked To True Pundit: Hillary Clinton Knew of Weapons Supplied from....

How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?
Just proves we were right all along, she is a lying criminal that you voted for President
Is this stuff posted, really what you claim is really what it means? really? Can we get a definition of 'IS' here? Is it secret code for the Clinton are founders of ISIS?

Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......

The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
The Rise of ISIS - Transcript
The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
So if we're doing that, then Saddams invasion of Kuwait caused the rise of ISIS. And Osama for 9/11. So they both have ownership
If we had our full military, ISIS wouldn't have done squat
Saddam's invasion was years before 911. LOL

to play your game, not moonie's
may as well go back to without the American Revolution the USA would not want crazy over imaginary WMD
That's all fine, but they wouldn't have done anything if we had stayed with are full army. Obama and Clinton pulled out, letting everyone know when, THEN when things got bad, they did NOTHING.....You can't create a power vacuum like that and not expect shit to hit the fan, especially in Iraq.....were they that dumb?
yet Trump speaks of creating power vacuums all over the world and you support that. Why?

For better or worse, Obama said the Iraqi's had to settle their own problems. Saved many US lives

screw you and your Full Army bs. Old vets act as if they are supreme military strategists LOL
She also supplied weapons to Al Queda in Libya and paid them to assassinate Quadaffi who was cooperating with us. When Al Queda hacked Clinton Confidant Blumenthal's Email, and found unauthorized classified documents there detailing how Clinton was using Benghazi as a gun running weapons Depot, they attacked Benghazi.

This makes her a terrorist technically, same as Eric Holder who sold weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels. Both of them are criminals!
she and Obama gave away what me we'd be leaving

In reality the set withdrawal date was published on the 17 of Nov. 2008 by the man who authorized the invasion and occupation. I don't think you want proof, I think your set on telling the lie over and over and......

What kind of turd accuses their fellow human of not showing outrage at the vicious tactics from an al Qaeda off-shoot that Bushes military adventure created? Oh yeah that's you!
she and Obama gave away what me we'd be leaving

In reality the set withdrawal date was published on the 17 of Nov. 2008 by the man who authorized the invasion and occupation. I don't think you want proof, I think your set on telling the lie over and over and......

What kind of turd accuses their fellow human of not showing outrage at the vicious tactics from an al Qaeda off-shoot that Bushes military adventure created? Oh yeah that's you!
Silly lib. You know everyone believed we would update the stratforce agreement. Obama failed to do so. After yet another diplomatic failure, he announced he was cutting and running.
Is this stuff posted, really what you claim is really what it means? really? Can we get a definition of 'IS' here? Is it secret code for the Clinton are founders of ISIS?

Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
So if we're doing that, then Saddams invasion of Kuwait caused the rise of ISIS.
If we had our full military, ISIS wouldn't have done squat
We did two invasions of Iraq. The second threw out the Sunni's in power which was the nucleus of ISIS. They formed in Syria or the Levant in which US even with a military could not stop. The Iraqi's had been trained to be their own army yet threw down their arms and ran when ISIS attacked..Not the fault of anyone but the Iraq military troop. But the reason for ISIS in Iraq was the Shia's taking away the power-sharing set up by the US, thus infuriating the Sunni population.

That's all fine, but they wouldn't have done anything if we had stayed with are full army. Obama and Clinton pulled out, letting everyone know when, THEN when things got bad, they did NOTHING.....You can't create a power vacuum like that and not expect shit to hit the fan, especially in Iraq.....were they that dumb?

Do you understand that Bush was forced to negotiate throughout 2008 for the SOFA agreement he sign with Iraq in November of that year? The withdrawal timeline was set then.

Of course the West stepped in as soon as the ISIS gang began to approach the oil capital of Kurdistan, Erbil. That was the real red line in the sand.
she and Obama gave away what me we'd be leaving

In reality the set withdrawal date was published on the 17 of Nov. 2008 by the man who authorized the invasion and occupation. I don't think you want proof, I think your set on telling the lie over and over and......

What kind of turd accuses their fellow human of not showing outrage at the vicious tactics from an al Qaeda off-shoot that Bushes military adventure created? Oh yeah that's you!
Silly lib. You know everyone believed we would update the stratforce agreement. Obama failed to do so. After yet another diplomatic failure, he announced he was cutting and running.

Bush had a full year to include a status of forces agreement with Iraq, why was his negotiations unsuccessful? Wasn't there a single sticking point in the Bush negotiations that extended into Obama's? No president would leave troops in a religious theocracy and leave them at the mercy of that countries laws and justice system. Fuck um. Obama did the right thing. With his plan to support a coalition of forces, we've taken all of ISIS's territory away with very few American lives being lost during that campaign.
Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
So if we're doing that, then Saddams invasion of Kuwait caused the rise of ISIS.
If we had our full military, ISIS wouldn't have done squat
We did two invasions of Iraq. The second threw out the Sunni's in power which was the nucleus of ISIS. They formed in Syria or the Levant in which US even with a military could not stop. The Iraqi's had been trained to be their own army yet threw down their arms and ran when ISIS attacked..Not the fault of anyone but the Iraq military troop. But the reason for ISIS in Iraq was the Shia's taking away the power-sharing set up by the US, thus infuriating the Sunni population.

That's all fine, but they wouldn't have done anything if we had stayed with are full army. Obama and Clinton pulled out, letting everyone know when, THEN when things got bad, they did NOTHING.....You can't create a power vacuum like that and not expect shit to hit the fan, especially in Iraq.....were they that dumb?

Do you understand that Bush was forced to negotiate throughout 2008 for the SOFA agreement he sign with Iraq in November of that year? The withdrawal timeline was set then.

Of course the West stepped in as soon as the ISIS gang began to approach the oil capital of Kurdistan, Erbil. That was the real red line in the sand.
We had the option of keeping 24,000 troops there. Obama cut it to 10,000, but was unable to execute the plan. So much failure by Obama.
she and Obama gave away what me we'd be leaving

In reality the set withdrawal date was published on the 17 of Nov. 2008 by the man who authorized the invasion and occupation. I don't think you want proof, I think your set on telling the lie over and over and......

What kind of turd accuses their fellow human of not showing outrage at the vicious tactics from an al Qaeda off-shoot that Bushes military adventure created? Oh yeah that's you!
Silly lib. You know everyone believed we would update the stratforce agreement. Obama failed to do so. After yet another diplomatic failure, he announced he was cutting and running.

Bush had a full year to include a status of forces agreement with Iraq, why was his negotiations unsuccessful? Wasn't there a single sticking point in the Bush negotiations that extended into Obama's? No president would leave troops in a religious theocracy and leave them at the mercy of that countries laws and justice system. Fuck um. Obama did the right thing. With his plan to support a coalition of forces, we've taken all of ISIS's territory away with very few American lives being lost during that campaign.
Obama was too busy supporting ISIS in Syria. He never gave a fuck about the people of Iraq.
she and Obama gave away what me we'd be leaving

In reality the set withdrawal date was published on the 17 of Nov. 2008 by the man who authorized the invasion and occupation. I don't think you want proof, I think your set on telling the lie over and over and......

What kind of turd accuses their fellow human of not showing outrage at the vicious tactics from an al Qaeda off-shoot that Bushes military adventure created? Oh yeah that's you!
Un no, he did invade, as he should have.. we warned them repeatedly. AS for the tactics, no you guys didn't rush in, Obama dismissed the ISIS threat and it was there until Trump told them to WIN and didn't care about the politics...just win and they did.
The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
So if we're doing that, then Saddams invasion of Kuwait caused the rise of ISIS.
If we had our full military, ISIS wouldn't have done squat
We did two invasions of Iraq. The second threw out the Sunni's in power which was the nucleus of ISIS. They formed in Syria or the Levant in which US even with a military could not stop. The Iraqi's had been trained to be their own army yet threw down their arms and ran when ISIS attacked..Not the fault of anyone but the Iraq military troop. But the reason for ISIS in Iraq was the Shia's taking away the power-sharing set up by the US, thus infuriating the Sunni population.

That's all fine, but they wouldn't have done anything if we had stayed with are full army. Obama and Clinton pulled out, letting everyone know when, THEN when things got bad, they did NOTHING.....You can't create a power vacuum like that and not expect shit to hit the fan, especially in Iraq.....were they that dumb?

Do you understand that Bush was forced to negotiate throughout 2008 for the SOFA agreement he sign with Iraq in November of that year? The withdrawal timeline was set then.

Of course the West stepped in as soon as the ISIS gang began to approach the oil capital of Kurdistan, Erbil. That was the real red line in the sand.
We had the option of keeping 24,000 troops there. Obama cut it to 10,000, but was unable to execute the plan. So much failure by Obama.

There was no such option in the SOFA. Nor was there any paragraph devoted to any type of renegotiation for a SoF agreement either. Obama could have left at any time and Iraq could ask us to leave at any time too.
she and Obama gave away what me we'd be leaving

In reality the set withdrawal date was published on the 17 of Nov. 2008 by the man who authorized the invasion and occupation. I don't think you want proof, I think your set on telling the lie over and over and......

What kind of turd accuses their fellow human of not showing outrage at the vicious tactics from an al Qaeda off-shoot that Bushes military adventure created? Oh yeah that's you!
Silly lib. You know everyone believed we would update the stratforce agreement. Obama failed to do so. After yet another diplomatic failure, he announced he was cutting and running.

Bush had a full year to include a status of forces agreement with Iraq, why was his negotiations unsuccessful? Wasn't there a single sticking point in the Bush negotiations that extended into Obama's? No president would leave troops in a religious theocracy and leave them at the mercy of that countries laws and justice system. Fuck um. Obama did the right thing. With his plan to support a coalition of forces, we've taken all of ISIS's territory away with very few American lives being lost during that campaign.
Obama was too busy supporting ISIS in Syria. He never gave a fuck about the people of Iraq.


Sure, cause he was one of them right?
she and Obama gave away what me we'd be leaving

In reality the set withdrawal date was published on the 17 of Nov. 2008 by the man who authorized the invasion and occupation. I don't think you want proof, I think your set on telling the lie over and over and......

What kind of turd accuses their fellow human of not showing outrage at the vicious tactics from an al Qaeda off-shoot that Bushes military adventure created? Oh yeah that's you!
Silly lib. You know everyone believed we would update the stratforce agreement. Obama failed to do so. After yet another diplomatic failure, he announced he was cutting and running.

Bush had a full year to include a status of forces agreement with Iraq, why was his negotiations unsuccessful? Wasn't there a single sticking point in the Bush negotiations that extended into Obama's? No president would leave troops in a religious theocracy and leave them at the mercy of that countries laws and justice system. Fuck um. Obama did the right thing. With his plan to support a coalition of forces, we've taken all of ISIS's territory away with very few American lives being lost during that campaign.
Obama was too busy supporting ISIS in Syria. He never gave a fuck about the people of Iraq.


Sure, cause he was one of them right?
$500,000,000 in weapons and support. Explain why Obama thought that was a good idea? Especially as he was cutting and running in Iraq. He knew exactly what would happen. And then he sat by and watched.
In reality the set withdrawal date was published on the 17 of Nov. 2008 by the man who authorized the invasion and occupation. I don't think you want proof, I think your set on telling the lie over and over and......

What kind of turd accuses their fellow human of not showing outrage at the vicious tactics from an al Qaeda off-shoot that Bushes military adventure created? Oh yeah that's you!
Silly lib. You know everyone believed we would update the stratforce agreement. Obama failed to do so. After yet another diplomatic failure, he announced he was cutting and running.

Bush had a full year to include a status of forces agreement with Iraq, why was his negotiations unsuccessful? Wasn't there a single sticking point in the Bush negotiations that extended into Obama's? No president would leave troops in a religious theocracy and leave them at the mercy of that countries laws and justice system. Fuck um. Obama did the right thing. With his plan to support a coalition of forces, we've taken all of ISIS's territory away with very few American lives being lost during that campaign.
Obama was too busy supporting ISIS in Syria. He never gave a fuck about the people of Iraq.


Sure, cause he was one of them right?
$500,000,000 in weapons and support. Explain why Obama thought that was a good idea? Especially as he was cutting and running in Iraq. He knew exactly what would happen. And then he sat by and watched.

As if President Obama operated in a vacuum or without Congressional support. Do recall who was held the majority in Congress at the time.

Both the House and Senate panels voted on the administration’s plan last week, officials said.

The agreement allows money already in the CIA’s budget to be reprogrammed for the Syria operation, a covert action that President Obama approved early last month. The infrastructure for the program, which also includes training, logistics and intelligence assistance — most of it based in Jordan — is already in place and the arms would begin to flow within the next several weeks.

Congressional panels approve arms aid to Syrian opposition
Silly lib. You know everyone believed we would update the stratforce agreement. Obama failed to do so. After yet another diplomatic failure, he announced he was cutting and running.

Bush had a full year to include a status of forces agreement with Iraq, why was his negotiations unsuccessful? Wasn't there a single sticking point in the Bush negotiations that extended into Obama's? No president would leave troops in a religious theocracy and leave them at the mercy of that countries laws and justice system. Fuck um. Obama did the right thing. With his plan to support a coalition of forces, we've taken all of ISIS's territory away with very few American lives being lost during that campaign.
Obama was too busy supporting ISIS in Syria. He never gave a fuck about the people of Iraq.


Sure, cause he was one of them right?
$500,000,000 in weapons and support. Explain why Obama thought that was a good idea? Especially as he was cutting and running in Iraq. He knew exactly what would happen. And then he sat by and watched.

As if President Obama operated in a vacuum or without Congressional support. Do recall who was held the majority in Congress at the time.

Both the House and Senate panels voted on the administration’s plan last week, officials said.

The agreement allows money already in the CIA’s budget to be reprogrammed for the Syria operation, a covert action that President Obama approved early last month. The infrastructure for the program, which also includes training, logistics and intelligence assistance — most of it based in Jordan — is already in place and the arms would begin to flow within the next several weeks.

Congressional panels approve arms aid to Syrian opposition
The Obama/Clinton/McCain plan to arm ISIS was foolish. I think we all can agree on that. They never gave a clear reason for the murder of Gaddafi. Bush handed over a relatively stable Iraq and the cabal mentioned above could not allow that to continue. From Egypt to Iraq to WMD's in Syria, Obama fucked up everything he touched.
Bush had a full year to include a status of forces agreement with Iraq, why was his negotiations unsuccessful? Wasn't there a single sticking point in the Bush negotiations that extended into Obama's? No president would leave troops in a religious theocracy and leave them at the mercy of that countries laws and justice system. Fuck um. Obama did the right thing. With his plan to support a coalition of forces, we've taken all of ISIS's territory away with very few American lives being lost during that campaign.
Obama was too busy supporting ISIS in Syria. He never gave a fuck about the people of Iraq.


Sure, cause he was one of them right?
$500,000,000 in weapons and support. Explain why Obama thought that was a good idea? Especially as he was cutting and running in Iraq. He knew exactly what would happen. And then he sat by and watched.

As if President Obama operated in a vacuum or without Congressional support. Do recall who was held the majority in Congress at the time.

Both the House and Senate panels voted on the administration’s plan last week, officials said.

The agreement allows money already in the CIA’s budget to be reprogrammed for the Syria operation, a covert action that President Obama approved early last month. The infrastructure for the program, which also includes training, logistics and intelligence assistance — most of it based in Jordan — is already in place and the arms would begin to flow within the next several weeks.

Congressional panels approve arms aid to Syrian opposition
The Obama/Clinton/McCain plan to arm ISIS was foolish. I think we all can agree on that. They never gave a clear reason for the murder of Gaddafi. Bush handed over a relatively stable Iraq and the cabal mentioned above could not allow that to continue. From Egypt to Iraq to WMD's in Syria, Obama fucked up everything he touched.

To call it a plan to arm ISIS is of course a lie. The action in Libya was led by France and the European branch of NATO and they're paid a price for that too. I can't agree with his brutal murder, personally. The Iraq Bush handed over was still being patrolled by our combat troops. He was also forced to sign the withdrawal papers in the SOFA of 2008. Like liberals predicted, the combatants in the simmering civil war just had to wait it out and we'd leave, and they could get back to killing each other. I'm glad Obama listened to the Generals and devised a plan to combat ISIS that minimizes our soldiers risk. He was a true patriot of the Republic.

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