WikiLeaks' Next: A Major US Bank.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
"He's been relentlessly revealing some of the US government's most deeply held secrets, but for his next act, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he will expose the corruption of a major American bank.

"In an interview with Andy Greenberg of Forbes earlier this month, Assange said his whistleblower website possesses and intends to disclose tens of thousands of secret documents from a major US financial institution early next year.

"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," Assange said."

No further details were provided; however, Assange predicted the impact of these disclosures could rival the Enron emails, "which revealed the corruption of the Houston-based energy company and led to its demise in 2001."

WikiLeaks' Next:
It will be interesting to see what financial institution is exposed. More importantly, will we learn anything that many haven't already assumed about the banks?
Maybe the most interesting question is whether Assange provides any proof of stock or control fraud on Wall Street?

I still wonder how Hank Paulson would hold up in court.
"He's been relentlessly revealing some of the US government's most deeply held secrets, but for his next act, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he will expose the corruption of a major American bank.

"In an interview with Andy Greenberg of Forbes earlier this month, Assange said his whistleblower website possesses and intends to disclose tens of thousands of secret documents from a major US financial institution early next year.

"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," Assange said."

No further details were provided; however, Assange predicted the impact of these disclosures could rival the Enron emails, "which revealed the corruption of the Houston-based energy company and led to its demise in 2001."

WikiLeaks' Next:

The GOP will never let this happen.
"He's been relentlessly revealing some of the US government's most deeply held secrets, but for his next act, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he will expose the corruption of a major American bank.

"In an interview with Andy Greenberg of Forbes earlier this month, Assange said his whistleblower website possesses and intends to disclose tens of thousands of secret documents from a major US financial institution early next year.

"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," Assange said."

No further details were provided; however, Assange predicted the impact of these disclosures could rival the Enron emails, "which revealed the corruption of the Houston-based energy company and led to its demise in 2001."

WikiLeaks' Next:

That first line is overblown and false.
"He's been relentlessly revealing some of the US government's most deeply held secrets, but for his next act, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he will expose the corruption of a major American bank.

"In an interview with Andy Greenberg of Forbes earlier this month, Assange said his whistleblower website possesses and intends to disclose tens of thousands of secret documents from a major US financial institution early next year.

"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," Assange said."

No further details were provided; however, Assange predicted the impact of these disclosures could rival the Enron emails, "which revealed the corruption of the Houston-based energy company and led to its demise in 2001."

WikiLeaks' Next:

That first line is overblown and false.

Good point. As far as I can tell the only substantive thing exposed is that we keep far, far too much secret. It's almost as if everything at State or DoD is presumed secret unless vetted otherwise.
Unfortunately this one wont be very surprising to me. Just read some reports today that the Fed has aggressively secretly bailed out numerous European Banks as well. The Fed is a secret organization that definitely needs to be exposed more. These Bank leaks should be interesting but not very surprising.
"He's been relentlessly revealing some of the US government's most deeply held secrets, but for his next act, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he will expose the corruption of a major American bank.

"In an interview with Andy Greenberg of Forbes earlier this month, Assange said his whistleblower website possesses and intends to disclose tens of thousands of secret documents from a major US financial institution early next year.

"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," Assange said."

No further details were provided; however, Assange predicted the impact of these disclosures could rival the Enron emails, "which revealed the corruption of the Houston-based energy company and led to its demise in 2001."

WikiLeaks' Next:

The GOP will never let this happen.

The current admin is trying to shut it down.
"He's been relentlessly revealing some of the US government's most deeply held secrets, but for his next act, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he will expose the corruption of a major American bank.

"In an interview with Andy Greenberg of Forbes earlier this month, Assange said his whistleblower website possesses and intends to disclose tens of thousands of secret documents from a major US financial institution early next year.

"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," Assange said."

No further details were provided; however, Assange predicted the impact of these disclosures could rival the Enron emails, "which revealed the corruption of the Houston-based energy company and led to its demise in 2001."

WikiLeaks' Next:

The GOP will never let this happen.

Wait for it.... wait for it....

And there it is.
This Wikileaks guy has clearly cut a deal. This latest release was done in coordination with certain Media Outlets and Governments. That should tell everyone that a deal was cut. I think we have all been duped again. There are likely much worse leaks that will not be released to the public. That's probably why the Brits haven't arrested him. They know he's there yet they haven't arrested him. Looks like the joke's on us once again. :(
I understand he's wanted on rape charges somewhere.

I also hear that his website has been bounced off the air.

Wonder who took it down??

Yep. Assange sounds like one helluva guy.

I also wonder why he doesn't he release the intel from Russia. China, Iran, Isreal??

Oh wait. I forgot. Those folks would kill him. Never mind.

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