Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free

Stop supporting such a cretin.

"A number of people went into hiding, a number of people had to move, particularly those civilians in war zones who had told U.S. soldiers about movements of the Taliban and al-Qaida," he said. "No doubt some of those people were harmed when their identities were compromised."

The Judge said there is no evidence anyone was harmed, you sound like another one who doesn't like war crimes uncovered, what the hell is the matter with you?
Well, I can't help that you are an unAmerican piece of shit. Not my problem. :rolleyes:

REAL AMERICANS. . . actually believe and cherish the FIRST AMENDMENT.

". . . According to an account by Dow Jones news service in The Australian, Mangola asked Assange what he had done to violate the law.

“Working as a journalist, I encouraged my source to provide information that was said to be classified,” Assange replied. “I believed the First Amendment protected that activity, but I accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute.”

Assange then significantly added: “The First Amendment was in contradiction with the Espionage Act, but I accept that it would be difficult to win such a case given all these circumstances.” In other words, I broke the law but the law as written is wrong.

Assange touched on the unconstitutionality inherent in the 1917 Espionage Act in that it criminalizes possession and dissemination of defense information, which conflicts with a journalist’s First Amendment rights to obtain and publish such material.

Technically, Assange was right. His actions, as those of any journalist obtaining and publishing classified information, did violate the Espionage Act because the act contains no exception for journalists.

“Mr. Assange was not going to agree to any disposition of this case that required him to accept allegations that are simply not true,” Barry Pollack, Assange’s U.S. lawyer, told reporters outside the courthouse in Saipan. He explained:

“Mr. Assange did not plead guilty to and would not plead guilty to 17 counts of the Espionage Act, computer hacking. There was a very narrow agreed upon set of facts here and Mr. Assange acknowledges that of course he accepted documents from Chelsea Manning and published many of those documents because it was in the world’s interest that those documents be published. Unfortunately that violates the terms of the Espionage Act.

That’s what we acknowledge today. Mr. Assange also said clearly he believes there should be First Amendment protection for that conduct, but the fact of the matter is, as written, the Espionage Act does not have a defense for the First Amendment.

What he acknowledged is what he has to acknowledge which is true and nothing that he should be ashamed of: Yes he received classified information from Chelsea Manning and he published that information.”

Ok - Help

I say that wiki has deleted the info.
You confirm the deletion.
You say that it is pointless because the info has been available all of this time (presumably because anyone that wanted the info could have gotten it already.)
I say that I don't think that it is "pointless" (because there are other points)

How did I become an unamerican POS, based on that?
The Judge said there is no evidence anyone was harmed, you sound like another one who doesn't like war crimes uncovered, what the hell is the matter with you?
Nope. The US government said they could not produce anyone. That doesn't mean what you suggest and claim it means.

War crime being uncovered? Is that what Julian the rapist was all about? He's got you fooled. but o'tay

Nope. The US government said they could not produce anyone. That doesn't mean what you suggest and claim it means.

War crime being uncovered? Is that what Julian the rapist was all about? He's got you fooled. but o'tay

View attachment 967744
The Rapist my arse, and the Judge said there is no evidence anyone was harmed, what about that don't you get? by the way how did the Maianus islands become an American Colony? and yes war crimes in Guantanamo and Bagram, extraordinary rendition all over the world to torture centres.
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Ok - Help

I say that wiki has deleted the info.
You confirm the deletion.
You say that it is pointless because the info has been available all of this time (presumably because anyone that wanted the info could have gotten it already.)
I say that I don't think that it is "pointless" (because there are other points)

How did I become an unamerican POS, based on that?


It is just my opinion. Look into it, and form your own,

My opinion is simply based on how I was educated as a kid in the seventies, based on the vision of what the founder's had intended for this nation. Based on what they went through to found the nation, and their understanding of enlightment values and natural law.

Some folks? They want the United States to now rule the planet. The actually bleev the government should be sovereign over the people, and not the reverse.

Enduring Media Lies And Myths About Julian Assange: DEBUNKED​

Jun 26, 2024

Tucker Carlson Responds to Julian Assange’s Release During Australia Speech​

Jun 26, 2024

0:00 Intro
2:31 Tucker reacts to Julian Assange's release
16:13 Christianity
21:49 Q&A
21:55 Who's the most difficult person Tucker has interviewed?
27:32 Tucker clashes with journalist over Putin
32:33 Assange
37:05 Is China a threat?
43:22 Heated exchange between Tucker and liberal journalist on immigration

This has ALWAYS been the premiere resource for following this story, they care;

Any other place, is probably just agitprop.

Glenn Greenwald: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil​

Jun 18, 3:00 pm​

The Judge said there is no evidence anyone was harmed, you sound like another one who doesn't like war crimes uncovered, what the hell is the matter with you?
Dante' is an authoritarian dick wad. He has not the first clue why the founders wrote the Constitution.

He probably thinks the Bill of Rights are things the government has given citizens, rather a list of things that are enumerated, as specific restrictions, against which the government is forbidden to infringe.

Likewise. . . in his world, like every other federal politician since the passing of the Constitution, the tenth Amendment does not even exist.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.[6]
The man belongs in a prison.

He is responsible for the deaths of many.
For da record: The US govt. alleges that Assange failed to redact the name and sensitive data of various informants, spies and sources.
There has not been a concrete allegation of deaths attributed to the Wikileaks release.

Quite amused at the sentence: James Lewis QC, representing the US government, said Assange’s extradition was nothing to do with his exposure of war crimes or embarrassing the US government, as claimed, but was entirely about releasing documents that put people at risk.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange put lives in danger by releasing unredacted documents containing the names of sources who had assisted the US in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, a court heard today.
James Lewis QC, representing the US government, said Assange’s extradition was nothing to do with his exposure of war crimes or embarrassing the US government, as claimed, but was entirely about releasing documents that put people at risk.

Lewis was speaking on the first day of a week-long hearing at Woolwich Crown Court into a request by the US government to extradite the WikiLeaks founder to face charges under the US Espionage Act.
Nope. The US government said they could not produce anyone. That doesn't mean what you suggest and claim it means.

War crime being uncovered? Is that what Julian the rapist was all about? He's got you fooled. but o'tay

View attachment 967744
Errr..you did see the clip where the helicopter gunship executed a number of civilians, including journalists? You see where they misidentified a camera and a cell phone as weapons..then kill those people--unarmed civilian people. Reuters journalists..as a matter of fact. Before the Wikileaks release, no one knew of this atrocity.
Not in love with Assange...but he was the agent of justice..in this case.
That, my friend..is a war crime. There are more.

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The Rapist my arse ...
That's right. Julian Assange raped no one. He isn't even accused of rape and never was.
... and the Judge said there is no evidence anyone was harmed, what about that don't you get?
Also correct. To say he did this and did that requires some proof. The total lack of proof makes the accusations false. But your antagonist doesn't "get" anything. He's doing his bit for the sake of a shill.
by the way how did the Maianus islands become an American Colony? and yes war crimes in Guantanamo and Bagram, extraordinary rendition all over the world to torture centres.
Thank you. Now ask whats-his-name if he "gets it".

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