Wikileaks to expose Hillary Clintons ties to Russia and Seth Rich 4chan predicts


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Julian Assange may release evidence showing Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia during the presidential election as well as the real extent of her crimes, says an anonymous source on 4Chan who has so proved to be far more credible than the mainstream media.
Wikileaks to Expose Hillary Clinton’s Ties to Russia & Seth Rich, 4Chan Predicts

Oh this would be interesting if he does it, that would be the best thing to happen sink this pos liar and traitor. Hopefully they pull out all the crooked dirt on this loser sooner rather than later.
Julian Assange may release evidence showing Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia during the presidential election as well as the real extent of her crimes, says an anonymous source on 4Chan who has so proved to be far more credible than the mainstream media.
Wikileaks to Expose Hillary Clinton’s Ties to Russia & Seth Rich, 4Chan Predicts

Oh this would be interesting if he does it, that would be the best thing to happen sink this pos liar and traitor. Hopefully they pull out all the crooked dirt on this loser sooner rather than later.

Totally the opposite in the news Mindwars

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss ‘tool of Russian intelligence’

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss 'tool of Russian intelligence'
Julian Assange may release evidence showing Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia during the presidential election as well as the real extent of her crimes, says an anonymous source on 4Chan who has so proved to be far more credible than the mainstream media.
Wikileaks to Expose Hillary Clinton’s Ties to Russia & Seth Rich, 4Chan Predicts

Oh this would be interesting if he does it, that would be the best thing to happen sink this pos liar and traitor. Hopefully they pull out all the crooked dirt on this loser sooner rather than later.

Totally the opposite in the news Mindwars

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss ‘tool of Russian intelligence’

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss 'tool of Russian intelligence'

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You REALLY believe that??????? Given that the Hildebeast has been busted for selling uranium TO the ROOSKIES??????????
Julian Assange may release evidence showing Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia during the presidential election as well as the real extent of her crimes, says an anonymous source on 4Chan who has so proved to be far more credible than the mainstream media.
Wikileaks to Expose Hillary Clinton’s Ties to Russia & Seth Rich, 4Chan Predicts

Oh this would be interesting if he does it, that would be the best thing to happen sink this pos liar and traitor. Hopefully they pull out all the crooked dirt on this loser sooner rather than later.

Totally the opposite in the news Mindwars

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss ‘tool of Russian intelligence’

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss 'tool of Russian intelligence'

Gee go figure that a far left religious rag like the Washington post would quote Clinton and you far left drones would believe it without question or hesitation..
If true, it will be glorious and hilarious. The Marxist media and the DNC will be a laughing stock.

They are already, but this will just keep the ball rolling. That is, if it is true.

Imagine the irony if all of the DNC investigations of Trump results in Hillary being put in prison.

Well the unfortunate truth is, Hilary will never do any jail time. Although she should, but it will not happen because those career politicians will not want it. They will be afraid it could happen to them if they start this ball rolling.
I'd like to take this time to remind folks that I'd consider it an honor if I were allowed to set that bitch on fire.
Julian Assange may release evidence showing Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia during the presidential election as well as the real extent of her crimes, says an anonymous source on 4Chan who has so proved to be far more credible than the mainstream media.
Wikileaks to Expose Hillary Clinton’s Ties to Russia & Seth Rich, 4Chan Predicts

Oh this would be interesting if he does it, that would be the best thing to happen sink this pos liar and traitor. Hopefully they pull out all the crooked dirt on this loser sooner rather than later.

Totally the opposite in the news Mindwars

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss ‘tool of Russian intelligence’

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss 'tool of Russian intelligence'

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You REALLY believe that??????? Given that the Hildebeast has been busted for selling uranium TO the ROOSKIES??????????

They often can't stand to see those they support being criminals, or they react to waking up because all these Hillary C. supporters are being made to look like huge idiots. Kind of like getting their hands caught in the cookie jar.

they support a criminal and even want a criminal to run the Country. Gawd Trump haters live in their own fantasy world.


Judiciary Committee Calls on Former FBI Informant to Testify About Uranium One

And DONT USE THE INFOWARS cop out excuse because the Official link is listed as to where they got their information. ( have to put that because sheep aren't that intelligent).
Julian Assange may release evidence showing Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia during the presidential election as well as the real extent of her crimes, says an anonymous source on 4Chan who has so proved to be far more credible than the mainstream media.
Wikileaks to Expose Hillary Clinton’s Ties to Russia & Seth Rich, 4Chan Predicts

Oh this would be interesting if he does it, that would be the best thing to happen sink this pos liar and traitor. Hopefully they pull out all the crooked dirt on this loser sooner rather than later.

Totally the opposite in the news Mindwars

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss ‘tool of Russian intelligence’

Clinton brands WikiLeaks boss 'tool of Russian intelligence'

Gee go figure that a far left religious rag like the Washington post would quote Clinton and you far left drones would believe it without question or hesitation..

HAA HAA Kosh is defending INFOWARS.... :cuckoo::laugh::laugh2::laugh::laugh2:

Go get me one good link other than the bullshit MindBlock posted...You won't find one except to see that there are several stories on Clinton calling out WIKI link..

Australia Breaking: 11:00am
Julian Assange hung out to dry — yet again
James O'Neill 27 February 2018, 11:00am 2
A British court's refusal to lift an arrest warrant on Julian Assange dispels any doubts that the case against him is a political one, writes [URL=',527']James O'Neill

ON 13 FEBRUARY 2018, a British Judge ruled against an application by lawyers acting for Julian Assange that the arrest warrant that was extant for his failure to turn up to the court should be quashed.

The decision – and some additional facts that have been revealed due to the diligence of an Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi – dispels any lingering doubts that the Assange case is a political one, aimed at incarcerating a man whose organisation, WikiLeaks, has proved a persistent embarrassment to the British and American establishments.

In August 2010, the Swedish prosecutor’s office issued an arrest warrant for Assange. He was alleged to have sexually assaulted two women in Stockholm. Assange was arrested in Britain pursuant to a European arrest warrant and released on bail. On 19 June 2011, prior to an extradition hearing in London, Assange entered the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He has remained there ever since — a period now approaching seven years.

In May 2017, the Swedish authorities dropped the sexual assault charges. That obviated the need for either an arrest warrant or an extradition. Nonetheless, the British have pursued Assange on the breach of bail charge, at a cost of more than UK£4 million (AU$7.12 million). This for an offence that carries a maximum term of six month’s imprisonment. Clearly, there were other factors in play than just the pursuit of a bail jumper.
[/URL]Human rightsLaw
Julian Assange ⌛‏ @JulianAssange Feb 13

Statement on ruling: We are surprised. Judge went well outside what the parties presented in court. This seems to have led to many factual errors in the judgment. US DoJ confirmed to Reuters again yesterday that its case is ongoing. There are 3 months to appeal judge's decision.

9:03 AM - 13 Feb 2018

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