Wikipedia Tries Clumsily to Attack Credentials of mRNA Inventor Who Says Vaccine Takers are in "Danger"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Of course we are talking about newly minted public enemy number one, Dr. Robert Malone who invented mRNA technology, who now says anyone who took the Pfizer or Moderna is in "danger." He says a Japanese study obtained under FOIA proves that the spike proteins are coming loose from the injection site and lodging themselves in all organs, with God-knows what hideous consequences in the long run. This is why you have years of animal trials first.

Wiki suddenly erases all references to him as the mRNA tech inventor, so it will be easier to undermine his credibility LOL. Problem is there are hundreds of archived screenshots of the OLD Wiki page LOLOL! :auiqs.jpg:

Below: Wikipedia page on invention of mRNA technology, prior to Dr. Malone June 2021 interview warning of “danger,” archived at (click to see larger image)

Below: Wikipedia page now, after June 2021 interview on Bret Weinstein Show (Full interview) (click to see larger image)

Dr. Malone:

“… revealing that spike gets cleaved off of express cells and becomes free is something that absolutely should have been known and understood well before this ever got put in humans.”

Summary of Dr. Malone June 2021 Interview by Discernable (view at Bitchute) (Full 3-Hour Interview view at Bitchute) (Rush Transcript of full interview)

Wiki suddenly erases all references to him as the mRNA tech inventor, so it will be easier to undermine his credibility LOL. Problem is there are hundreds of archived screenshots of the OLD Wiki page LOLOL!
They just don't make "memory holes" like they used to, do they?
Aha.. He was on Tucker, the only journalist remotely with the balls to have him on. How could he pass Fox News vetters if he wasn't actually the inventor of mRNA tech? The whole thing is falling apart for them.

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