Wil Rove & his scret $$$ crush teaparty candidates in upcoming Repub Primaries?

Liberal/Progressive/Lefty thinking sucks, and is bad for our country! We conservatives will do what we need to do to sort out solutions that build our country up rather than tearing it down!
It's actually going to test Rove's relevance.

The Tea Party is not really relevant. They are merely an extension of what is already in existence and uphold the status quo.
Liberal/Progressive/Lefty thinking sucks, and is bad for our country! We conservatives will do what we need to do to sort out solutions that build our country up rather than tearing it down!

r u a conservative Repub/Establ- type or teapartier?
now they're rooting for Carl Rove? and want to see him "crush" others

boy they must be worried

the only crushing I'm hoping for is the Democrat/progressives who are up for re-election in the elections coming up.

lets roll people
now they're rooting for Carl Rove? and want to see him "crush" others

boy they must be worried

the only crushing I'm hoping for is the Democrat/progressives who are up for re-election in the elections coming up.

lets roll people

"Dottie" has got her head so far up the Democrats ass's she only thinks Republicans spend wads of cash trying to out do each other.....
Liberal/Progressive/Lefty thinking sucks, and is bad for our country! We conservatives will do what we need to do to sort out solutions that build our country up rather than tearing it down!

Ha! That's a good one....
Liberal/Progressive/Lefty thinking sucks, and is bad for our country! We conservatives will do what we need to do to sort out solutions that build our country up rather than tearing it down!

Ha! That's a good one....

If Rove doesn't get results this time, the Establ crony capitalism Repubs won't hire him anymore. He blew 100's of MILLIONS of "dark money" in the last election cycle & his results were mixed at best
Seems the more we hear about Republican wannabe power brokers the less we hear of issues. Except that we never really heard any Republican talk of issues.
I love when conservatives blow huge wads of cash trying to outdo one another. :)

May Primary Showdowns To Test Tea Party's Relevance - NBC News
More than a month has passed without a 2014 Senate primary race, but that is about to change. Two weeks from today, the first of several competitive GOP primaries in May will take place.


I just bet the radical left loves it when the republican party fights among itself but it ain't gonna save the poor souls who are running on the democrat ticket this november.

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