Wildest Carnival Ride?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
This one has to be right up there...."Stargate":

1 month ago (edited)
I had 3 hotdogs before I went out on this ride by the time the ride ended all those hotdogs where on the ground next to my wallet and keys :lol:
It’s not the carnival rides per se you gotta worry about. It’s the strange drugged-out carny workers who attempt to assemble them properly IMO.
I wouldn't. I have been on ones that just spun you really fast, pinning you to the wall before the floor dropped out and that was a bit nauseating
When I was a kid they had a ride called "The Shoes"...a car on each end of a shaft that dove and spun, first forward and then backward...they had to throw buckets of water into the cars to clean out the barf at the end of most every ride. Imagine falling backward while turning upside down.....a couple rotations and you didn't know up from down....it was a BLAST! :lol:

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If I was on that ride, I would probably have my eyes closed the whole time just enjoying whatever breeze came in. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


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