*Muslim Rapes A Lady, Get Released Rapes Another Lady Next Day!*

Blacks are currently entitled to affirmative action programs that advance them to positions where they lack the intelligence to perform adequately.
I have worked with blacks who owed their jobs to affirmative action. Their incompetence was obvious to everyone.

Blacks think they're entitled to racial reparations.
Blah, blah, blah, if that is the case whites have had AA since this country was taken. We see white folks in positions that they are not qualified to be in every day. How did you know they owed their jobs to AA? No company in this country tells anyone that this employee was hired due to AA, that's just a lie racist like you tell when a more qualified minority rec'd a job or promotion over your dumbass.

When did reparations become an entitlement?

Reparations (plural noun)
  1. the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.

    Tell me old racist one what amends were given to the slaves after slavery? Tell me what amends were given to black folks after Jim Crow.
Blah, blah, blah, if that is the case whites have had AA since this country was taken. We see white folks in positions that they are not qualified to be in every day. How did you know they owed their jobs to AA? No company in this country tells anyone that this employee was hired due to AA, that's just a lie racist like you tell when a more qualified minority rec'd a job or promotion over your dumbass.

When did reparations become an entitlement?

Reparations (plural noun)
  1. the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.

    Tell me old racist one what amends were given to the slaves after slavery? Tell me what amends were given to black folks after Jim Crow.
Whites built this country with our hard work and intelligence. American Negroes are better off than Negroes in any black majority, black run country. We owe them nothing. They owe us big time.
They said the 911 hijackers were sexual perverts too. The Hamas animals in the Oct 7 attack were sexual deviants. Maybe it's a Muslim thing, not being able to suppress their uncivilized sexual urges. Back to MAGA
Muslims have no respect for women yet the left loves them.
Whites built this country with our hard work and intelligence. American Negroes are better off than Negroes in any black majority, black run country. We owe them nothing. They owe us big time.
That's just racist his-story and not true history. I could post some of the history, but what's the use when dealing with a dumbass racist.

So the answer is: NOTHING. No amends were made.
That's just racist his-story and not true history. I could post some of the history, but what's the use when dealing with a dumbass racist.

So the answer is: NOTHING. No amends were made.
Sorry bout that,

1. Boot straps, we all have to do it, nothing worth having isn't worked for.
2. Anything plopped in your lap, soon turns to dust.
3. People with great wealth, have nothing to work for unsatisfied in their pursuits, so they give it away hoping their giving, is a good legacy.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Give me free things, I'm deserving, seeing my departed relatives were slaves, slaves to sex, just plain slaves, picking cotton.
2. Giving a slave their freedom, isn't all thats desired, when now you have to go out there, and make it your own two feet.
3. Its sad when a person demands free things, when they can earn them, compete, with earning your way, free things turn into dust.
4. Buy some tools, learn a trade, get your ass to, work.
5. Learn a trade, or master a skill, where you will be paid top dollar cause, you know about that thing.
6. People Management, for example.
7. If anythings I've said is wrong, confront me with it, I will beat your ass down with these truths.
8. Arabs soiling our women will get those doing such a hollow grave.

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That's just racist his-story and not true history. I could post some of the history, but what's the use when dealing with a dumbass racist.

So the answer is: NOTHING. No amends were made.
Calling someone a racist is name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse.

The worse mistake whites in the Americas made was to allow the slave trade. Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco.

If there were virtually no Negroes in the United States the crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice system would be much lower. The downtown areas of our cities would not be asphalt jungles, known for crime and moral degeneracy. They would be centers of civilization.
Sorry bout that,

1. Boot straps, we all have to do it, nothing worth having isn't worked for.
As Dr King used to say, you need a pair of boots to have boot straps.
2. Anything plopped in your lap, soon turns to dust.
How much stuff have you had plopped in your lap?
3. People with great wealth, have nothing to work for unsatisfied in their pursuits, so they give it away hoping their giving, is a good legacy.
Whatever that means.
Calling someone a racist is name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse.
If the Hood fits, wear it.
The worse mistake whites in the Americas made was to allow the slave trade. Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco.
Blah, blah, blah, same old racist rhetoric.
If there were virtually no Negroes in the United States the crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice system would be much lower. The downtown areas of our cities would not be asphalt jungles, known for crime and moral degeneracy. They would be centers of civilization.
Just think how much better America would be if we didn't have racist trash like you around.

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