Will China & Japan dump Treasuries?


Nov 5, 2010
At these prices they have nothing but profits on their entire position.

QE2 will destroy the dollar, then China and Japan will have nothing. Do you believe they don't know that?

Bernanke claims he has new tools to reduce $trillions on the Fed's balance sheet. What are these secret tools, hammers, shovels, or toilet paper which will be worth more than dollars. None of the pundit gurus or Congress people you elected to represent you ever ask Bernanke to explain his secret tools.

Have you ever looked at the US Treasury report to see the actual Treasury positions held by China and Japan? Here's the link, take a look.


Mad Scientist doesn't consider that China can unpeg their currency today if they feel like it.

Mad Scientist doesn't consider that China can unpeg their currency today if they feel like it.
Did I say that? No. I know they can unpeg if the want to.

If China unpegs from our dollar then their yuan will rise right? That means all the cheap Chinese shit we buy will still be Chinese but not cheap. Cheap labor and cheap exports is all they got.

Unpeg = China Economic Crash. Tell me how that's wrong.

Now what tricks Bernanke has, I don't know. Other than what you already outlined, massive inflation through QE2, QE3 and so forth, he aint got nutin'.
"As long as the Yuan is pegged to the dollar? I don't think so."

Its their choice. If I was them I'd dump all the Treasuries, convert the dollars into a basket of other currencies, raise wages for Chinese people and they won't need to export anywhere. They would have a middle class like we used to have.

Americans are beyond stupid. Americans are so brainwashed they registered independent and then voted for the Democrat Republican Crime Family instead of creating a pure 3rd party to take control of our country.

Americans are creating our own misery and it pisses me off.
Will China & Japan dump Treasuries?

Long term,,,not a bad thing.
It could happen but I suspect that most Chinese reserves are flight capital for the party cadre. The China bubble bust will not be pretty. As to Japan as rapidly as they are aging they are going to use up those reserves and have already done so partially.
The Chinese and Japanese are responsible for 9/11.

Really? And here I thought it was a Cabal of BOOOOOOSsssssshhhhh, Cheney, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Palin.

Go figure.
China now owns $883.5 US Treasuries. Last year China owned $938.3.

Bernanke is creating fake money to buy the endless supply of debt.

See this: Screwed Again
United Kingdom is the big buyer.

They went from $180 billion to $531 billion. Where did England get $351 billion to buy Treasuries? From sneaky Ben Bernanke, Ben printed it for the Limeys.
BEN PLANS TO ELIMINATE THE DEBT BY KILLING THE DOLLAR it's obvious. you eliminate a debt based on dollars by de-valueing the dollar! 14 trillion? no problem now a toilet seat is worth that. china knows this and has been buying every scrap of gold it can find before the big reveal.

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