Will conservatives cave on Marijuana legislation? Will they cave on the war against illegal aliens? How has caving worked out for conservatives?

Why spend all those resources on trying to stop marijuana? It's no worse than alcohol and tobacco. Put the money towards more dangerous drugs...like opioids.

Or, your pet peeve - immigration.
There is no black market for alcohol and tobacco. Mexican cartels aren't buying grow houses in suburban neighborhoods to grow tobacco or make alcohol.
At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Criminality is facilitated by marijuana being illegal.
What percentage of criminals whom commit violent crimes ARE NOT marijuana users?
lots of those guys drink beer and smoke cigarettes too....and do harder drugs.....
The ole “cigarettes and alcohol are legal so weed should be too” is the argument of fools and stoners.
Don’t do that
Why spend all those resources on trying to stop marijuana? It's no worse than alcohol and tobacco. Put the money towards more dangerous drugs...like opioids.

Or, your pet peeve - immigration.
There is no black market for alcohol and tobacco. Mexican cartels aren't buying grow houses in suburban neighborhoods to grow tobacco or make alcohol.
At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Criminality is facilitated by marijuana being illegal.
What percentage of criminals whom commit violent crimes ARE NOT marijuana users?
What percentage of hard core drug users did not begin by amusing themselves with marijuana?
lots of them.....

Is it your position that marijuana is not a ‘gateway’ drug?
for a hell of a lot of people no....
What percentage of hard core drug users did not begin by amusing themselves with marijuana?

Many more began "amusing themselves" with alcohol.
True! If you talk to the hard core drug addicts you would see that none started off with meth or cocaine or heroin. They started off with marijuana. Not a beer after work but marijuana.

Now of course we have an entirely new problem so bad that marijuana alone is so trivial as to be on the same level as breath mints. China is flooding the cartels with fentanyl. Fentanyl is in everything including illegal marijuana. Not alcohol. Not beer. Wineries are safe.
when it comes to pot you have zero credibility....you have already proven you are full of shit....
I really don't care what you think. Surely there are people here that have their wits about them.
you sure aint one of them.....
Why spend all those resources on trying to stop marijuana? It's no worse than alcohol and tobacco. Put the money towards more dangerous drugs...like opioids.

Or, your pet peeve - immigration.
There is no black market for alcohol and tobacco. Mexican cartels aren't buying grow houses in suburban neighborhoods to grow tobacco or make alcohol.
At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Criminality is facilitated by marijuana being illegal.
What percentage of criminals whom commit violent crimes ARE NOT marijuana users?
lots of those guys drink beer and smoke cigarettes too....and do harder drugs.....
The ole “cigarettes and alcohol are legal so weed should be too” is the argument of fools and stoners.
Don’t do that
thats not what i was saying and i believe you know that....
What percentage of criminals whom commit violent crimes ARE NOT marijuana users?

A larger percent than those who do not drink.

Four guys getting drunk starts a fight. Four guys smoking pot start a band.

I wonder how many of these fine specimen / positive contributors of society smoke weed?

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