Will Impeachment Wreck the Ds in the 2020 Election?

It all boils down to which side does a better job selling the narrative. Trump has given the Democrats material to work with. The phone call with Ukraine and the order to ignore subpoenas are areas worthy of inquiry.

However, by not following thru on an impeachment vote, it comes across as posturing. Attempting to protect red district Democrats from having to vote sends the wrong message.
Impeachment will not phase the Trumpybear base. I bet he could shoot Nancy and they'd not only support him, but also would want to give him the Congressional Medal of Honor.

2020 depends on how well Trumpybear and his allies, here and abroad, can manufacture the appearance of corruption in the opponent. Just like they did in 2016.
Sure Crooked Hillary was only perceived as incompetent crook because Trump pointed it out.

The Fog of Impeachment.

“If it’s a mist in the pulpit, it’s a fog in the pew.”

If the speaker doesn’t present a simple, direct, crystal-clear message, the audience will never retain it.​

Speaker Pelosi apparently never heard this advice.


“How dare you mention Hunter Biden?!”

“I’m still waiting to find out from him how making that call to the head of Ukraine and trying to get him involved in interfering in our election makes America great again,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar said. “It doesn’t make America great again. It makes Russia great again.”

Does Klobuchar think Ukraine is still part of Russia? The two nations have been on the knife-edge of war for years, yet somehow working with one is collusion with their enemy?
First off there is zero probability of conviction in the senate prior to the 2020 election.

When Barr goes after coupists there is a decent probability that the coupists will roll over on House Ds

And not following the procedures of previous impeachments at least looks crooked.

Given the D debates so far anyone who thinks they have any chance at a viable candidate beyond their automatic base of stuffed ballot boxes is not dealing with reality. Your opinion?
Impeachment, immigration, corruption, do-nothingism, hatred for America, Socialism, supporting illegals over citizens, stupidity..

Hard to say what will be the biggest failure on their part.

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