Will It Come To This?, No More "Public Banana Eating" On College Campuses !!

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:cow::disagree: Are we almost there? Will it ever get to the point where students will not be allowed to wear Sombrero Hats, Eat Taco Bell, Sing/Mimmic Rap Songs and eat Bananas on "Leftist Run" college campuses? {Among other foods associated with blacks}.
We just have to wait for the day when the next asinine college campus story comes out when blacks get into an uproar from watching a few white students eating bananas while walking in or out of a college building. How dare dem white crackers eat dem bananas here! Racists !!!:trolls:
I'm here to represent to mastication of bananas around der vorld....
as long as they can get away with it, they'll do it..
many millions of white people grow weary of the perpetually aggrieved negroes and their anti white agenda and are waking up and agree that some corrections need to be made.
as long as they can get away with it, they'll do it..
many millions of white people grow weary of the perpetually aggrieved negroes and their anti white agenda and are waking up and agree that some corrections need to be made.

What corrections are you prepared to make happen?
I'm here to represent to mastication of bananas around der vorld....
i can just see this scene at a college cafeteria, a white student is going thru the line, and asks the counter person for a serving of fried chicken, and he is refused the fried chicken because of racial reasons, NO FRIED CHICKEN FOR YOU!!! Come Back One Year !!!!
:cow::disagree: Are we almost there? Will it ever get to the point where students will not be allowed to wear Sombrero Hats, Eat Taco Bell, Sing/Mimmic Rap Songs and eat Bananas on "Leftist Run" college campuses? {Among other foods associated with blacks}.
We just have to wait for the day when the next asinine college campus story comes out when blacks get into an uproar from watching a few white students eating bananas while walking in or out of a college building. How dare dem white crackers eat dem bananas here! Racists !!!:trolls:

Bananas are associated with blacks? Woulda thought Asians...:)
:cow::disagree: Are we almost there? Will it ever get to the point where students will not be allowed to wear Sombrero Hats, Eat Taco Bell, Sing/Mimmic Rap Songs and eat Bananas on "Leftist Run" college campuses? {Among other foods associated with blacks}.
We just have to wait for the day when the next asinine college campus story comes out when blacks get into an uproar from watching a few white students eating bananas while walking in or out of a college building. How dare dem white crackers eat dem bananas here! Racists !!!:trolls:

Bananas are associated with blacks? Woulda thought Asians...:)
i agree to not complain about women eating bananas.
I see you're working hard to really lower the bar this morning

Your opinion please.

Is the OP the least funny person here? Does anyone try harder to be funny and consistently fail more than this guy?

I am personally and deeply offended by your racist, disgusting insult of the OP!
I am just as these people said..."in a place of confusion and hurt." with your totally frankly dangerous and intimidating attack on Mr. Taylor!

It's Not Just Campuses—Liberal Think Tank Employees Want Safe Space From Netanyahu

I'm sure you've broken some laws somewhere by threatening Mr. Taylor with your opprobrium attack! You should be ashamed!
There was a story not long ago where some students were told they couldn't hold a fiesta where Mexican food would be served and Mexican attire would be worn. It was deemed insensitive despite it being more of a fun tribute.

A coach was called racist for sharing watermelon with the football players after practice in the summer. This has been a long tradition here in the Midwest and most people love refreshing watermelon, especially after practicing hard on a hot day. Another team was called racist for including a watermelon in a fruit basket given to another team.

We are at that point where people will be offended at virtually everything.

That is life these days where people are being overly-sensitive and in a constant state of umbrage over the slightest thing. We have people who believe the world is racist and they view all things in that light.
I saw on a documentary about an Asian immigrant family that they divide themselves along linguistic lines.
Chinese immigrants that don't speak English.
Chinese born in this country and can speak both languages.
Chinese born in America that speak no Chinese.

They call the ones that speak no Chinese "Bananas". Yellow on the outside, White on the inside. They're also the ones who tend to get picked on.

Well, I thought it was funny!

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