Will Joe Biden's (J.B.) Sectarian Stance be an Election Issue


Active Member
May 7, 2020
As a man baptized, raised, and confirmed Lutheran, advancing into the higher degrees of Christendom; I believe that Joe Biden's religiously zealous "green" stances will cause a section of the population to pause... and think... maybe someone else should be the Democratic party's nominee. After hundreds of years of British, and yes, I do include Irish folk as being British, infighting by the cause of loyalty to one's freedom vs. subjugation to Rome; someone stoking sectarian violence, as per the Irish Time of Troubles, as though representing the I.R.A. terrorist organization is someone I do not want in the White House. He apologized over the "you ain't black" comment, now apologize to the Protestants.

As a man baptized, raised, and confirmed Lutheran, advancing into the higher degrees of Christendom; I believe that Joe Biden's religiously zealous "green" stances will cause a section of the population to pause... and think... maybe someone else should be the Democratic party's nominee. After hundreds of years of British, and yes, I do include Irish folk as being British, infighting by the cause of loyalty to one's freedom vs. subjugation to Rome; someone stoking sectarian violence, as per the Irish Time of Troubles, as though representing the I.R.A. terrorist organization is someone I do not want in the White House. He apologized over the "you ain't black" comment, now apologize to the Protestants.

I didn't know about that. Biden is the best candidate ever! Biden/Covid 2020!
Such a serious subject to reflect upon....Not....Considering we here in the US don't have the problems that Britain faces in its continued subjugation of Ireland..
Such a serious subject to reflect upon....Not....Considering we here in the US don't have the problems that Britain faces in its continued subjugation of Ireland..

Because it's cool to disparage Protestants, all the Antifa cool cats and Progressive Fascists do it
Such a serious subject to reflect upon....Not....Considering we here in the US don't have the problems that Britain faces in its continued subjugation of Ireland..

Because it's cool to disparage Catholics, all the Antifa cool cats and Progressive Fascists do it
I heard Biden likes to wear a Capirote in the nude while dancing to relax him before a big campaign speech....
Being Irish meself I prefer the non-religious rebels in Eire, and I don't think they'll vote for Biden...
Such a serious subject to reflect upon....Not....Considering we here in the US don't have the problems that Britain faces in its continued subjugation of Ireland..

Because it's cool to disparage Catholics, all the Antifa cool cats and Progressive Fascists do it
I heard Biden likes to wear a Capirote in the nude while dancing to relax him before a big campaign speech....
Being Irish meself I prefer the non-religious rebels in Eire, and I don't think they'll vote for Biden...

In the unlikely event the DNXi stick with Biden to November - it's about 50-50 right now, they'll have to hook him up to a wireless electro-shock devise to at least try to stop him in mid-gaffe
Such a serious subject to reflect upon....Not....Considering we here in the US don't have the problems that Britain faces in its continued subjugation of Ireland..

Because it's cool to disparage Catholics, all the Antifa cool cats and Progressive Fascists do it
I heard Biden likes to wear a Capirote in the nude while dancing to relax him before a big campaign speech....
Being Irish meself I prefer the non-religious rebels in Eire, and I don't think they'll vote for Biden...

In the unlikely event the DNXi stick with Biden to November - it's about 50-50 right now, they'll have to hook him up to a wireless electro-shock devise to at least try to stop him in mid-gaffe
I figured by then they could dubb over him with pre recorded gaffe free materials done by a voice impersonator.
Such a serious subject to reflect upon....Not....Considering we here in the US don't have the problems that Britain faces in its continued subjugation of Ireland..

Because it's cool to disparage Protestants, all the Antifa cool cats and Progressive Fascists do it
Certainly not. One thing to remember is his track record. Op. Fast and Furious, how much was Biden involved in continuing those policies? What that policy, G.W. Bush, certainly not off the hook on that either, was is the same as if France or Greece were arming the Italian military during Italy's invasions of their nations during World War II. But I suppose tithing to the Vatican is also supplying financial support.

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