Will Nation of Islam members now be monitored as a domestic terror group...you know...like...

You know, like those people who “stormed the Capitol” to waive flags and take selfies?


The NOI is notoriously anti-Semitic as well. Will Dems come out and condemn the organization now?

We know Omar Brother-Fucker won’t:

The Hussein? Colin Powell? What day you?

So...hold on a second...your rant is nonsensical.

The people who stormed the capital aren't being monitored as "domestic terrorist groups"...those involved in actually breaking in, damaging property, and injuring police trying to protect property and people leading to the death of one police officer, are being charged. That's appropriate isn't it?

I don't know which ones were "waving flags and taking selfies", but I sure saw a lot of them vandalizing, beating and attacking police and stealing property.

What does Nation of Islam have to do with it? Or Obama? Or Colin Powell? N of I is unsavory in it's anti-semitism, but...have they done anything lately? :dunno:

The Proud Boys sure have.
So have a couple of other militia groups.
wrong as usual. entire groups unassociated with the riot are being investigated and people that did nothing are being questioned.
The Nation Of Islam has been under continual FBI surveillance since day one. Only a fool would think otherwise.
Will this terror attack on our Capitol go unanswered?

Let me get this straight, one black man attacks the Capitol and it's a terrorist attack. Over a thousand white folks attack the Capitol and they are considered as Patriots. Am I correct?

Yes-----murder for allah on not just FRIDAY---but on "GOOD FRIDAY" ------is islamic terrorism. A thousand "white folks" ----well actually a mixed group engaging in a "SIT-IN" in the capitol building------is a SIT-IN---in the capitol building

to what do you object sunni-habiby? the murder for allah on Friday----or GOOD
Friday The very first "khutbah jumaat" I heard in a mosque was on a GOOD Friday-----
more than 50 years ago. Good Friday being a school holiday in the USA, there
were lots of little boys there being told that christians are LIARS and THE
ENEMEEEEEEES of ISLAM. The holiday "GOOD FRIDAY"---was an example of the
LIES. Or do you object to my characterization of the Jan 6 event as a
"SIT-IN" ------to me it seemed about as non violent as those vandals and
druggies who tied themselves to fixtures like radiators in all sorts of public
building in "PROTEST" to whatevah, circa 1970. Do you consider SAINT
ANGELA DAVIS a pacifist?--------there was a rumor once that she converted
to islam------but I was never convinced
The Nation Of Islam has been under continual FBI surveillance since day one. Only a fool would think otherwise.
Will this terror attack on our Capitol go unanswered?

Let me get this straight, one black man attacks the Capitol and it's a terrorist attack. Over a thousand white folks attack the Capitol and they are considered as Patriots. Am I correct?

Yes-----murder for allah on not just FRIDAY---but on "GOOD FRIDAY" ------is islamic terrorism. A thousand "white folks" ----well actually a mixed group engaging in a "SIT-IN" in the capitol building------is a SIT-IN---in the capitol building

to what do you object sunni-habiby? the murder for allah on Friday----or GOOD
Friday The very first "khutbah jumaat" I heard in a mosque was on a GOOD Friday-----
more than 50 years ago. Good Friday being a school holiday in the USA, there
were lots of little boys there being told that christians are LIARS and THE
ENEMEEEEEEES of ISLAM. The holiday "GOOD FRIDAY"---was an example of the
LIES. Or do you object to my characterization of the Jan 6 event as a
"SIT-IN" ------to me it seemed about as non violent as those vandals and
druggies who tied themselves to fixtures like radiators in all sorts of public
building in "PROTEST" to whatevah, circa 1970. Do you consider SAINT
ANGELA DAVIS a pacifist?--------there was a rumor once that she converted
to islam------but I was never convinced

What are you running that DS about?
We know that the mob who attacked the U.S. Congress are an organized group of traitors who came to DC with combat dress, helmets, batons, and radio communications. Even their phone calls while this attack was taking place and their communications with each other prior to Jan. 6 show that this attack was part of an organized conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Government and Constitution. This was one guy whose writings suggest that he was experiencing mental problems. Is there evidence that he was part of an organized conspiracy with others? I don't see how a comparison is even possible at this stage.
and here is the proof of the idiotic claims against a whole group while claiming this isn't the same.

What "whole group"? What "idiotic claims"? All I mentioned were the hundreds of traitors who attacked Congress, and that's all on film, and called attention to the fact that this latest attack was carried out by one individual person, who left behind writings suggesting that he had a mental problem, and there are no signs of conspiracy as yet. Logic does not appear to be your strong suit.
so you deny that the msm and politicians have claimed all republicans are complicit?

If "the msm" means "main stream media," this is s full-of-shit phrase in the first place, as the media is comprised of many different organizations. The only republicans who are complicit are the traitors who planned and executed the attack, those who cheered it, and those who have defended it. Now: what of the fact that this guy seems to have acted alone and had mental problems, as opposed to the hundreds of traitors who came to town in combat gear, with weapons, and communications equipment, and planned well in advance to attack Congress and our Constitution? Not all current republicans had something to do with this. A lot of them are just motivated by what they view as their economic interests and many are ignorant single-issue voters jacked up by their emotions about social issues and entertain conspiracies and fears of a "brave new world" that they have to hide from.
We know that the mob who attacked the U.S. Congress are an organized group of traitors who came to DC with combat dress, helmets, batons, and radio communications. Even their phone calls while this attack was taking place and their communications with each other prior to Jan. 6 show that this attack was part of an organized conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Government and Constitution. This was one guy whose writings suggest that he was experiencing mental problems. Is there evidence that he was part of an organized conspiracy with others? I don't see how a comparison is even possible at this stage.
and here is the proof of the idiotic claims against a whole group while claiming this isn't the same.

What "whole group"? What "idiotic claims"? All I mentioned were the hundreds of traitors who attacked Congress, and that's all on film, and called attention to the fact that this latest attack was carried out by one individual person, who left behind writings suggesting that he had a mental problem, and there are no signs of conspiracy as yet. Logic does not appear to be your strong suit.
so you deny that the msm and politicians have claimed all republicans are complicit?

If "the msm" means "main stream media," this is s full-of-shit phrase in the first place, as the media is comprised of many different organizations. The only republicans who are complicit are the traitors who planned and executed the attack, those who cheered it, and those who have defended it. Now: what of the fact that this guy seems to have acted alone and had mental problems, as opposed to the hundreds of traitors who came to town in combat gear, with weapons, and communications equipment, and planned well in advance to attack Congress and our Constitution? Not all current republicans had something to do with this. A lot of them are just motivated by what they view as their economic interests and many are ignorant single-issue voters jacked up by their emotions about social issues and entertain conspiracies and fears of a "brave new world" that they have to hide from.

considering the PLETHORA of weapons at the ATTACK-----it is truly amazing that a blood bath
did not ensue-------tens of thousands of
"white ass republicans" armed to the teeth are incapable of accomplishing what a single little
shahid can do (with the help of allah on Good friday)
We know that the mob who attacked the U.S. Congress are an organized group of traitors who came to DC with combat dress, helmets, batons, and radio communications. Even their phone calls while this attack was taking place and their communications with each other prior to Jan. 6 show that this attack was part of an organized conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Government and Constitution. This was one guy whose writings suggest that he was experiencing mental problems. Is there evidence that he was part of an organized conspiracy with others? I don't see how a comparison is even possible at this stage.
and here is the proof of the idiotic claims against a whole group while claiming this isn't the same.

What "whole group"? What "idiotic claims"? All I mentioned were the hundreds of traitors who attacked Congress, and that's all on film, and called attention to the fact that this latest attack was carried out by one individual person, who left behind writings suggesting that he had a mental problem, and there are no signs of conspiracy as yet. Logic does not appear to be your strong suit.
so you deny that the msm and politicians have claimed all republicans are complicit?

If "the msm" means "main stream media," this is s full-of-shit phrase in the first place, as the media is comprised of many different organizations. The only republicans who are complicit are the traitors who planned and executed the attack, those who cheered it, and those who have defended it. Now: what of the fact that this guy seems to have acted alone and had mental problems, as opposed to the hundreds of traitors who came to town in combat gear, with weapons, and communications equipment, and planned well in advance to attack Congress and our Constitution? Not all current republicans had something to do with this. A lot of them are just motivated by what they view as their economic interests and many are ignorant single-issue voters jacked up by their emotions about social issues and entertain conspiracies and fears of a "brave new world" that they have to hide from.

considering the PLETHORA of weapons at the ATTACK-----it is truly amazing that a blood bath
did not ensue-------tens of thousands of
"white ass republicans" armed to the teeth are incapable of accomplishing what a single little
shahid can do (with the help of allah on Good friday)

Or a single southern baptist on a Tuesday. There is a very big difference between the fatal misdeeds of a lone individual, one only armed with a knife, and a widespread conspiracy to attack the U.S. Government while Congress was in session performing its Constitutional duty. I'm not sure what you mean by "white ass republicans."
We know that the mob who attacked the U.S. Congress are an organized group of traitors who came to DC with combat dress, helmets, batons, and radio communications. Even their phone calls while this attack was taking place and their communications with each other prior to Jan. 6 show that this attack was part of an organized conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Government and Constitution. This was one guy whose writings suggest that he was experiencing mental problems. Is there evidence that he was part of an organized conspiracy with others? I don't see how a comparison is even possible at this stage.
and here is the proof of the idiotic claims against a whole group while claiming this isn't the same.

What "whole group"? What "idiotic claims"? All I mentioned were the hundreds of traitors who attacked Congress, and that's all on film, and called attention to the fact that this latest attack was carried out by one individual person, who left behind writings suggesting that he had a mental problem, and there are no signs of conspiracy as yet. Logic does not appear to be your strong suit.
so you deny that the msm and politicians have claimed all republicans are complicit?

If "the msm" means "main stream media," this is s full-of-shit phrase in the first place, as the media is comprised of many different organizations. The only republicans who are complicit are the traitors who planned and executed the attack, those who cheered it, and those who have defended it. Now: what of the fact that this guy seems to have acted alone and had mental problems, as opposed to the hundreds of traitors who came to town in combat gear, with weapons, and communications equipment, and planned well in advance to attack Congress and our Constitution? Not all current republicans had something to do with this. A lot of them are just motivated by what they view as their economic interests and many are ignorant single-issue voters jacked up by their emotions about social issues and entertain conspiracies and fears of a "brave new world" that they have to hide from.

considering the PLETHORA of weapons at the ATTACK-----it is truly amazing that a blood bath
did not ensue-------tens of thousands of
"white ass republicans" armed to the teeth are incapable of accomplishing what a single little
shahid can do (with the help of allah on Good friday)

Or a single southern baptist on a Tuesday. There is a very big difference between the fatal misdeeds of a lone individual, one only armed with a knife, and a widespread conspiracy to attack the U.S. Government while Congress was in session performing its Constitutional duty. I'm not sure what you mean by "white ass republicans."

"white ass republicans" are republicans with white asses. As to your theory of "widespread
conspiracy to attack" ---??? attack HOW? ----
How many congressmen died?
You know, like those people who “stormed the Capitol” to waive flags and take selfies?


The NOI is notoriously anti-Semitic as well. Will Dems come out and condemn the organization now?

We know Omar Brother-Fucker won’t:

The Hussein? Colin Powell? What day you?
What makes you think they're not?
We know that the mob who attacked the U.S. Congress are an organized group of traitors who came to DC with combat dress, helmets, batons, and radio communications. Even their phone calls while this attack was taking place and their communications with each other prior to Jan. 6 show that this attack was part of an organized conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Government and Constitution. This was one guy whose writings suggest that he was experiencing mental problems. Is there evidence that he was part of an organized conspiracy with others? I don't see how a comparison is even possible at this stage.
and here is the proof of the idiotic claims against a whole group while claiming this isn't the same.

What "whole group"? What "idiotic claims"? All I mentioned were the hundreds of traitors who attacked Congress, and that's all on film, and called attention to the fact that this latest attack was carried out by one individual person, who left behind writings suggesting that he had a mental problem, and there are no signs of conspiracy as yet. Logic does not appear to be your strong suit.
so you deny that the msm and politicians have claimed all republicans are complicit?

If "the msm" means "main stream media," this is s full-of-shit phrase in the first place, as the media is comprised of many different organizations. The only republicans who are complicit are the traitors who planned and executed the attack, those who cheered it, and those who have defended it. Now: what of the fact that this guy seems to have acted alone and had mental problems, as opposed to the hundreds of traitors who came to town in combat gear, with weapons, and communications equipment, and planned well in advance to attack Congress and our Constitution? Not all current republicans had something to do with this. A lot of them are just motivated by what they view as their economic interests and many are ignorant single-issue voters jacked up by their emotions about social issues and entertain conspiracies and fears of a "brave new world" that they have to hide from.

considering the PLETHORA of weapons at the ATTACK-----it is truly amazing that a blood bath
did not ensue-------tens of thousands of
"white ass republicans" armed to the teeth are incapable of accomplishing what a single little
shahid can do (with the help of allah on Good friday)

Or a single southern baptist on a Tuesday. There is a very big difference between the fatal misdeeds of a lone individual, one only armed with a knife, and a widespread conspiracy to attack the U.S. Government while Congress was in session performing its Constitutional duty. I'm not sure what you mean by "white ass republicans."

"white ass republicans" are republicans with white asses. As to your theory of "widespread
conspiracy to attack" ---??? attack HOW? ----
How many congressmen died?
We are not counting others who did die??

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