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Will Obama Be Deported As Illegal Alien? Lawsuit Brewing,based On Police Finding Of Forged Documents

Will Obama be Impeached if it proved his Draft Card is a forgery, a Felony?

  • Yes the Rule of Law will prevail.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No, he will be allowed to get away with it because he is president

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
All that stuff has been looked at. You have no legal status to demand to look at it.

If you truly believe Obama, as mediocre as he is, is a Muslim or a foreigner, you have a screw loose.

You see how EASY it is for subversive Pond scum to LIE, just like Obuma, it rolls off their tongues like dripping honey! As an AMERICAN, we all have LEGAL STATUS to examine the person that is running for control of the country... Socialist, cock sucker that you are!

You use ad homs because you have nothing else.

The laws have been met, the requirements have been met, yet you live in crazy land.

I posted well referenced, documented evidence, including numerous links and invited him to do the same.

@Vigilante has only his usual name calling.

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Pretty interesting conspiracy. At least it is better than the tin-foil hat rants about 9-11.
Nutter lies:


Nothing ‘Sealed’

The idea that any Obama record is “sealed” is a falsehood, to start. The word “sealed” when applied to documents ordinarily refers to records that would normally be public, but that a judge has ruled cannot be released without the court’s permission. Common examples of truly “sealed” documents include records of crimes committed as a juvenile or records of adoptions. None of the claims in this message refers to records actually “sealed” in that usual sense.

In some cases, the records this screed claims are “sealed” are actually public, and open for anyone to see. Other supposedly “sealed” records are normally private documents that Obama hasn’t released — and that other presidential candidates haven’t released either.

So as with earlier versions, this is little more than an attempt to raise suspicions by asking for records that aren’t ordinarily made public, without any evidence that those records contain anything derogatory. We’ll take the claims and questions in the order they appear.

More FACTS at the link but since every single detail is very carefully referenced, fact-checked and documented and thus does not feed into their ridiculous agenda, the nutters consistently choose to ignore it.


No. Many records that presidential candidates don’t ordinarily release do remain confidential, but they are not “sealed” by a court. The 16 claims in a widely distributed graphic are mostly false or distorted.

Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records
Yes indeed Nuttley and the Flakey one, want us all to believe that FACT CHECK is an unbiased and up front organization. IF I may remind everyone from the headline at the above site.....

A Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center

Now as we all know Obuma WORKED with Bill Ayers on the Annenberg Challenge, so this minor connection to Annenberg is a known fact, also ...

I was looking for a photo to add to the left column, when I re-discovered these photos of the two people who "certified" Obama's eligibility to serve as POTUS.

They are employees of FactCheck.org, an organization that bills itself as "non-partisan," but is part of the Annenberg network of liberal-left causes and organizations -- just like Bill Ayers' Chicago Annenberg Challenge -- Annenberg, and its causes, are way left of center.

As the world now knows, FactCheck.org published a web page entitled, "Born in the U.S.A. -- The truth about Obama's birth certificate." The entire webpage is ONE BIG LIE!

The counterfeit document FactCheck.org is proffering on this page, and refers to as a birth certificate -- 31 times -- is not a birth certificate. It's not even a document. At least three qualified examiners have said it's bogus. But that didn't stop FactCheck.org from employing Goebbel's "Big Lie" technique:

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

And it worked!

This absurd webpage, and the bogus document it contains, has been referenced by judges, members of Congress and the ObamaMedia as prima facie evidence that Barack Obama is eligible to serve as Commander in Chief, even though the Obama Campaign has publicly admitted that Obama was -- "at birth" -- a citizen of Kenya, a British subject and is a "native [born US] citizen" -- it's on their website -- anchor babies are "native born citizens."

"Native born" citizenship status is different than "natural born" citizenship. "Native born" American citizens are simply not eligible to serve as Commander in Chief.

FactCheck.org identifies their anal-ists as Jess Henig and Joe Miller. OK, that's fine, but who and what are Jess Henig and Joe Miller? Are they qualified to perform an analysis of ANY document, or are they just a couple of guys hanging around FactCheck.org's office, or are they political operators? What are their bona fides? FactCheck.org doesn't say. Wonder why?


Would you buy a used car from these two?

Well, I found out. The two FactCheck.org employees who were granted access to Obama's bogus Certification of Live Birth (COLB) are NOT document examiners or experts. They never even checked ID's at a college bar.

Joe Miller earned his B.A. in philosophy from Hampden-Sydney College, his M.A. in philosophy from Virginia Tech and his Ph.D. in political philosophy from the University of Virginia. He joined the Annenberg Public Policy Center in April 2007 after working as a writer with the Mack/Crounse Group. Previously he was an assistant professor of philosophy at the United States Military Academy and at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and a visiting fellow at the Callaghan Centre for Conflict Studies at the University of Wales at Swansea.

Jessica Henig earned her B.A. in history of science from Smith College and her M.A. in English from the University of Maryland. While at Maryland, she taught digital literature and rhetorical writing. Prior to joining the Annenberg Public Policy Center in May 2007, she worked for the National Academies Press. She has also worked for the National Institutes of Health and as a freelance researcher and editor. She left FactCheck.org in January, 2011 to become a news writer for Grist.org.

No forensic document examiner background here, but it does look like she has some Photoshop skills.

They are a couple of partisan hacks -- just what you'd expect -- Jess took the photos presented on their webpage and did all of the writing, while Joe basically held the COLB open for Jess to photograph -- suitable work for a Ph. D.

Those two are completely unqualified to perform any kind of forensic examination of any document, and FactCheck.org knows it -- and so do Henig and Miller. They are definitely not qualified to "certify" Barack Obama as president.

FactCheck does say their, "representatives got a chance to spend some time with the 'birth certificate,' and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago." In my mind, that clearly shows they were working with and for the Obama Campaign and that Obama and his people are involved in this lie.

Lie? Hell, this is a conspiracy, the greatest fraud in American history and FactCheck.org boldly admits their part in it.

We also KNOW NOW the FACTCHECK LIED about Obuma's relations with Bill Ayers

8216 He Lied 8217 About Bill Ayers

Since then Bill Ayers has ADMITTED his connection to Obozo!

Bill Ayers exposes one of Obama’s biggest lies
April 9, 2013 by Tom Tillison

It must be seen as an insurmountable advantage for a candidate or his campaign to be exempt from any consequences for openly lying to voters.
In an Oct. 2008 interview, Robert Gibbs, then-spokesman for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and eventual White House press secretary, categorically denied Weather Underground founder and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers held a fundraiser for Obama in his living room.
WND reports that host Chris Matthews asked Gibbs: “Did [Ayers] have a fundraiser for [Obama], or not?”
Gibbs replied: “No, he did not have a fundraiser for our candidate like I said ten seconds ago.”
(Watching the video of this jovial exchange brings to mind the word “collusion.”)

Bill Ayers exposes one of Obama 8217 s biggest lies - BizPac Review

Ayers also said in a recent Daily Beast article:
“The truth is exactly what he said and what the campaign said in 2008. David Axelrod said we were friendly, that was true; we served on a couple of boards together, that was true; he held a fundraiser in our living room, that was true; Michelle [Obama] and Bernardine were at the law firm together, that was true. Hyde Park in Chicago is a tiny neighborhood, so when he said I was “a guy around the neighborhood,” that was true.”
Ayers downplayed the relationship in a New York Times op/ed just after the 2008 election. In dismissing the matter as part of a “sad history of guilt by association in our political culture,” he wrote:
“President-elect Obama and I sat on a board together; we lived in the same diverse and yet close-knit community; we sometimes passed in the bookstore. We didn’t pal around, and I had nothing to do with his positions.”
President Obama also downplayed the connection in responding to charges leveled by then-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin that he “palled around with terrorists.” He said to ABC News’ Charlie Gibson on Oct. 8:
And the notion that somehow he [Ayers] has been involved in my campaign, that he is an adviser of mine, that … I’ve ‘palled around with a terrorist’, all these statements are made simply to try to score cheap political points.”
The fundraiser in question, held in 1995, is said to have launched Obama’s political career, WND reports. A career that has seen few, if any, road-bumps.​

So you see, IF we really wanted to, all the BS that Nuttley and the Subversives throw at us as proof, is ALL COORBORATED by a website that LIES! Nice Work, Nuttly and the Flakey one.... Sorry children, it didn't fly! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bang3:
Vigilante, step along. All of this has been debunked.

Really :lol: the type and color does not change that it is all wrong.
Senseless thread.

The rule of law doesn't apply to Obama.

No, senseless thread because the draft was already gone and dead when Obama would have been of age to need a draft card to begin with.

The draft ended in 1973:

Conscription in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And the registration for the draft completely ended two years later, in May 1975:

History of the Draft

In May 1975, Obama was 13 years old. 13 year olds do not get draft cards, so the entire basis for this stupid OP is bullshit from the get-go.

You are very unfamiliar with the law, To this day every male American has to register for the draft. If that was not true why would Obama create a forged Draft Card? Selective Service System Fast Facts You did not know this? OK next excuse to ignore the forgery?
Vigilante, step along. All of this has been debunked.

Really :lol: the type and color does not change that it is all wrong.


You and the Nutcase have been caught with a severe case of FORGERY, and deceit by a well known illegitimate organization called FACTCHECK that is as ANYONE with an IQ of over room temperature can see, simply fabricated, and had FRIENDS, and colleges of the obomanation attest to spurious facts!

Let the forum readers decide, or keep attesting to the lying propaganda, it's up to you, but the entertainment value here is starting to increase!
Senseless thread.

The rule of law doesn't apply to Obama.

No, senseless thread because the draft was already gone and dead when Obama would have been of age to need a draft card to begin with.

The draft ended in 1973:

Conscription in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And the registration for the draft completely ended two years later, in May 1975:

History of the Draft

In May 1975, Obama was 13 years old. 13 year olds do not get draft cards, so the entire basis for this stupid OP is bullshit from the get-go.

You are very unfamiliar with the law, To this day every male American has to register for the draft. If that was not true why would Obama create a forged Draft Card? Selective Service System Fast Facts You did not know this? OK next excuse to ignore the forgery?

Well we can start with this, and work our way up.... You SURE you're a RINO, and not a paid Obuma apologizer?:lmao::lmao::lmao:

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Senseless thread.

The rule of law doesn't apply to Obama.

No, senseless thread because the draft was already gone and dead when Obama would have been of age to need a draft card to begin with.

The draft ended in 1973:

Conscription in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And the registration for the draft completely ended two years later, in May 1975:

History of the Draft

In May 1975, Obama was 13 years old. 13 year olds do not get draft cards, so the entire basis for this stupid OP is bullshit from the get-go.

You are very unfamiliar with the law, To this day every male American has to register for the draft. If that was not true why would Obama create a forged Draft Card? Selective Service System Fast Facts You did not know this? OK next excuse to ignore the forgery?

This is, of course, bullshit. I turned 18 in 1981 and did not have to register for the draft. And I turned 18 in Ohio, within the USA. So, you stupid fuck, you lose. Pay attention and learn to read for comprehension.

Re-registration for the draft started again in 1982. This means that between 1975 and 1982, there was no registration for the draft.

Lord, another Rightie who is too fucking stupid to even know the correct history of the draft. Another birfer....

The “Truthfulness” website called FactCheck.org is itself decidedly BIASED toward the LEFT as the discussion that follows points out.
The ANNENBERG Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania is the organization behind the FactCheck.org website that is being consulted OFTEN by voters and media personalities alike to help them form opinions on the “truthfulness” of the claims being made by the McCain and Obama political ads as well as statements made on the Campaign Trail and in Presidential and Vice Presidential debates.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Ph.D. is the Director of the ANNENBERG Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania which is the organization BEHIND the FactCheck.org “truthfulness” website.
Dr. Jamieson's newest book entitled “Echo Chamber: Rush Limbaugh and the Conservative Media Establishment” is a MAJOR HIT PIECE against the Conservative voices in the media on television, radio, and in print. View the book’s Table of Contents: Echo Chamber supplemental materials 8211 The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
In Dr. Jamieson’s biography on the APPC website, she states that during the 2004 general election she regularly appeared on “NOW With Bill Moyers” and “The NewsHour,” and throughout the 2008 campaign is appearing regularly on “Bill Moyers Journal.” http://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/Bio.aspx?myUsername=kjamieson
In a 2003 interview with BuzzFlash.com, Bill Moyers said, "The corporate right and the political right declared class warfare on working people a quarter of a century ago and they've won."
Moyers went on to say that the American public has failed to react this fact because it is, "distracted by the media circus and news which has been neutered or politicized for partisan purposes." In support of this statement Moyers referred to "the paradox of Rush Limbaugh [who is] ensconced in a Palm Beach mansion massaging the resentments across the country of white-knuckled wage earners, who are barely making ends meet in no small part because of the corporate and ideological forces for whom Rush has been a hero...”
What’s the bottom line? FactCheck.org is a LEFT-BIASED organization that has sold itself as “Politically NEUTRAL” to America’s voters and media personnel.
The fact is, the ANNENBERG Public Policy Center (APPC), the sponsoring agency behind FastCheck.org, is itself supported by the same foundation, the ANNENBERG FOUNDATION, that Bill Ayers secured the 49.2 million dollars from to create the Chicago ANNENBERG Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which Barack Obama was the founding Chairman of the Board for and Ayers served as the grant writer of and co-Chair of for its two operating arms.
Does the LEFT have no conscience at all?
Senseless thread.

The rule of law doesn't apply to Obama.

No, senseless thread because the draft was already gone and dead when Obama would have been of age to need a draft card to begin with.

The draft ended in 1973:

Conscription in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And the registration for the draft completely ended two years later, in May 1975:

History of the Draft

In May 1975, Obama was 13 years old. 13 year olds do not get draft cards, so the entire basis for this stupid OP is bullshit from the get-go.

You are very unfamiliar with the law, To this day every male American has to register for the draft. If that was not true why would Obama create a forged Draft Card? Selective Service System Fast Facts You did not know this? OK next excuse to ignore the forgery?

This is, of course, bullshit. I turned 18 in 1981 and did not have to register for the draft. And I turned 18 in Ohio, within the USA. So, you stupid fuck, you lose. Pay attention and learn to read for comprehension.

Lord, another Rightie who is too fucking stupid to even know the correct history of the drafter. Another birfer....


Here is the Government site that says you are wrong: Selective Service System Fast Facts

Use your brain if there were no draft cards today Arpaio would have been run out of office.

In case anyone is lazy enough not to click on the gov site, here is what it says:
Almost all male U.S. citizens, and male immigrants living in the U.S., who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service. It's important to know that even though he is registered, a man will not automatically be inducted into the military. In a crisis requiring a draft, men would be called in sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. Then, they would be examined for mental, physical and moral fitness by the military before being deferred or exempted from military service or inducted into the Armed Forces.
Senseless thread.

The rule of law doesn't apply to Obama.

No, senseless thread because the draft was already gone and dead when Obama would have been of age to need a draft card to begin with.

The draft ended in 1973:

Conscription in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And the registration for the draft completely ended two years later, in May 1975:

History of the Draft

In May 1975, Obama was 13 years old. 13 year olds do not get draft cards, so the entire basis for this stupid OP is bullshit from the get-go.

You are very unfamiliar with the law, To this day every male American has to register for the draft. If that was not true why would Obama create a forged Draft Card? Selective Service System Fast Facts You did not know this? OK next excuse to ignore the forgery?

This is, of course, bullshit. I turned 18 in 1981 and did not have to register for the draft. And I turned 18 in Ohio, within the USA. So, you stupid fuck, you lose. Pay attention and learn to read for comprehension.

Lord, another Rightie who is too fucking stupid to even know the correct history of the drafter. Another birfer....


Here is the Government site that says you are wrong: Selective Service System Fast Facts

Use your brain if there were no draft cards today Arpaio would have been run out of office.

In case anyone is lazy enough not to click on the gov site, here is what it says:
Almost all male U.S. citizens, and male immigrants living in the U.S., who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service. It's important to know that even though he is registered, a man will not automatically be inducted into the military. In a crisis requiring a draft, men would be called in sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. Then, they would be examined for mental, physical and moral fitness by the military before being deferred or exempted from military service or inducted into the Armed Forces.

Selective Service System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On January 27, 1973, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird announced the creation of an all-volunteer armed forces, negating the need for the military draft.

On March 29, 1975, President Ford signed Proclamation 4360 (Terminating Registration Procedures Under Military Selective Service Act), eliminating the registration requirement for all 18–25 year old male citizens.[13]

On July 2, 1980, however, President Carter signed Proclamation 4771 (Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act) in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan,[14] retroactively re-establishing the Selective Service registration requirement for all 18–26 year old male citizens born on or after January 1, 1960.[15]

It was never really enforced. I did not need to get a draft card. Proclamation 4771 first went into effect in 1981-1982.

Learn to read history, you stupid fuck.
President Hussein can't be deported because his mother was an American hippie babe who married a bigamist alcoholic African. Barry was probably born in Indonesia but the fact that he had an American mother afforded him citizenship. Democrats conveniently failed to research the Constitutional requirement to be a candidate for president because they didn't give a shit and republicans were blindsided by a half Black candidate. Sooner or later Barry's forged BC will be available for scrutiny.
President Hussein can't be deported because his mother was an American hippie babe who married a bigamist alcoholic African. Barry was probably born in Indonesia but the fact that he had an American mother afforded him citizenship. Democrats conveniently failed to research the Constitutional requirement to be a candidate for president because they didn't give a shit and republicans were blindsided by a half Black candidate. Sooner or later Barry's forged BC will be available for scrutiny.

The prediction by AUN-TV came true: Deportation Petition Filed Against Obama by Freedom Watch as Predicted by AUN-TV AUN-TV
As predicted by AUN-TV, when we broke the story that this was brewing, Freedom Watch’s Larry Klayman has filed a deportation petition against President Barack Obama. This should not be taken lightly as Klayman won a big case against the NSA, for spying on Americans, less than a year ago. http://www.freedomwatchusa.org/federal-judge-rules-against-nsa That is one of the biggest legal cases won against the federal government in recent history.
For background on this case, here is the AUN-TV article predicting this legal move was coming: http://aun-tv.com/will-obama-be-deported-as-illegal-alien-lawsuit-brewing-based-on-police-finding-of-forged-documents/
As AUN-TV guessed, Obama’s forged documents are a key reason for the petition. Below we will provide a link to the entire documentation by Freedom Watch.

(Washington, D.C. October 3, 2014). Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and a former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor, announced that he has filed a deportation petition against President Barack Obama, on the grounds that he has falsified various birth and other documents with regard to obtaining a U.S. passport and other privileges as an alleged American citizen. A copy of the petition with supporting documentation can be found at http://www.freedomwatchusa.org/. Klayman issued the following statement upon filing the petition, which calls for an investigation and a full evidentiary hearing by immigration authorities of the Department of Homeland Security.”It is clear, based on a mountain of evidence as set forth in and attached to the petition, that the President and his agents have falsified documents, such as his birth certificate and social security number, to qualify for the privileges of American citizenship such that his citizenship, which is based on false pretenses, must be nullified. As set forth in the petition, this includes but is not limited to the fraudulent production of a computer- generated facsimile of an official state of Hawaiian birth certificate. Even if a legitimate birth certificate exists, Obama’s repeated use of a clearly forged birth certificate is still a crime and in violation of the law. While this deportation proceeding may seem to some to be the work of conservatives who are out to get the President, this is not the case. Barack Obama’s propensity to not tell the truth is now well known, even among his leftist supporters. And, his actions while President belie someone whose actions show that he feels more kinship with his foreign roots and Muslim religious schooling and heritage, than the Judeo-Christian principles upon which this nation was founded. I thus urge everyone to read and digest this petition to have him deported and remove him from the United States, before dismissing it.”
For more information contact Freedom Watch at
(424) 274-2579 or [email protected].



Birfers are a source of unlimited entertainment. Really, they are.

Oh, and Birfers are Conservatives!
President Hussein can't be deported because his mother was an American hippie babe who married a bigamist alcoholic African. Barry was probably born in Indonesia but the fact that he had an American mother afforded him citizenship. Democrats conveniently failed to research the Constitutional requirement to be a candidate for president because they didn't give a shit and republicans were blindsided by a half Black candidate. Sooner or later Barry's forged BC will be available for scrutiny.

Finally, so real facts from an unbiased source.

Thanks very much.

/sarcasm off


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