Will Pelosi Send Impeachment to the Senate ?

The Constitution trumps House rules, Simpleton.

Dumbfuck, the Constitution gave the power to the House to create their own rules...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

Ever??? :lmao:
House rule don’t trump the Constitution, Simpleton.

You're not quoting the Constitution, dumbfuck. You're citing yourself.

Here's what the Constitution says on the matter...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
And Nazi hasn't completed the impeachment yet.

You lose again.

"Article I is adopted." ~ Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House

"Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings" ~ The U.S. Constitution

"The respondent in an impeachment proceeding is impeached by the adoption of the House of articles of impeachment." ~ House Rules

With every post, Spunky, you exemplify Richard-H's signature line.

From the U.S. Constitution:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment"

The power of Impeachment has NOTHING to do with the Senate.
The rubes don't get that.
Trump is impeached, no doubt. Once he's acquitted, he'll be more dangerous than ever before because he has nothing left to fear. The democrats will have thrown their biggest turd at him and he's still standing, very rich, very powerful, very ticked off and very petty. Not a good time to be a democrat voting for impeachment.

Where does it say that a President can be impeached only once?

The more trump abuses his office the worse 2020 will be for him.

Well, if they can't get this impeachment thru and lose the election at all levels (White House, Senate, House, Governorships, State Houses) because people are fed up with the awful Leftists, I don't think they'll try that one on again!
And Orange Man Bad will already be in the White House. They'll need to shift to making a try for the Senate and House in 2022 and the 2024 elections.
From the U.S. Constitution:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment"

The power of Impeachment has NOTHING to do with the Senate.
The rubes don't get that.
Trump is impeached, no doubt. Once he's acquitted, he'll be more dangerous than ever before because he has nothing left to fear. The democrats will have thrown their biggest turd at him and he's still standing, very rich, very powerful, very ticked off and very petty. Not a good time to be a democrat voting for impeachment.

Where does it say that a President can be impeached only once?

The more trump abuses his office the worse 2020 will be for him.

Well, if they can't get this impeachment thru and lose the election at all levels (White House, Senate, House, Governorships, State Houses) because people are fed up with the awful Leftists, I don't think they'll try that one on again!
And Orange Man Bad will already be in the White House. They'll need to shift to making a try for the Senate and House in 2022 and the 2024 elections.

You live in a fantasy land!
If McConnell refuses an impartial trial, Pelosi should impeach him too!
Fantasize much? She doesn't have the power to do it, and there's no way to get an impartial trial with the democrats voting as we know they will.
From the U.S. Constitution:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment"

The house has the power to impeach McConnell. They've already impeached a senator once, they can do it again.
Senators can't be impeached. Nor can they be removed by the House. They can be expelled by a 2/3rds vote in the Senate, however, which is what happened to the Senator of whom you speak.
Not likely. More likely will be the Kavanaugh effect, wherein the democrats find ever more desperate things to throw and the voters just get tired of their abuse of their offices.

Happy thought. :icon_cry:
I don't think I can take another performance by those red-riding-hood gals.
From the U.S. Constitution:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment"

The power of Impeachment has NOTHING to do with the Senate.
The rubes don't get that.
Trump is impeached, no doubt. Once he's acquitted, he'll be more dangerous than ever before because he has nothing left to fear. The democrats will have thrown their biggest turd at him and he's still standing, very rich, very powerful, very ticked off and very petty. Not a good time to be a democrat voting for impeachment.

Where does it say that a President can be impeached only once?

The more trump abuses his office the worse 2020 will be for him.

Well, if they can't get this impeachment thru and lose the election at all levels (White House, Senate, House, Governorships, State Houses) because people are fed up with the awful Leftists, I don't think they'll try that one on again!
And Orange Man Bad will already be in the White House. They'll need to shift to making a try for the Senate and House in 2022 and the 2024 elections.

You live in a fantasy land!

Failing to remove Trump now is a big black eye for the democrats. Trying again right after blowing it big time would be even worse. It would be like trying to remove Justice Kavanaugh after failing to stop his gaining the SC.
From the U.S. Constitution:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment"

The power of Impeachment has NOTHING to do with the Senate.
The rubes don't get that.
Trump is impeached, no doubt. Once he's acquitted, he'll be more dangerous than ever before because he has nothing left to fear. The democrats will have thrown their biggest turd at him and he's still standing, very rich, very powerful, very ticked off and very petty. Not a good time to be a democrat voting for impeachment.
I don't totally disagree with that in that he will now feel more empowered to push the envelope if not outright break the law. It would be near impossible to impeach him again. At the same time, he sought out foreign aid which would help him with his campaign for re-election, and something had to be done about that.
No trial in the Senate, no impeachment.

Yeah, I think so, too. Bills commonly die in committee or in the president's "pocket" (the pocket veto) and that's what this looks like to me. I think the Dems don't want a Senate trial and are just letting it die a death by neglect. We know the public has become more and more annoyed by this and anti-Dem --- they know it too and I think they are trying to back out.

Boy, could I be wrong. I hope that's what happens, though.

Not that it would matter much -- a unanimous acquit vote by Senate Republicans would take care of the problem nicely.
Articles of impeachment are not a "bill." They don't go to the president's desk for approval and they don't expire at the end of a Congressional session. Articles of impeachment don't just "die."

Yet more evidence that you zombie cultists know nothing about the Constitution.
Democrats have CHANGED the Constitution, and meaning of impeachment. It's now a joke

The joke is that old creepy guy who stares back at you in the mirror.
Articles of impeachment are not a "bill." They don't go to the president's desk for approval and they don't expire at the end of a Congressional session. Articles of impeachment don't just "die."

Well, they could. Why not? They get to decide procedural matters like this. Remember this is only the THIRD impeachment. They are making this up as they go along. The Dems have a real problem with the polls all turning against their impeachment thingy. They need to back out; Pelosi never wanted to impeach to begin with, but to stay leader she had to run around and get in front of her rebellious and shocked and angry younger Dems. Too bad for her --- she was right in the first place.

Odds are she'll come across with the charges next week, but it would be interesting if she sat on it.
She can sit on them as long as she likes. Though she can only sit on them as long as she's Speaker.
She can, and McConnell, once he gets them, can keep the Senate in session as long as he wants to through campaign season. The RNC has a lot more money available to help vulnerable Republican Senators than the DNC does to help theirs. It would be a great leverage tool. "Oh, you want to go home and campaign? We already know how you want to vote, just let us know when you're ready to come to your senses".
I personally don't mind if McConnell does that. I want Bloomberg anyway. McConnell will be doing me a favor keeping all the Democrat Senators at bay.
Failing to remove Trump now is a big black eye for the democrats. Trying again right after blowing it big time would be even worse. It would be like trying to remove Justice Kavanaugh after failing to stop his gaining the SC.

Speaking of which, I can see that last as the most easily foreseeable danger spot for Trump --- I am assuming he'll get fully three more US Supreme Court seats to fill. If they all fall close to each other, and that could happen, say in 2021, I can imagine a rebellion in the House. I'm hoping he gets one a year starting....December 2020, perhaps. Not that I wish anyone ill: justices retiring, let's say.
She can sit on them as long as she likes. Though she can only sit on them as long as she's Speaker.

Huh. Now THAT is an interesting point. You seem to be implying that if Pelosi sits on the charges, hoping to let them die, her angry younger Dems who already tried very hard and failed to overthrow her at the beginning of this Congress, might really overthrow her this time and pick somebody that would send the charges to the Senate.

Hm. I like. That could happen. Let's watch and see.
The articles don't die. Where do you get that from?? If the articles are not sent to the Senate by the time the next Senate is seated, the next House Speaker assumes responsibility for sending them to the Senate. Maybe that's Pelosi still or maybe it's not.
Perhaps Pelosi should hold the articles of Impeachment until after the 2020 election!
She can do that if she wants, though I think that's a bad idea. But she could and then continue to hold on to them should Democrats win the House; or send them to the Senate after the election should Republicans win the House.
It is my opinion that by sitting on the House Articles of Impeachment, Pelosi is denying Trump the right to a speedy trial - justice delayed is justice denied. So, when the Senate reconvenes on Friday 3 Jan, McConnell will ask his caucus if they want to accept the same rules that governed the Clinton trial, with one proviso - the Senate can set a deadline for the house to send over the Articles, after which the Senate will vote to start the trial anyway, or maybe just hold a vote right off the bat to dismiss the charges. It's no secret what the charges are, the House wrote these big-ass documents detailing every little thing, and it's not like they need to be waiting on the house to finally do it's duty. Plus, as I noted above, due process is not being carried out here for political reasons. I think the Senate is justified in forcing the issue.

So - what's Pelosi going to do if the Senate tells her to send over the Articles within say 72 hours after they reconvene on Tuesday 7 Jan (I think it is), or else they conduct the trial anyway, and probably have a vote to dismiss. Probably scream bloody murder and go to the courts for a stay, which will be appealed if granted. But I don't see this nonsense going on for long, everybody knows damn well the GOP-controlled Senate is not going to vote to remove Trump from office based on the ridiculous charges brought by the house. And the Dems have already said they will impeach Trump a 2nd time if new evidence surfaces, so WTF? They should've done a more thorough job in the 1st place, and I don't see the courts buying their argument that they can wait until the Senate agrees to their demands for how the trial will proceed. Frankly, it's none of their damn business.
The rubes don't get that.
Trump is impeached, no doubt. Once he's acquitted, he'll be more dangerous than ever before because he has nothing left to fear. The democrats will have thrown their biggest turd at him and he's still standing, very rich, very powerful, very ticked off and very petty. Not a good time to be a democrat voting for impeachment.

Where does it say that a President can be impeached only once?

The more trump abuses his office the worse 2020 will be for him.

Well, if they can't get this impeachment thru and lose the election at all levels (White House, Senate, House, Governorships, State Houses) because people are fed up with the awful Leftists, I don't think they'll try that one on again!
And Orange Man Bad will already be in the White House. They'll need to shift to making a try for the Senate and House in 2022 and the 2024 elections.

You live in a fantasy land!

Failing to remove Trump now is a big black eye for the democrats. Trying again right after blowing it big time would be even worse. It would be like trying to remove Justice Kavanaugh after failing to stop his gaining the SC.
I don't see failing to remove him as being a black eye for Democrats. I doubt many people thought he would be removed from office. But I do agree impeachment is pretty much a one shot deal. Not that it's not constitutionally allowed, but that the public wouldn't stand for it. Unless he were to so blatantly commit a felony that even Republicans wanted him thrown out.
It is my opinion that by sitting on the House Articles of Impeachment, Pelosi is denying Trump the right to a speedy trial - justice delayed is justice denied. So, when the Senate reconvenes on Friday 3 Jan, McConnell will ask his caucus if they want to accept the same rules that governed the Clinton trial, with one proviso - the Senate can set a deadline for the house to send over the Articles, after which the Senate will vote to start the trial anyway, or maybe just hold a vote right off the bat to dismiss the charges. It's no secret what the charges are, the House wrote these big-ass documents detailing every little thing, and it's not like they need to be waiting on the house to finally do it's duty. Plus, as I noted above, due process is not being carried out here for political reasons. I think the Senate is justified in forcing the issue.

So - what's Pelosi going to do if the Senate tells her to send over the Articles within say 72 hours after they reconvene on Tuesday 7 Jan (I think it is), or else they conduct the trial anyway, and probably have a vote to dismiss. Probably scream bloody murder and go to the courts for a stay, which will be appealed if granted. But I don't see this nonsense going on for long, everybody knows damn well the GOP-controlled Senate is not going to vote to remove Trump from office based on the ridiculous charges brought by the house. And the Dems have already said they will impeach Trump a 2nd time if new evidence surfaces, so WTF? They should've done a more thorough job in the 1st place, and I don't see the courts buying their argument that they can wait until the Senate agrees to their demands for how the trial will proceed. Frankly, it's none of their damn business.
There is no constitutional right to a speedy trial when it comes to impeachment. That only applies to criminal prosecutions.

And the Senate can't force the House to send the Articles to them. Nor can they begin the trial unless they vote, and pass, new rules to allow that.
The Constitution trumps House rules, Simpleton.

Dumbfuck, the Constitution gave the power to the House to create their own rules...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

Ever??? :lmao:
House rule don’t trump the Constitution, Simpleton.

You're not quoting the Constitution, dumbfuck. You're citing yourself.

Here's what the Constitution says on the matter...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
And Nazi hasn't completed the impeachment yet.

You lose again.

"Article I is adopted." ~ Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House

"Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings" ~ The U.S. Constitution

"The respondent in an impeachment proceeding is impeached by the adoption of the House of articles of impeachment." ~ House Rules

With every post, Spunky, you exemplify Richard-H's signature line.


Adopted, not completed, Simpleton.

You lose again.
From the U.S. Constitution:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment"

The power of Impeachment has NOTHING to do with the Senate.
The rubes don't get that.
Trump is impeached, no doubt. Once he's acquitted, he'll be more dangerous than ever before because he has nothing left to fear. The democrats will have thrown their biggest turd at him and he's still standing, very rich, very powerful, very ticked off and very petty. Not a good time to be a democrat voting for impeachment.

Where does it say that a President can be impeached only once?

The more trump abuses his office the worse 2020 will be for him.

From the U.S. Constitution:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment"

The power of Impeachment has NOTHING to do with the Senate.
The rubes don't get that.
Trump is impeached, no doubt. Once he's acquitted, he'll be more dangerous than ever before because he has nothing left to fear. The democrats will have thrown their biggest turd at him and he's still standing, very rich, very powerful, very ticked off and very petty. Not a good time to be a democrat voting for impeachment.

Where does it say that a President can be impeached only once?

The more trump abuses his office the worse 2020 will be for him.
Pelosi can, (and likely will), withhold this thing from the Senate (which would just produce a smackdown against her).

She can also file new charges against Trump, and keep the demonization going right up to November. She, and the Democrats can pull any stupid gags they like, but come November, they will get beaten even worse than in 2016.

They will then pay the price for trying to snow the American people over Judge Kavanaugh, over the Russian collusion nonsense, and now this idiotic scam as well.

Democrats will be lucky if their party exists at all, in 2021.

Dumbfuck, the Constitution gave the power to the House to create their own rules...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

Ever??? :lmao:
House rule don’t trump the Constitution, Simpleton.

You're not quoting the Constitution, dumbfuck. You're citing yourself.

Here's what the Constitution says on the matter...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
And Nazi hasn't completed the impeachment yet.

You lose again.

"Article I is adopted." ~ Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House

"Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings" ~ The U.S. Constitution

"The respondent in an impeachment proceeding is impeached by the adoption of the House of articles of impeachment." ~ House Rules

With every post, Spunky, you exemplify Richard-H's signature line.


Adopted, not completed, Simpleton.

You lose again.


Spunky, what part of, "the respondent in an impeachment proceeding is impeached by the adoption of the House of articles of impeachment," is above your pay grade to understand?
NO, it (ie. the thread) is NOT about the transcript. It is about the question asked in the title >>
Will Pelosi Send Impeachment to the Senate ?
Post to that (the topic), or get out of the thread.
And I said she wouldn’t because there’s no crime in it. Abuse of power isn’t a crime and obstruction of Congress isn’t correct. It’s what I wrote. Now the reason we got to the transcript is that’s what the entire impeachment was about! What the fk is wrong with you?
Nothing. Now let's talk about just about every other poster in this thread .

The topic is the title, and the heart of the matter is (as I have repeated), the politics of sending to the Senate or not.

As there no intention of impeachment, but this is just an assinine means of tarnishing Trump, it's not necessary to talk about the transcript, or anything having to do with impeachment.

The Crux of all this is WHO gains from the blabbering going to the Senate, and who loses ?

Answer: Democrats lose, Republicans gain. This is why it will likely go nowhere, and a whole new impeachment masquerade will ensue, with new charges being concocted.

This will continue right up to the election. The Democrats have no issues to run on, so they rely on tarnishing Trump.

the intention passed the house. donny has been impeached & pelosi will not hang onto them thar articles indefinitely. learn to accept it b4 y'all float down denial river for everrrrrrr.....
Not impeached until the articles are handed to the senate, it’s a process dumb ass. You are an uniformed fk

You don't make the rules. The framers of the Constitution made the rules.

Trump has been impeached.
Yes they did, their rules are what I said! Honor them
From the Constitution: “The Senate shall try ALL IMPEACHMENTS”.

If the Senate doesn’t have it to try, no impeachment, Simpleton.

You lose again.

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