Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Let's assume it's not cake bakers who refuse to serve members of the GLBT community, but Doctors, Lawyers, Cops, Dentists, EMT and Firefighters. And how about roofers, gas and electric workers, public transportation workers and the local medical marijuana dispenser. And let's not forget hotels, motels and airlines.

Now, I'm aware that the Slippery Slope Argument is a logical fallacy, but what is good for the Conservatives is good for the rest. And let's consider, our military has evolved from don't ask, don't tell into a modern model and it took only 60 years for it to allow integration.

So, my point is this, the current defenders of Pence are typical of those who feel an affinity for the good old days, when separate but equal was good enough for our grandparents, they believe it should be good enough for us today.

I also know that the use of the term Reactionary is often used as a pejorative, but sometimes the use of the word is warranted, and in this case and on this thread it is.

Why do gay people feel the need to tell everyone they're gay? All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and they will get served.

Not only are gays a royal pain in the neck, they're just plain stupid.
bipat accuses gay folk of attacking everyone all the while calling everyone that dare point out the facts to him names himself.
Just how does a baker ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in a homosexual lifestyle by simply baking, decorating and delivering a cake?

When the customer asks them to deliver it to the site of their wedding. Easy.

How does a caterer ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE at any wedding when, in fact, they are there to cook, deliver, present and clean up afterward.

By the very activity of "cooking, delivering, presenting, and cleaning up afterward." Active participation.

You are stretching way beyond your grasp when you clim ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in events when vendors are merely plying their trade.

No I'm not. They are not merely "plying their trade" when they are actually there amongst the festivities or enhancing the value of the event. Physical presence in this case, implies ACTIVE PARTICIPATION.
Does the pizza delivery boy actively participate in my household? Does the airline pilot actively participate in my vacation?

The notion of participation is an untenable stretch.

Who participates in the wedding? The bride, groom, their families, a clergyman, a flower girl a ring bearer. But how about the tuxedo rental place? Are they active participants?

Let's face it. There is no harm to the religous freedom of bigoted merchants and there is no active participation on their part.

It is, in fact, a smokescreen to rationalize homophobia and have religion serve as a shield for bigotry.

Let's face it, you're a numskull who is trying to torture the meaning of "participate" to the point it becomes unrecognisable. That's a favorite tactic with leftists. If the facts don't support their agenda, then redefine the word so it does.

Keith Olbermann calls on sports leagues to abandon ‘medieval’ Indiana over anti-gay law
ESPN’s Keith Olbermann has called on the National College Athletic Association and National Football League to boycott Indiana until the state repeals a new law that protects businesses that refuse to provide services to same-sex couples.
bipat accuses gay folk of attacking everyone all the while calling everyone that dare point out the facts to him names himself.

The gaywads in here have been dishing out ad hominems since the beginning of the thread. According to them anyone who doesn't knuckle-under to their agenda is a bigot who wants to bring back Jim Crow.

I don't treat gay people with respect because they have earned my contempt. The same goes for libturds.
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Just how does a baker ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in a homosexual lifestyle by simply baking, decorating and delivering a cake?

When the customer asks them to deliver it to the site of their wedding. Easy.

How does a caterer ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE at any wedding when, in fact, they are there to cook, deliver, present and clean up afterward.

By the very activity of "cooking, delivering, presenting, and cleaning up afterward." Active participation.

You are stretching way beyond your grasp when you clim ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in events when vendors are merely plying their trade.

No I'm not. They are not merely "plying their trade" when they are actually there amongst the festivities or enhancing the value of the event. Physical presence in this case, implies ACTIVE PARTICIPATION.
Does the pizza delivery boy actively participate in my household? Does the airline pilot actively participate in my vacation?

The notion of participation is an untenable stretch.

Who participates in the wedding? The bride, groom, their families, a clergyman, a flower girl a ring bearer. But how about the tuxedo rental place? Are they active participants?

Let's face it. There is no harm to the religous freedom of bigoted merchants and there is no active participation on their part.

It is, in fact, a smokescreen to rationalize homophobia and have religion serve as a shield for bigotry.

Let's face it, you're a numskull who is trying to torture the meaning of "participate" to the point it becomes unrecognisable. That's a favorite tactic with leftists. If the facts don't support their agenda, then redefine the word so it does.
The notion of active participation is used by those claiming harm to their religious beliefs. I'm torpedoing that notion. Do you agree that wedding vendors are not active participants in the events they service?
Oh, you're a Libertarian, that explains it.

That must be rough for you.

Not at all, some people believe in ghosts, others in fairy god mothers. What you believe makes no matter to me. I simply point out the flaws and inconsistencies in their thinking.

I'm pragmatic and reality based, my ideology is simple to understand and easy to apply to most situations: "Do onto others as they would do onto you".

It even applies when I'm frustrated by some people I consider fools, If I believed in ghosts and fairy god mothers I'd like to be challenged; when the challenge is thought provoking and creates questions I cannot answer, I thank the person who opened my brain to a new idea. When they don't and continue to beat the poor dead horse, I respond with emotion and sometimes treat them poorly. The real stupid ones, I name and stalk with vigor.
Liberty is the freedom to hold views without government intervention, no matter how noxious they may appear to the majority. Thus, homophobia can be expressed, even to the point of petitioning the government to deny homosexuals right and privileges held by heterosexuals, such as marriage. The fact is such a petition will not have the force of law if the principles inherent in the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to our Constitution are to have any meaning.
No. Liberty is not the liberty to harm others.

And refusing people the service your business provides others is HARM.
Not very often that you and I agree. But yes. Refusing the service your business provides others based on race, creed, sexual orientation etc. is harm. Refusing service for non payment... that's not harm, that's a consequence.

This law will allow businesses to be whites only if they choose to be.
They already can if they are private businesses that do not sell to the public.

The whole "public business/private business" meme is utterly meaningless. What about selling to stuff to people makes it "the public?" How does that give the federal government the authority to regulate? Does the federal government own the public? If it does, then it owns me since I'm part of the public.
Just how does a baker ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in a homosexual lifestyle by simply baking, decorating and delivering a cake?

When the customer asks them to deliver it to the site of their wedding. Easy.

How does a caterer ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE at any wedding when, in fact, they are there to cook, deliver, present and clean up afterward.

By the very activity of "cooking, delivering, presenting, and cleaning up afterward." Active participation.

You are stretching way beyond your grasp when you clim ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in events when vendors are merely plying their trade.

No I'm not. They are not merely "plying their trade" when they are actually there amongst the festivities or enhancing the value of the event. Physical presence in this case, implies ACTIVE PARTICIPATION.
Does the pizza delivery boy actively participate in my household? Does the airline pilot actively participate in my vacation?

The notion of participation is an untenable stretch.

Who participates in the wedding? The bride, groom, their families, a clergyman, a flower girl a ring bearer. But how about the tuxedo rental place? Are they active participants?

Let's face it. There is no harm to the religous freedom of bigoted merchants and there is no active participation on their part.

It is, in fact, a smokescreen to rationalize homophobia and have religion serve as a shield for bigotry.

Let's face it, you're a numskull who is trying to torture the meaning of "participate" to the point it becomes unrecognisable. That's a favorite tactic with leftists. If the facts don't support their agenda, then redefine the word so it does.
The notion of active participation is used by those claiming harm to their religious beliefs. I'm torpedoing that notion. Do you agree that wedding vendors are not active participants in the events they service?

You're only proving that you're a dishonest fool who doesn't give a damn about the meaning of words.
Not at all, some people believe in ghosts, others in fairy god mothers. What you believe makes no matter to me. I simply point out the flaws and inconsistencies in their thinking.

You are entitled to do so. But my way of thinking does not in fact have to meld with yours. Sorry.

I'm pragmatic and reality based, my ideology is simple to understand and easy to apply to most situations: "Do onto others as they would do onto you".

That's ironic coming from you. Do you really "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" As evidenced with the commentary of this thread, I think not. You are neither pragmatic nor reality based, you are a hypocrite.
Oh, you're a Libertarian, that explains it.

That must be rough for you.

Not at all, some people believe in ghosts, others in fairy god mothers. What you believe makes no matter to me. I simply point out the flaws and inconsistencies in their thinking.

I'm pragmatic and reality based, my ideology is simple to understand and easy to apply to most situations: "Do onto others as they would do onto you".

It even applies when I'm frustrated by some people I consider fools, If I believed in ghosts and fairy god mothers I'd like to be challenged; when the challenge is thought provoking and creates questions I cannot answer, I thank the person who opened my brain to a new idea. When they don't and continue to beat the poor dead horse, I respond with emotion and sometimes treat them poorly. The real stupid ones, I name and stalk with vigor.

Well, I'm perfectly OK with gays discriminating against me. So according to your theory of morality it's OK to discriminate against them.
I grew up late 50s and early 60s and heard all the same lame milk weak excuses about black folk. Make all the quack religious excuses you want to but what it boils down to is your book says you must not treat gay folk as equals.

Horseshit. Virtually no one used religion as an excuse to discriminate against blacks.
Does the pizza delivery boy actively participate in my household? Does the airline pilot actively participate in my vacation?

That's my entire point! You aren't asking them to directly participate in your lifestyle! My gosh you are dense.

Who participates in the wedding? The bride, groom, their families, a clergyman, a flower girl a ring bearer. But how about the tuxedo rental place? Are they active participants?

If you are standing there, serving the food, putting up the decorations, delivering the cake, or otherwise, you are participating. How hard is that for you to understand?

There is no harm to the religous freedom of bigoted merchants and there is no active participation on their part.

In fact, there is no harm to a homosexual's freedom to marry if they choose not to serve them. Your point?
Nosmo, you simply don't understand. People have convictions, beliefs, personal morals and values. And if they see simply being at your wedding, or playing an integral part in your wedding as an affront to those things, why should you force them to? They see their mere presence there as a violation of what they believe.
You know why, you stupid slut. That's like putting a target on your business so sleazy operators like you can attack it.

In other words, you want them to be able to keep their dirty little secrets and humiliate unknowing patrons publically. Sweet.

Where do you get the idea that you're entitled to know everything you want to know about a business? Should we put everyone on a polygraph and force them to testify about their sexual orientation?

You homosexual lovers act exactly like goose stepping Nazis.

Sounds like a strawman you're building.

If a restaurant doesn't allow small children say - they post a sign. If they insist patrons must wear a shirt and shoes - they post a sign. If a place does not allow dogs - they post a sign.

But if they don't serve gays - they don't post a sign.

Go figure :dunno:

How about just a sign that says, no signs please. If you're gay, straight, black, white, religious, Atheist, white supremacist, opera singer, anti-defamation league, accordian player, etc., leave your sign at home please and come in and have lunch.

So a member of the KKK can come in and have lunch. But if he wants me to cater the KKK convention next month, no. I'm not going to do it and I don't want my government forcing me to do so. I won't interfere in any way with his right to have his convention. And he won't interfere in any way with my right not to participate in it.
I really like this as this is exactly what I think also.
In a perfect world which this is not so your example would never apply.
If 2 women come in and say they want something for their wedding, they should be able to say "their" and not "a" wedding and doing so does not constitute "wearing a sign."
If everyone was like you and accepting none of these things would w.

If two women came into my store to buy something for their wedding and I had it for sale they would get it. If those guys running the KKK convention came in to buy something I had for sale they would get it too. However I would choose to provide services at the gay wedding while I would not provide services for the KKK convention. But if I want the right to live by my convictions, then I also have to concede that that next person might provide services for the KKK convention but choose not to provide services for the gay wedding.

It's a two way street. If one person wants tolerance of his/her views, then the next person has the right to the same tolerance.
Nosmo, you simply don't understand. People have convictions, beliefs, personal morals and values. And if they see simply being at your wedding, or playing an integral part in your wedding as an affront to those things, why should you force them to? They see their mere presence there as a violation of what they believe.
He understands. He just doesn't give a shit.
Nosmo, you simply don't understand. People have convictions, beliefs, personal morals and values. And if they see simply being at your wedding, or playing an integral part in your wedding as an affront to those things, why should you force them to? They see their mere presence there as a violation of what they believe.

No, you simply don't understand.

Business exists to make money selling a product, not making judgments of their potential customers.

Fuck, you free marketeers are on the stupid train on this one.

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