Will the 8th Amendment reduce Trump's $500,000,000 in "fines"? (Poll)

Will Trump get his $500,000,000 "fines" reduced by appealing to the USSC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Trump may have a Supreme Trump card to play. The 8th Amendment. How can he use it?

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

In 1998, however, the Court injected vitality into the strictures of the clause. “The touchstone of the constitutional inquiry under the Excessive Fines Clause is the principle of proportionality: The amount of the forfeiture must bear some relationship to the gravity of the offense that it is designed to punish.” 9 In United States v. Bajakajian,10 the government sought to require that a criminal defendant charged with violating federal reporting requirements regarding the transportation of more than $10,000 in currency out of the country forfeit the currency involved, which totaled $357,144. The Court held that the forfeiture11 in this particular case violated the Excessive Fines Cause because the amount forfeited was “grossly disproportionate to the gravity of defendant’s offense.” 12 In determining proportionality, the Court did not limit itself to a comparison of the fine amount to the proven offense, but it also considered the particular facts of the case, the character of the defendant, and the harm caused by the offense

Does the Eighth Amendment only apply to the Federal Government, or does it protect all citizens?
Trump may have a Supreme Trump card to play. The 8th Amendment. How can he use it?

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

Except the fine was against a corporation, not an individual.

Besides, Trump's a billionaire, he can afford it.
Trump may have a Supreme Trump card to play. The 8th Amendment. How can he use it?

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

In 1998, however, the Court injected vitality into the strictures of the clause. “The touchstone of the constitutional inquiry under the Excessive Fines Clause is the principle of proportionality: The amount of the forfeiture must bear some relationship to the gravity of the offense that it is designed to punish.” 9 In United States v. Bajakajian,10 the government sought to require that a criminal defendant charged with violating federal reporting requirements regarding the transportation of more than $10,000 in currency out of the country forfeit the currency involved, which totaled $357,144. The Court held that the forfeiture11 in this particular case violated the Excessive Fines Cause because the amount forfeited was “grossly disproportionate to the gravity of defendant’s offense.” 12 In determining proportionality, the Court did not limit itself to a comparison of the fine amount to the proven offense, but it also considered the particular facts of the case, the character of the defendant, and the harm caused by the offense

Does the Eighth Amendment only apply to the Federal Government, or does it protect all citizens?
Clearly he is being excessively punished. Who objectively would say otherwise?
Will Trump get his $500,000,000 "fines" reduced by appealing to the USSC?

FPOTUS#45 hasn't been fined in the New York Fraud Case.

[I doubt given the evidence in the court record that the case will be overturned on the merits, there may be some adjustment to the calculated amount. That's TBD.]

I don't believe I God so swearing on the Bible doesn't mean shit to me but I do find it ironic and humorous that you want me to pinky promise to a zombie diety that I'm being objective. :lmao:
You have to be deep in the kool aid to say with a straight face that the fines imposed on Trump are on the level. Even New Yorkers don't believe this B.S.
Just a left loon witch hunt
When you step back and look at this logically, it sounds a lot like,

"You're accused of electioneering less than 500 feet from a polling place".
"Your honor, this elderly lady passed out while waiting in line and I gave her some water. When I did, a TRUMP! sticker fell out of my pocket".
"Yes, your honor, he made sure I was okay, and my family and I are very grateful for that. I didn't even see the sticker, and even if I had seen it, I had already decided how to vote".
"I find you guilty of electioneering, and because this lady might have been influenced by your TRUMP! sticker, I hereby fine you $500,000. Please pay the clerk on your way out. Case closed".

It's quite ridiculous when you look at it logically, away from the shrieking baboons hysterical that they might get to see blood they've been waiting years to see.
When you step back and look at this logically, it sounds a lot like,

"You're accused of electioneering less than 500 feet from a polling place".
"Your honor, this elderly lady passed out while waiting in line and I gave her some water. When I did, a TRUMP! sticker fell out of my pocket".
"Yes, your honor, he made sure I was okay, and my family and I are very grateful for that. I didn't even see the sticker, and even if I had seen it, I had already decided how to vote".
"I find you guilty of electioneering, and because this lady might have been influenced by your TRUMP! sticker, I hereby fine you $500,000. Please pay the clerk on your way out. Case closed".

It's quite ridiculous when you look at it logically, away from the shrieking baboons hysterical that they might get to see blood they've been waiting years to see.

It's all tiresome.
Implying that all of New York agrees with you isn't objective.
Implying that the vast majority know what is going on. Whether they have the basic principles to public admit it or not is another issue altogether.

The world is rampant with cowardice. I am trying to be a Mensch at a time the world lost a Russian man who few knew but whose sacrifices will be known for a long time. I'm nostalgic that way, such men inspire me.

Thus I continue to refuse to be dishonest in such matters. I never wanted Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2016 but clearly he touched a nerve and confronted issues that politicians had ignored for decades. Without him there would be little discussion of China, your border, or unfair trading practices.

Don't blame him for his necessity, blame his predecessors.
Implying that the vast majority know what is going on. Whether they have the basic principles to public admit it or not is another issue altogether.

The world is rampant with cowardice. I am trying to be a Mensch at a time the world lost a Russian man who few knew but whose sacrifices will be known for a long time. I'm nostalgic that way, such men inspire me.

Thus I refuse to be dishonest in such matters. I never wanted Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2016 but clearly he touched a nerve and confronted issues that politicians had ignored for decades. Without him there would be little discussion of China, your border, or unfair trading practices.

Don't blame him for his necessity, blame his predecessors.
I really don't care how it is you became a bitch for Trump.

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