Will The Anti-Trump Faction Destroy The Republican Party From Within?


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
Republicans are poised to take back both the House and Senate, and how are they celebrating?

By turning their backs on Trump - and plunging their daggers into his - as they gush over the 15 minutes of fame being enjoyed by flavor of the month DeSantis.

As Liz Cheney cackles in glee, the anti-Trump faction is destroying the party in favor of empty suit DeSantis, a figure with no pull beyond the party's echo chambers, and no hope of ever winning a national election.

Few things are uglier than disloyalty for a job well done, and the attacks on Trump by the party he just broke his back to help push to victory are understandably angering him.

The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult - will destroy their own party, and all for a candidate (DeSantis) with no more hope of winning the White House than Hillary.

Once the Republicans destroy themselves by their disloyalty to Trump and their embrace of weak sauce DeSantis, whom will they blame?

Disloyalty is uglier than failure, and Republicans have embraced both in trashing Trump and placing clay-footed DeSantis on a pedestal he doesn't deserve to occupy, and won't for long.

Wave 2024 goodbye, Republicans! :dunno:
Republicans are poised to take back both the House and Senate, and how are they celebrating?

By turning their backs on Trump - and plunging their daggers into his - as they gush over the 15 minutes of fame being enjoyed by flavor of the month DeSantis.

As Liz Cheney cackles in glee, the anti-Trump faction is destroying the party in favor of empty suit DeSantis, a figure with no pull beyond the party's echo chambers, and no hope of ever winning a national election.

Few things are uglier than disloyalty for a job well done, and the attacks on Trump by the party he just broke his back to help push to victory are understandably angering him.

The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult - will destroy their own party, and all for a candidate (DeSantis) with no more hope of winning the White House than Hillary.

Once the Republicans destroy themselves by their disloyalty to Trump and their embrace of weak sauce DeSantis, whom will they blame?

Disloyalty is uglier than failure, and Republicans have embraced both in trashing Trump and placing clay-footed DeSantis on a pedestal he doesn't deserve to occupy, and won't for long.

Wave 2024 goodbye, Republicans! :dunno:
A loud and clear defeatist attitude!

Are you sure it's time for that yet?
DeSantis; isn't sure quite yet and he's going to be the proof of the pudding. DeSantis is going to keep his mouth shut on Trump until he knows for sure that Trump is over.

Regroup now!

This forum needs something positive now more than ever.
Trump seems poised to announce his run for '24, possibly tomorrow, 11/12/22. The reason DeSantis couldn't win in '24 is that the vast majority of Republicans are now all about MAGA. If DeSantis runs and does damage, it will be to himself, not Trump. If he runs and keeps his campaign focused on what he has accomplished in Florida rather than throwing personal barbs then he will retain his viability as a VP or a candidate in '28.

Trump, warts and all, has EARNED his right to run this time. NO ONE has a better right than he does. IF the House remains in Democrat hands after the condition of the country we've seen due to their incompetence, most Rs will believe there was cheating. I don't think cheating on that scale was possible. I think the PA and AZ situation should be investigated but the rest is a reflection of how out of touch half the country is. They will vote to "save democracy" and keep people in power who are taking it from them, every day getting worse. It must be a kind of tribalistic mental illness...
Republicans are poised to take back both the House and Senate, and how are they celebrating?

By turning their backs on Trump - and plunging their daggers into his - as they gush over the 15 minutes of fame being enjoyed by flavor of the month DeSantis.

As Liz Cheney cackles in glee, the anti-Trump faction is destroying the party in favor of empty suit DeSantis, a figure with no pull beyond the party's echo chambers, and no hope of ever winning a national election.

Few things are uglier than disloyalty for a job well done, and the attacks on Trump by the party he just broke his back to help push to victory are understandably angering him.

The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult - will destroy their own party, and all for a candidate (DeSantis) with no more hope of winning the White House than Hillary.

Once the Republicans destroy themselves by their disloyalty to Trump and their embrace of weak sauce DeSantis, whom will they blame?

Disloyalty is uglier than failure, and Republicans have embraced both in trashing Trump and placing clay-footed DeSantis on a pedestal he doesn't deserve to occupy, and won't for long.

Wave 2024 goodbye, Republicans! :dunno:
The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult -
the anti trump crowd are sane. The cult follows trump.
Republicans are poised to take back both the House and Senate, and how are they celebrating?

By turning their backs on Trump - and plunging their daggers into his - as they gush over the 15 minutes of fame being enjoyed by flavor of the month DeSantis.

As Liz Cheney cackles in glee, the anti-Trump faction is destroying the party in favor of empty suit DeSantis, a figure with no pull beyond the party's echo chambers, and no hope of ever winning a national election.

Few things are uglier than disloyalty for a job well done, and the attacks on Trump by the party he just broke his back to help push to victory are understandably angering him.

The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult - will destroy their own party, and all for a candidate (DeSantis) with no more hope of winning the White House than Hillary.

Once the Republicans destroy themselves by their disloyalty to Trump and their embrace of weak sauce DeSantis, whom will they blame?

Disloyalty is uglier than failure, and Republicans have embraced both in trashing Trump and placing clay-footed DeSantis on a pedestal he doesn't deserve to occupy, and won't for long.

Wave 2024 goodbye, Republicans! :dunno:

Trump lost in 2018, 2020 and 2022.

You're going to lose in 2024 if you keep him.
Republicans are poised to take back both the House and Senate, and how are they celebrating?

By turning their backs on Trump - and plunging their daggers into his - as they gush over the 15 minutes of fame being enjoyed by flavor of the month DeSantis.

As Liz Cheney cackles in glee, the anti-Trump faction is destroying the party in favor of empty suit DeSantis, a figure with no pull beyond the party's echo chambers, and no hope of ever winning a national election.

Few things are uglier than disloyalty for a job well done, and the attacks on Trump by the party he just broke his back to help push to victory are understandably angering him.

The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult - will destroy their own party, and all for a candidate (DeSantis) with no more hope of winning the White House than Hillary.

Once the Republicans destroy themselves by their disloyalty to Trump and their embrace of weak sauce DeSantis, whom will they blame?

Disloyalty is uglier than failure, and Republicans have embraced both in trashing Trump and placing clay-footed DeSantis on a pedestal he doesn't deserve to occupy, and won't for long.

Wave 2024 goodbye, Republicans! :dunno:

Republicans are poised to take back both the House and Senate, and how are they celebrating?

By turning their backs on Trump - and plunging their daggers into his - as they gush over the 15 minutes of fame being enjoyed by flavor of the month DeSantis.

As Liz Cheney cackles in glee, the anti-Trump faction is destroying the party in favor of empty suit DeSantis, a figure with no pull beyond the party's echo chambers, and no hope of ever winning a national election.

Few things are uglier than disloyalty for a job well done, and the attacks on Trump by the party he just broke his back to help push to victory are understandably angering him.

The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult - will destroy their own party, and all for a candidate (DeSantis) with no more hope of winning the White House than Hillary.

Once the Republicans destroy themselves by their disloyalty to Trump and their embrace of weak sauce DeSantis, whom will they blame?

Disloyalty is uglier than failure, and Republicans have embraced both in trashing Trump and placing clay-footed DeSantis on a pedestal he doesn't deserve to occupy, and won't for long.

Wave 2024 goodbye, Republicans! :dunno:

This is going to be so much fun to watch.
This is going to be so much fun to watch.
The GOP can still win in 2024. If Biden pulls out, I don't think there is any way the nation elects Harris unless Trump is the opponent. If it's Harris/DeSantis...I think DeSantis wins if he runs a smart campaign and lets his surrogates do the dirty work which is what the GOP is so good at.

The big question (as of today) is whether the Trump faction stays home in that scenario. I don't think they do. These are the same people who relish throwing their former saviors under the bus with a regularity that a watch maker would appreciate. Trump is ripe to have bus tire marks on his back.
Trump, warts and all, has EARNED his right to run this time. NO ONE has a better right than he does.

There is no such thing as earning the right to run. That is just bullshit. This was the same logic the Repubs used when they ran Bob Dole, it was his "turn"
Republicans are poised to take back both the House and Senate, and how are they celebrating?

By turning their backs on Trump - and plunging their daggers into his - as they gush over the 15 minutes of fame being enjoyed by flavor of the month DeSantis.

As Liz Cheney cackles in glee, the anti-Trump faction is destroying the party in favor of empty suit DeSantis, a figure with no pull beyond the party's echo chambers, and no hope of ever winning a national election.

Few things are uglier than disloyalty for a job well done, and the attacks on Trump by the party he just broke his back to help push to victory are understandably angering him.

The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult - will destroy their own party, and all for a candidate (DeSantis) with no more hope of winning the White House than Hillary.

Once the Republicans destroy themselves by their disloyalty to Trump and their embrace of weak sauce DeSantis, whom will they blame?

Disloyalty is uglier than failure, and Republicans have embraced both in trashing Trump and placing clay-footed DeSantis on a pedestal he doesn't deserve to occupy, and won't for long.

Wave 2024 goodbye, Republicans! :dunno:

Destroy from within...like Biden and Democrats are doing to this country...?!
Republicans are poised to take back both the House and Senate, and how are they celebrating?

By turning their backs on Trump - and plunging their daggers into his - as they gush over the 15 minutes of fame being enjoyed by flavor of the month DeSantis.

As Liz Cheney cackles in glee, the anti-Trump faction is destroying the party in favor of empty suit DeSantis, a figure with no pull beyond the party's echo chambers, and no hope of ever winning a national election.

Few things are uglier than disloyalty for a job well done, and the attacks on Trump by the party he just broke his back to help push to victory are understandably angering him.

The anti-Trump faction - some call it a cult - will destroy their own party, and all for a candidate (DeSantis) with no more hope of winning the White House than Hillary.

Once the Republicans destroy themselves by their disloyalty to Trump and their embrace of weak sauce DeSantis, whom will they blame?

Disloyalty is uglier than failure, and Republicans have embraced both in trashing Trump and placing clay-footed DeSantis on a pedestal he doesn't deserve to occupy, and won't for long.

Wave 2024 goodbye, Republicans! :dunno:
You MAGA people need to join the rest of us in the real world. At this point, you have reached the point of complete delusion. By historical standards, the Republicans should have taken the House and the Senate, and by wide margins. But the huge red wave you expected turned out to be little more than a trickle. And Trump backed candidates were overwhelmingly rejected. Hello, elections have consequences.

Look, I know it is hard to comprehend, but the majority of Americans aren't bonafide nut cases. Conspiracy nuts have always been around, but they have never been that numerous. Racist have always been around, and probably always will be, but their numbers have been dwindling for decades. While mostly content to fume in the shadows, Trump emboldened them. But that just made that minority that much more vocal. It didn't increase their numbers to any extent.

Look, Trump's support was based on conspiracy nuts, racists, working class uneducated white men, Stepford wives, and retirees and the disabled that didn't have anything better to do, because of poverty, than support Trump and watch FOX news. I mean you see it on this board each and every day. It would be comical, but it is really quite sad.

Now, the conspiracy nuts and the racists, they will be MAGA Trumpsters forever. But those white working class men, those Stepford wives, those retirees and disabled, they are starting to realize they got fawked by Republicans. And to be perfectly honest, it is the judicial appointments and the gerrymandering from state legislatures, that will be the death knell of the Republican party. The SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade was a huge factor in the big red trickle. And if Republican appointed judges kill this student debt forgiveness, the Republican party will find itself among the Know Nothings.

And the beautiful thing, the thing that makes the founders absolute geniuses, is that is the way this Democratic Republic was designed. For decades, the Republican party as manipulated the system. from state legislatures to judicial appointment confirmations. Manipulated the system to purposely avoid the majority, attain their power, and relegate from the positions in the high tower. Come on, the vast majority of Americans support the right to an abortion, deal with it. The vast majority of Americans support reducing prescription drug prices, deal with it. The vast majority of Americans support a minimum corporate income tax, deal with it.

I mean that last one, it is a case in point. If Republicans do gain control of the House and Senate the first thing they will do is repeal that minimum corporate income tax. Of course, it will be vetoed, so they would be pissing in the wind, but they have to do it. They have to kiss the feet of their masters, they have to "stand up" for who they represent. And that ain't you cowboy. They use you.

we all knew this day was coming.
Trump may now be Bernie to DeSantis's Hillary.

And the national outcome will be the same.

Democrats are rejoicing along with all their RINO pals.
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A loud and clear defeatist attitude!

Are you sure it's time for that yet?
DeSantis; isn't sure quite yet and he's going to be the proof of the pudding. DeSantis is going to keep his mouth shut on Trump until he knows for sure that Trump is over.

Regroup now!

This forum needs something positive now more than ever.
The party had best stop flirting with and cooing over DeSantis.

Hell hath no fury like Trump scorned.
Trump seems poised to announce his run for '24, possibly tomorrow, 11/12/22. The reason DeSantis couldn't win in '24 is that the vast majority of Republicans are now all about MAGA. If DeSantis runs and does damage, it will be to himself, not Trump. If he runs and keeps his campaign focused on what he has accomplished in Florida rather than throwing personal barbs then he will retain his viability as a VP or a candidate in '28.

Trump, warts and all, has EARNED his right to run this time. NO ONE has a better right than he does. IF the House remains in Democrat hands after the condition of the country we've seen due to their incompetence, most Rs will believe there was cheating. I don't think cheating on that scale was possible. I think the PA and AZ situation should be investigated but the rest is a reflection of how out of touch half the country is. They will vote to "save democracy" and keep people in power who are taking it from them, every day getting worse. It must be a kind of tribalistic mental illness...
If DeSantis is willing to put his party ahead of his ambition, you might be right.

If there's anything other than epic ass-kissing behind the scenes - the party should know that Trump controls the path to the White House in 2024 - the party is in deep trouble.

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