will the latest wikileaks release end hilary's white house aspirations?


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
Hillary Clinton ordered diplomats to spy on UN: WikiLeaks docs | Raw Story

A classified directive signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered US diplomats to spy on the highest-ranking officials in the United Nations, according to documents obtained from the latest WikiLeaks document dump.

many postings are saying what she called for is illegal and it certainly won't sit well with the host countries of the targeted people

Not surprising. The Clintons are the most corrupt politicians in America. This probably wont hurt her though. She has a 'D' by her name. This means the corrupt MSM will ignore this. Now if she had that 'R' by her name,i'm sure the MSM would completely freak out and call for her head. This will blow over like it never happened. Bet on it. :(
I certainly hope that the partisan hacks on this board are beginning to realize that government and politicians in general cannot be trusted no matter what the Party. Dem, Repub, TEA, Communist, Green, Whig, whatever.

Are you people starting to understand the Founding Fathers' wisdom of the concept of "limited government"?
Yea, we should worry about the career of some corrupt politician... not about our security, our ability to maintain strong working relationships with other countries, about our government agencies being able to safely share essential information.

Yep. Blu demonstrates, again, that he has absolutely no fucking idea about what's important.
Yea, we should worry about the career of some corrupt politician... not about our security, our ability to maintain strong working relationships with other countries, about our government agencies being able to safely share essential information.

Yep. Blu demonstrates, again, that he has absolutely no fucking idea about what's important.

what are you babbling on about now? feel free to a start a thread on any of those items you wish, but don't derail my thread with your fallacious rambles
Looks like this story is gaining some traction. Just saw a Liberal Media Outlet even reporting it. Of course they made excuses for Clinton but it is now beginning to be more widely reported. She even ordered DNA samples of UN Members. Not sure why? But use your imagination i guess.
Yea, we should worry about the career of some corrupt politician... not about our security, our ability to maintain strong working relationships with other countries, about our government agencies being able to safely share essential information.

Yep. Blu demonstrates, again, that he has absolutely no fucking idea about what's important.

By lying through our teeth, spying on them, and it's likely vice versa. Because as we all know, all the best relationships are built on a foundation of lies. :eusa_whistle:
This is according to Wiki-Leak secret files that will soon be released. The files show that Hillary Clinton ordered Diplomats to collect personal information on UN Diplomats. Some of the requested personal information even included DNA samples.

Wow this stuff is pretty shocking even to me. What did she want DNA samples for? Not sure about that one. I guess you have to use your imagination. This scandal is really heating up so stay tuned...

Orders from Clinton: US Diplomats Told to Spy on Other Countries at United Nations - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Man if she had an 'R' by her name,the Liberal MSM would already be frying her. She's very lucky she has that 'D' by her name instead.
Sorry,just don't trust the NY Times anymore. I'm sure they'll spin it in Clinton's favor somehow. Now if she had that 'R' by her name?...I'm sure the NY Times would have already fried her. I just choose not to read the NY Times anymore. Their bias is just too obvious.
Hillary Clinton ordered diplomats to spy on UN: WikiLeaks docs | Raw Story

A classified directive signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered US diplomats to spy on the highest-ranking officials in the United Nations, according to documents obtained from the latest WikiLeaks document dump.

many postings are saying what she called for is illegal and it certainly won't sit well with the host countries of the targeted people

Might get her votes from the right wing UN haters though?
Maybe the Republicans will investigate ole Hitlery when they take the House back in January? Something to think about i guess.
Hillary Clinton ordered diplomats to spy on UN: WikiLeaks docs | Raw Story

A classified directive signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered US diplomats to spy on the highest-ranking officials in the United Nations, according to documents obtained from the latest WikiLeaks document dump.

many postings are saying what she called for is illegal and it certainly won't sit well with the host countries of the targeted people

Might get her votes from the right wing UN haters though?

Yea right,nice try. Can't pawn her off on us. Hitlery's all yours. Enjoy.
Looks like this story is gaining some traction. Just saw a Liberal Media Outlet even reporting it. Of course they made excuses for Clinton but it is now beginning to be more widely reported. She even ordered DNA samples of UN Members. Not sure why? But use your imagination i guess.
Make excuses for what? Do you not want to spy on other countries? Why would you want to tie the hands of the State Department?

Why do you hate America?
The Secretary of State, like all cabinet level officials, answers to and carries out the policy of the potus. Any that go off the reservation don't hold their office for very long.

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