Understanding Why the Deep State Is Terrified of Trump’s Documents

'MI6 spy Christopher Steele is a leader of the British organization "Independent SAGE," a sketchy, yet highly influential collective of social scientists, psychologists, and professional propagandists who use the news media to relentlessly pressure the UK government anytime it hesitates to deploy the flinty authoritarianism need to achieve "zero COVID." '
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 431)

The Clintons are linked to MI6 via their employees, though are from the start more CIA than FBI.
We at least know now that arrangements had been made by the FBI, with the secret service agents who would be on site.

The secret service agents?

Will they stay loyal to Trump when the situation begins to erupt? Or will they be true patriots that will stand with their country and democracy?

Can a secret service agent even be vetted?

Why are you asking me ...
I don't vet the Secret Service and whatever they do will be because the Federal Government gave them the position they hold.

If you have a possible problem or concern with whatever they may choose to do, then that is on the Federal Government.
If you want to suggest that the Federal Government and its Agents, whether they be FBI or Secret Service, are subject to their own corruption ...
I am certainly not going to argue with you about that.

It's like you are right there, and almost get it ..,
But your obsessions and desires rob you of the ability to even understand the true depth of what you are saying ... :auiqs.jpg:


Why are you asking me ...
I don't vet the Secret Service and whatever they do will be because the Federal Government gave them the position they hold.

If you have a possible problem or concern with whatever they may choose to do, then that is on the Federal Government.
If you want to suggest that the Federal Government and its Agents, whether they be FBI or Secret Service, are subject to their own corruption ...
I am certainly not going to argue with you about that.

It's like you are right there, and almost get it ..,
But your obsessions and desires rob you of the ability to even understand the true depth of what you are saying ... :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for your opinions.
Thanks for your opinions.

What opinion ... It was just a response to the context of your words.
The only opinion I have is that it isn't necessary to argue with you about what you the think Agents of the Federal Government may do.

It doesn't make a difference to me whether they work for the Department of Justice or the Department of Treasury
They are still all Federal Agents ... :auiqs.jpg:

Nope. All this proves is that Trump is a moron.

Nope, whatever he got the archive foundation packed and gave it to him. The only other thing could be is the Epstein client list.

What opinion ... It was just a response to the context of your words.
The only opinion I have is that it isn't necessary to argue with you about what you the think Agents of the Federal Government may do.

It doesn't make a difference to me whether they work for the Department of Justice or the Department of Treasury
They are still all Federal Agents ... :auiqs.jpg:

Then thank you for no opinion, if that makes you happier.
Then thank you for no opinion, if that makes you happier.

Why would it make me happier, since I was never unhappy to start with ... What are you trying to accomplish?
What does any of it have to do with the topic of thread?

You don't need to be passive aggressive with me ...
If you have something worth talking about, I encourage you to give it a shot ... :auiqs.jpg:

This is a piece by Larry Johnson detailing what are probably the true motives behind the Mar-a-Lago political raid. He is basing this mostly on a series of articles from Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse.
Sundance does excellent investigations & is much more informed than any in the MSM, despite what all the proglodytes will say.

DT had numerous docs proving the intelligence communities in the US & Great Britain were illegally targeting himself via Crossfire Hurricane.
They were also after other Repub primary nominees & even Bernie Sanders just to hedge their bets & have an angle of attack no matter what happened in the primaries.
This is in addition to all the Americans they target now by using the Patriot Act against us to spy domestically.
The FBI, CIA, DOD & DOJ were all compromised & subverted by Barry in his 8 years in office & they were turned against DT before he even became President.
Mueller, Comey, Brennan, et al were all actively working together to try to prevent an America First president from revealing what a bunch of lying duplicitous pit of vipers our Fed agencies had become as they targeted Americans & foreigners alike.

They were doing this in conjunction with private entities such as HRC & her campaign, Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie law, the DNC & all the usual players like Marc Elias & Jake "The Lying Foot Soldier" Sullivan.
DT has an ongoing lawsuit against these entities in the courts now.

The whole Russia collusion narrative was orchestrated by having an FBI informant close to DT propose a Trump Tower license in Moscow.

Here is another example, we also know that Felix Sater–a longtime business associate of Donald Trump and an FBI informant since December 1998 (he was signed up by Andrew Weismann)–initiated the proposal to do a Trump Tower in Moscow. Don’t take my word for it, that’s what Robert Mueller reported:

Sater’s communication with Rozov were intercepted by western intelligence agencies–GCHQ and NSA. I do not know which agency put it into an intel report, but it was put into the system. The Sater FD-1023 will tell us whether or not Sater did this at the direction of the FBI or acted on his own initiative. The key point is that the “bait” to do something with the Russians came from a registered FBI informant.

In addition, we would have Admiral Rogers writing a mandatory oversight notification to the FISA court detailing what happened. That’s a big and comprehensive classified record, likely contained in the documents in Mar-a-Lago… and then the goldmine, the fully unredacted 99-page FISA court opinion detailing the substance of the NSA compromise by FBI officials and contractors, including the names, frequency and dates of the illegal surveillance. That is a major classified document the Deepest Deep State would want to keep hidden.

These are the types of documents within what former ODNI John Ratcliffe called “thousands of pages that were declassified by President Trump,” and given to both John Durham and Main Justice with an expectation of public release when the Durham special counsel probe concluded.

In short, President Trump declassified documents that show how the institutions within the U.S. government targeted him. However, the institutions that illegally targeted President Trump are the same institutions who control the specific evidence of their unlawful targeting.

These examples of evidence held by President Donald Trump reveals the background of how the DC surveillance state exists. THAT was/is the national security threat behind the DOJ-NSD search warrant and affidavit.

Say this is all true (not a given but very much more likely than idiotic BS like nuke codes & giving national secrets to the Russians), will the progressives change their minds & realize how dangerous this is to a free society when a govt police state is attempting a coup or is it all acceptable as long as they never see another mean tweet?
I think some will finally have their lefty delusions shattered while the rest won't care because "the ends justify the means" is their main conviction & totalitarian control is what the collectivism of the left is really all about.
This has nothing to do with the left - it's liberals & the oligarchy, and it's too complicated.

They just don't want Trump to be president again, and they want to limit his power to back other candidates.
This is a piece by Larry Johnson detailing what are probably the true motives behind the Mar-a-Lago political raid. He is basing this mostly on a series of articles from Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse.
Sundance does excellent investigations & is much more informed than any in the MSM, despite what all the proglodytes will say.

DT had numerous docs proving the intelligence communities in the US & Great Britain were illegally targeting himself via Crossfire Hurricane.
They were also after other Repub primary nominees & even Bernie Sanders just to hedge their bets & have an angle of attack no matter what happened in the primaries.
This is in addition to all the Americans they target now by using the Patriot Act against us to spy domestically.
The FBI, CIA, DOD & DOJ were all compromised & subverted by Barry in his 8 years in office & they were turned against DT before he even became President.
Mueller, Comey, Brennan, et al were all actively working together to try to prevent an America First president from revealing what a bunch of lying duplicitous pit of vipers our Fed agencies had become as they targeted Americans & foreigners alike.

They were doing this in conjunction with private entities such as HRC & her campaign, Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie law, the DNC & all the usual players like Marc Elias & Jake "The Lying Foot Soldier" Sullivan.
DT has an ongoing lawsuit against these entities in the courts now.

The whole Russia collusion narrative was orchestrated by having an FBI informant close to DT propose a Trump Tower license in Moscow.

Here is another example, we also know that Felix Sater–a longtime business associate of Donald Trump and an FBI informant since December 1998 (he was signed up by Andrew Weismann)–initiated the proposal to do a Trump Tower in Moscow. Don’t take my word for it, that’s what Robert Mueller reported:

Sater’s communication with Rozov were intercepted by western intelligence agencies–GCHQ and NSA. I do not know which agency put it into an intel report, but it was put into the system. The Sater FD-1023 will tell us whether or not Sater did this at the direction of the FBI or acted on his own initiative. The key point is that the “bait” to do something with the Russians came from a registered FBI informant.

In addition, we would have Admiral Rogers writing a mandatory oversight notification to the FISA court detailing what happened. That’s a big and comprehensive classified record, likely contained in the documents in Mar-a-Lago… and then the goldmine, the fully unredacted 99-page FISA court opinion detailing the substance of the NSA compromise by FBI officials and contractors, including the names, frequency and dates of the illegal surveillance. That is a major classified document the Deepest Deep State would want to keep hidden.

These are the types of documents within what former ODNI John Ratcliffe called “thousands of pages that were declassified by President Trump,” and given to both John Durham and Main Justice with an expectation of public release when the Durham special counsel probe concluded.

In short, President Trump declassified documents that show how the institutions within the U.S. government targeted him. However, the institutions that illegally targeted President Trump are the same institutions who control the specific evidence of their unlawful targeting.

These examples of evidence held by President Donald Trump reveals the background of how the DC surveillance state exists. THAT was/is the national security threat behind the DOJ-NSD search warrant and affidavit.

Say this is all true (not a given but very much more likely than idiotic BS like nuke codes & giving national secrets to the Russians), will the progressives change their minds & realize how dangerous this is to a free society when a govt police state is attempting a coup or is it all acceptable as long as they never see another mean tweet?
I think some will finally have their lefty delusions shattered while the rest won't care because "the ends justify the means" is their main conviction & totalitarian control is what the collectivism of the left is really all about.

More morons.
So you save Democracy from what exactly?

By illegally spying on a Presidential Candidate who has committed no crimes, by submitting knowingly False Affidavits to an Unconstitutional Secret Court called FISA, so you can conduct an Unconstitutional Investigation based on False Allegations that you know were financed and created by his political enemies?

By raiding his home using secret warrants and secret courts and secret judges to sign off on a Raid for materials they already listed and scheduled to be transferred to The National Archives. By looking, for well, NOTHING REALLY, and you knowingly pursue investigations against a President once elected that you know are false and know were financed and ordered by his political opposition, yet tried to conceal that from We The People so you could continue your Propaganda War against a President standing in your way, and then you try to stop him from participating in our Democracy and Elections to "Save Democracy?

Is this how Fascists took over The German Democratic Republic by telling them "Democracy was in peril" and once they were in power to Save Democracy, simply abolished it?

Either Trump is an Uber Super Evil Genius outsmarting you all for 6 years straight or it is YOU we need to save Democracy From.
How did your panty raid go, btw?

View attachment 682748

They did not spy on anyone. The investigations are entirely constitutional. This was not conducted in secrecy. A federal magistrate issued the warrant. Trump can challenge it but he has not. Nazi Trump supporters are doing everything they can to prevent people from voting and if they don't vote for their favored candidate then they will throw out the votes. You are the ones attacking our democracy you Nazi.
Reports on Twitter that many FBI agents running to Congress to start the leaking and whistleblowing. Which of course would happen, since the FBI has discredited itself completely and now looks to potentially tear the nation apart.

The FBI is a huge org. They took a big chance that none of their own would rat them out. Now let's see what happens.
The only rat is Trump and he is the fattest of them all.
Your author is speculating and he's from that crackpot site conservative treehouse.
But CNN and the New York Times are always truthful and set the standard for good journalism.

All the bombshells about Trump on MSNBC proved true.

This is an interesting thread.

The OP made a claim, and those who bow down to the establishment narrative have, rather than counter that narrative, attacked him with libel, name calling, and all manner of fallacies, rather than any substantial counter arguments.

Interesting. :eusa_think:

What John Durham has proved​

The special counsel exploded a ‘resistance’ myth


". . . Tribe’s view of Durham’s prosecution of Sussmann is ironic. Only a few years earlier, the very same resistance denounced anyone who attacked the integrity of Robert Mueller, the special counsel who examined the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. And yet when Mueller’s team found no evidence of conspiracy, the resistance did not complain that the hunt to prove Trump’s collusion was wasteful.

Such criticism of Durham is also myopic. Most of the evidence his team disclosed in the trial was not contested. Prosecutors, for example, found text messages from Sussmann to the FBI’s former general counsel, James Baker, explicitly stating that he was acting only as a private citizen when he requested an urgent meeting to discuss a threat to national security. Yet the prosecutors also presented billing records for Sussmann’s meeting with Baker, charging the time to the Clinton campaign and a private cybersecurity firm. Baker testified at the trial that Sussmann had said he was acting as a good citizen and not as a lawyer representing Trump’s opponent.

The information Sussmann passed to the FBI was laid out in several white papers that detailed allegedly unusual communications between computer servers in the Trump organization and Russia’s largest private bank. Clinton’s campaign leaked this story to Slate and others — and then touted the scoop on Clinton’s Twitter feed. As lead prosecutor Brittain Shaw told the jury, Sussmann “went straight to the FBI general counsel’s office, the FBI’s top lawyer. He then sat across from that lawyer and lied to him. He told a lie that was designed to achieve a political end, a lie that was designed to inject the FBI into a presidential election.”


". . . This will be what to watch for in October, when the second trial to stem from Durham’s investigation will commence. Sitting in the dock this time will be Igor Danchenko, a Russian national who collected most of the so-called intelligence contained in the famous “Steele dossier” about Donald Trump’s campaign and its alleged interactions with Russia. This research was paid for by the Clinton campaign through a series of cut-outs: The campaign’s law firm, Perkins Coie, contracted an opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, which in turn paid a former MI6 operative, Christopher Steele, who then paid Danchenko to learn what he could about Trump and Russia.

During the presidential transition between Obama and Trump, Danchenko’s “research” was treated like Watergate revelations by the media and the Democratic Party. It alleged that Trump’s second campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had managed the campaign’s outreach to Russia as part of a well-developed conspiracy. It said Russian intelligence had tapes of Trump in Moscow, with prostitutes urinating on a bed where the Obamas had supposedly slept. Back in 2017, when BuzzFeed first published the dossier (following accurate leaks that it had been personally briefed to both Trump and Obama by Comey) the public did not know Danchenko had anything to do with it. The dossier was assumed to be credible because Steele was credible. It would take another three years to learn that Steele had relied on Danchenko.

And Danchenko was not reliable. Last year, he was charged with five counts of lying to the FBI during 2017 debriefings about his sourcing for the dossier. The theory of the case is that this former Brookings Institution researcher, himself once the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation as a possible Russian agent, hoodwinked the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world. Had Danchenko told the truth when first questioned, the FBI would have saved the time and resources it wasted on trying to confirm his tall tales. . . ."

Gowdy says

Proving anything beyond a reasonable doubt is hard. And the only people who think it's easy are people on television who've never had to do it."

True, but there are records of what was said. And I doubt the fbi uses record-making that is unreliable?

In other words: Sussman did lie and he got away with it just like all demonrats do... and so they continue on in their goal to always be demonrats

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