Hunter is 100% the victim of deep state right wing lawfare

If they weren't in denial, they wouldn't be addicts.

Except he hasn't been charged with money laundering, he's been charged with income tax evasion.

That's probably a harder case to prove, because Hunter probably didn't prepare his own taxes.

Spending weeks explaining tax law to a jury is going to make their eyes glaze over.
Yeah, but we all know why he wasn't filing taxes, to try and keep the dirty money he was pulling in for the Xiden Crime Cabel

Not really, this is pretty simple, you get income, you report it, and file. Everyone understands that. Crackhead Hunter simply thought he was above the law, and didn't have to file taxes FOR YEARS
Hunter being of privilege from an inside corrupted political father, was like most addicts are. A piece of crap who brings pain into many families affected. In his mind he most likely thought he was a tough guy gangsta when he applied for the weapon. In his 50's and not learning any lessons in life and shows no remorse.

Again, guy, your lack of compassion is interesting, given that you come off as a crazy person most of the time.

We need to stop treating addiction as a crime and start treating it as a medical problem.
Yeah, but we all know why he wasn't filing taxes, to try and keep the dirty money he was pulling in for the Xiden Crime Cabel

Then charge him for that.

Not really, this is pretty simple, you get income, you report it, and file. Everyone understands that. Crackhead Hunter simply thought he was above the law, and didn't have to file taxes FOR YEARS
Or he didn't think he had to pay taxes on money earned in another country, if he was already paying the taxes of that country.
Then charge him for that.

Or he didn't think he had to pay taxes on money earned in another country, if he was already paying the taxes of that country.
1) he is charged
2) hahah then he is an idiot…idiots go to prison all the time.
Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

Hunter is a victim of his own stupidity and bad judgement. He isn't the first and he won't be the last to get bit by crack. And you have no idea if there were victims to his crack use, so why are alibiing for him. How about the out of wedlock kid he had or the embarrassment he caused his family. There are always victims where crackheads are concerned. MAGA
Hunter is a victim of his own stupidity and bad judgement. He isn't the first and he won't be the last to get bit by crack. And you have no idea if there were victims to his crack use, so why are alibiing for him. How about the out of wedlock kid he had or the embarrassment he caused his family. There are always victims where crackheads are concerned. MAGA
I think Hunter should get the same deal Rush Limabugh got for his drug use.
You know Hunter will get a pardon as soon as the election is over. You really don't think this thing is on the up and up, do you? MAGA
Of course he will…xiden and the dems are actually soft on guns….well guns for themselves…they want to take everyone elses
Now amp that up, that you have justices on the supreme court who lied to the senate, under oath, that they had no intention of overturning Roe v Wade.

And then they overturned Roe v Wade.

They even replayed their testimony before the senate judiciary saying they wouldn't overturn Roe.
Those kinds of questions should NEVER be asked of a justice during confirmation hearings. They should NOT be pressured to forecast how they would vote on any given case, EVER. They are supposed to be independent and be able to view each case as unique, to be balanced against the Constitution. Those asking those questions need to be run out of town on a rail, because they should know better.
Congratulations. Now I can point out the parallels with ex-president Trump. Who also evaded taxes by undervaluing his assets to the states, and swindling banks by overvaluing his assets to them. Using a host of falsified business records

Add in his enterprises like Trump University and Trump charity that turned out to be complete frauds.
Except, of course, he repaid his bank loans on time. You know, like someone who wants to stay in business and get future loans would do. And, I get an assessment every year from the county on the value of my property. Why can my county do assessments but New York can't? Asking for a friend.
You know Hunter will get a pardon as soon as the election is over. You really don't think this thing is on the up and up, do you? MAGA
As well he should.

If Trump could pardon Flynn, Manafort and everyone else involved in Russiagate for keeping quiet, then Biden certainly should be able to pardon his son for a bullshit gun charge.

Of course he will…xiden and the dems are actually soft on guns….well guns for themselves…they want to take everyone elses
Oh, please. I wish Biden did a quarter of the gun grabbing you clowns accuse him of.
Those kinds of questions should NEVER be asked of a justice during confirmation hearings.
When it's the reason the judge was nominated, and everyone knows it, it's precisely the question that should be asked.

That's why the nominees deceived the Congress and the public, when asked.
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Bullshit of course. When it's the reason the judge was nominated, and everyone knows it, it's precisely the question that should be asked.

That's why the nominees deceived the Congress and the public, when asked.
Nope, Justices are supposed to decide each case on its merits against the Constitution, NOT be bound to not touch some Senator's sacred cow.
Nope, Justices are supposed to decide each case on its merits against the Constitution, NOT be bound to not touch some Senator's sacred cow.
So, the opposite of what the anti abortion puppet judges did, when they violated Stare Decisis to satisfy their Senate patrons.

I mean, thanks for making my points for me, but I can do it myself.
Oh, I'd advocate a lot more than that.

Here's what I'd require

1) Drug Test
2) A complete background investigation where they talk to your boss, your spouse, your co-workers and your neighbors.
3) A complete check of your medical records.
4) A thorough Criminal background check

And before I hear any whining about the "SECOND AMENDMENT" it's a lot less than what you would be required to join the military.

For all our civil rights, or just this one?

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