Will This SInk Obamacare?

So the people in the red states who strongly oppose Obamacare will make their candidates pay for not implementing obamacare. Come again?

The people in red states who can only get their insurance through the federal site and who will therefore be denied subsidies will make the GOP pay.

The issue ads practically write themselves.

So your view is that Obamacare is cool to Republican voters, it's just the politicians who are against it? What is your evidence of that exactly?

Wow, you really have a serious partisan filter blocking your brain, don't you. You aren't hearing a word I am saying and instead are making shit up in your head.

Amazing to see this odd phenomenon actually happening in real time.
So the GOP position is...no state exchanges in red states, and therefore no red state citizens should be able to get subsidies for their health insurance since they are forced to sign up for health insurance through the federal exchange because of their GOP legislatures.

This means people who live in red states will be paying more out of their pockets for health insurance than those who live in blue states.

Hmmm. I just can't see THAT backfiring on the GOP! :lol:

So the people in the red states who strongly oppose Obamacare will make their candidates pay for not implementing obamacare. Come again?

The people in red states who can only get their insurance through the federal site and who will therefore be denied subsidies will make the GOP pay.

The issue ads practically write themselves.

no they wont

out here in South Dakota the senate dem seat is looking like it

is lost oh my
The whole thing needs to be abolished. When laws are passed that allow an agency to make changes to it without the consent of the legislature, and ultimately without the consent of the governed is essentially tyranny in action.

I never voted for Kathleen Sebelius!
So the GOP position is...no state exchanges in red states, and therefore no red state citizens should be able to get subsidies for their health insurance

No, that's the Democrats' position. They wrote the law that way, and ignored and derided all GOP attempts to change it or get rid of it.

Link showing GOP tried to change the subsidy rules?

Link to video of a closed and locked door of the democrat conference room where Obamacare was planned without a single republican attending.

It is the law of the land and yet you tout that 5 million people out of 45 million people followed the law.


I remember when the rubes were laughing about only dozens of people being enrolled on the disastrour rollout of the web site.

Now it is millions.

And millions more to come.

Who is laughing now? Who is the fool?

And don't tell me you actually fell for the left wing's "45 million uninsured Americans" ploy! :lol:

Who is laughing now?

We all know that politicians understate expectations. Well, their UNDERSTATEMNENT was & million by next week. It will likely be 5.5 million....well below their UNDERSTATED benchmark.

Now....seeing as 5 million people lost their policies involuntarily....and seeing as those 5 million proved to be responsible by HAVING insurance.....it is likely MOPST Of those 5 million currently enrolled were the same that lost their policies...



but they were responsible and wanted insurance....AND THE LAW GAVE THEM NO CHOICE.

As for the 40 million.......I never believed it...but I bet you did.

And if it WERE 40 million....it became 45 million when people LOST their insurance.

It will likely be 5.5 million.

and of that number how many will be dependent on the system

through subsidies or 100 percent entitlement through medicaid

through that lens it is bigger failure then they could have imagined

i read that thanks to obamacare 1 million more people are without insurance

The 2016 GOP candidate for President will have to answer the following question: "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?"

With specifics required. Not some bloviation about "free market solutions". Actual specifics.

This has been the GOP's gigantic blind spot the size of an elephant.

face it after six years of this

the people are tired of the governments intrusive nature into

the peoples lifes
The right wing "horror stories" used in ads have all been shown to be bogus.

The facts on the ground are that people in red states are going to be denied health insurance subsidies, which means they will be paying more for their health insurance than people in blue states. And that is a REAL horror story the GOP won't tell you.

The citizens of red states are also being denied the Medicare expansion.

Another horror for the GOP is that the federal web site has much improved and millions of people have been signing up.

ObamaCare is not sinking. Not even close.

RomneyCare had very similar bumps and difficulties in its early days, as any massive government expansion of power does. But five years later, a supermajority of the citizens (74 percent!) of Massachusetts stated they wanted to keep RomneyCare around, even though 60 percent felt it still needed fixes.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

Rumors of the death of ObamaCare are greatly exaggerated.
Show the facts on the ground which prove the lie of obastardcare is working. Don't think so, just more libtarded hot air.
We are not idiots! If it was so wonderful why are you delaying until after the next election.?
The right wing "horror stories" used in ads have all been shown to be bogus.

The facts on the ground are that people in red states are going to be denied health insurance subsidies, which means they will be paying more for their health insurance than people in blue states. And that is a REAL horror story the GOP won't tell you.

The citizens of red states are also being denied the Medicare expansion.

Another horror for the GOP is that the federal web site has much improved and millions of people have been signing up.

ObamaCare is not sinking. Not even close.

RomneyCare had very similar bumps and difficulties in its early days, as any massive government expansion of power does. But five years later, a supermajority of the citizens (74 percent!) of Massachusetts stated they wanted to keep RomneyCare around, even though 60 percent felt it still needed fixes.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

Rumors of the death of ObamaCare are greatly exaggerated.
Show the facts on the ground which prove the lie of obastardcare is working. Don't think so, just more libtarded hot air.
We are not idiots! If it was so wonderful why are you delaying until after the next election.?

because they want to deny the peoples of their rights to obamacares
All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Not "some" or "most" or "all but" ALL

An executive order is simply a legal document instructing how the current LAW is to be executed, in fact, without executive orders, the President would have no way of legally exercising his power.

However, this does not mean that executive orders can be used to change the law, because that is a usurpation of legislative powers, and no legislative powers can be exercised by any body other than Congress, as Congress commands ALL legislative powers.

Obama should impeached and removed on this alone.
. He should've been impeached when he took the oath of office in 2009.
The people in red states who can only get their insurance through the federal site and who will therefore be denied subsidies will make the GOP pay.

The issue ads practically write themselves.

So your view is that Obamacare is cool to Republican voters, it's just the politicians who are against it? What is your evidence of that exactly?

Wow, you really have a serious partisan filter blocking your brain, don't you. You aren't hearing a word I am saying and instead are making shit up in your head.

Amazing to see this odd phenomenon actually happening in real time.

Well explain it then. You're saying that people in red states want government subsidies, but it's red states that are fighting obamacare. I don't get where exactly you're arguing Republicans are going to pay.
The current GOP leadership are OK with "red state" citizens paying more for insurance than they have to. Why wouldn't they be?

How many uninsured Americans were there in 2010? Anyone know?

Fewer than there are now.
Doesn't the lawlessness of this administration bother you the teensiest bit?

I asked a simple question that has a NUMBER for an answer. Why are you so uninterested in trying to learn?

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Overview of the Uninsured in the United States: A Summary of the 2011 Current Population Survey

BTW....the number is less now, idiot.


Try harder, nutters. But please try harder at something that helps.
Either Obamacare will get "sunk" or it will sink America. But if the Feds are able to overrule the states on the "Gay marriage" issue then it's clear that the Constitution and States Rights are a thing of the past. The King George philosophy has ultimately beaten the founding fathers where government control is concernced. The Constitution is SUPPOSED to protect the American people from the bullshit we're seeing today. It's sink or swim time!!!!!!
The current GOP leadership are OK with "red state" citizens paying more for insurance than they have to. Why wouldn't they be?

How many uninsured Americans were there in 2010? Anyone know?

Fewer than there are now.
Doesn't the lawlessness of this administration bother you the teensiest bit?

I asked a simple question that has a NUMBER for an answer. Why are you so uninterested in trying to learn?

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Overview of the Uninsured in the United States: A Summary of the 2011 Current Population Survey

BTW....the number is less now, idiot.


Try harder, nutters. But please try harder at something that helps.

Its hard to argue with someone as stupid as you. Your own link says the number, the actual number, is not much different now.
Again, aren't you bothered by the lawlessness of this administration?
The right wing "horror stories" used in ads have all been shown to be bogus.

The facts on the ground are that people in red states are going to be denied health insurance subsidies, which means they will be paying more for their health insurance than people in blue states. And that is a REAL horror story the GOP won't tell you.

The citizens of red states are also being denied the Medicare expansion.

Another horror for the GOP is that the federal web site has much improved and millions of people have been signing up.

ObamaCare is not sinking. Not even close.

RomneyCare had very similar bumps and difficulties in its early days, as any massive government expansion of power does. But five years later, a supermajority of the citizens (74 percent!) of Massachusetts stated they wanted to keep RomneyCare around, even though 60 percent felt it still needed fixes.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

Rumors of the death of ObamaCare are greatly exaggerated.
Show the facts on the ground which prove the lie of obastardcare is working. Don't think so, just more libtarded hot air.
Did I say it is working?

I am saying it is here to stay. Big difference.

Take the cotton out of your head.

That's just the problem with you rubes. You hear what you want to hear, and are completely disconnected from reality.
Fewer than there are now.
Doesn't the lawlessness of this administration bother you the teensiest bit?

I asked a simple question that has a NUMBER for an answer. Why are you so uninterested in trying to learn?

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Overview of the Uninsured in the United States: A Summary of the 2011 Current Population Survey

BTW....the number is less now, idiot.


Try harder, nutters. But please try harder at something that helps.

Its hard to argue with someone as stupid as you. Your own link says the number, the actual number, is not much different now.
Again, aren't you bothered by the lawlessness of this administration?

What was the number in 2010? What is it now? What is it projected to be in a year...in five years?

All with nutter obstruction and dishonesty. Think where we'd be if you fuckers were on the team? Eat shit, dummy.
The 2016 GOP candidate for President will have to answer the following question: "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?"

With specifics required. Not some bloviation about "free market solutions". Actual specifics.

This has been the GOP's gigantic blind spot the size of an elephant.
There is no rush to do anything except to help people get back on their old plans.
I hate the Republicans for not impeaching Obama. If there's ever a reason to impeach someone Obamacare and the BS that they put us through is reason enough!
The whole thing needs to be abolished. When laws are passed that allow an agency to make changes to it without the consent of the legislature, and ultimately without the consent of the governed is essentially tyranny in action.

Indeed. The "law" was passed by that group of incompetent democrat legislators, the majority of which now claim ignorance as to the contents of said law, and was signed into "law" by Barry Obama a short time later.

In the time since it has been passed - the president himself has, with the stroke of a pen, changed the intent of the "law" over and over. It is a joke. It is nothing more than that. HHS would have us believe that they know nothing about who has signed up - if they have completed the process or, if they have even paid the premiums. Their "excuse"? They don't have the "data".

I will state this once more (for the idiot liberals on this forum) who would defend their boy to their death...

This law was passed for the specific reason of providing "affordable insurance" to the idiots who don't have enough common sense to provide healthcare for their own families. Apparently some 46 million idiots.

After passage, some 6 million people LOST the healthcare they had from their employers who refuse to participate in a government mandated takeover of their rights.

Now, as HHS "claims" some 5 million have signed up for their government giveaway - but again, no one knows EXACTLY how many have actually PAID for their coverage.

Now, let's examine the math here..

46 million plus 6 million equals 52 million (even common core can't change that equation)

5 million signed up (apparently - HHS does't know - big surprise)

Leaves us with 47 million uninsured or 1 million MORE than we started with.

Way to go Dems!!! When you lose the Senate this year and the (R)s gain MORE seats in the House - remember this - YOU did this to yourselves. This time, you can't blame a single republican.
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Will This SInk Obamacare?

In fact, this is the normal, desired ebb and flow between the Legislative Branch of government and the Judicial Branch, a judicial crucible, if you will, where the process of judicial review ensures that acts of Congress indeed conform to the Constitution. See, e.g., the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and United States v. Lopez (1995), where the Act was invalidated by the Supreme Court, amended by Congress to address the un-Constitutional provisions, and is current, enforced Federal law today.

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