Will Trump creating outrage win him a second term?

Trump is probably expressing a genuine belief that he’s entitled hold office without limit, like his pal Vladimir Putin. But as performative art, he knows it works in the same way that Al Bundy dressing in drag and reading pornographic magazines worked for the ratings of Married…With Children. People love it because it upsets the prigs.

Very well put!
His strategy is to do or say whatever it takes to keep his base happy, and hope that there will be enough peripheral, general anti-Democratic sentiment to get the electoral votes he needs.

It definitely could work.

The damage he causes and exacerbates is absolutely irrelevant to him. This is about him, his grandiosity, and nothing else. Like his Trumpsters, America and Americans can go to hell as long as he gets his.

Trump is probably expressing a genuine belief that he’s entitled hold office without limit, like his pal Vladimir Putin. But as performative art, he knows it works in the same way that Al Bundy dressing in drag and reading pornographic magazines worked for the ratings of Married…With Children. People love it because it upsets the prigs.

Very well put!
are you saying trump controls BLM and antifa???

If irrefutable proof came to light that in fact, he did, would you:

1. Commit seppuku and die by your own swords

Or, 2: Pretend that you've never heard of this silly Orange man.

I say 2. Change my mind.
do you know something the rest of us dont???

Trump is probably expressing a genuine belief that he’s entitled hold office without limit, like his pal Vladimir Putin. But as performative art, he knows it works in the same way that Al Bundy dressing in drag and reading pornographic magazines worked for the ratings of Married…With Children. People love it because it upsets the prigs.

Very well put!

Yep, VERY well put. Especially enjoyed "Performative art" phrase. Donald has always been, and always WILL be a performance artist. And Trumpettes ESPECIALLY love it when he flips lefty the bird!

And he WILL cheat to win the election. He'll declare victory on election night, and the following morning he'll have his portly sidekick Mr Barr demand that counting votes must stop immediately for they have evidence of "great fraud" and counterfeit ballots from China.

This will result in court battle after court battle and the Emperor with No Clothes will barricade himself in the bathroom with his Twit Machine calling his nut jobs to arms.

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Indeed, we’ve heard Trump voters state that much of their support for Trump is because they find him ‘entertaining,’ that he gives the ‘middle finger’ to the ‘establishment,’ and that his idiotic proposals and ridiculous rhetoric reflect their disdain for our democratic institutions and the political process.

Will it win him a second term – likely not; swing voters have grown weary of Trump’s antics.

Your lips to God's ear :)

Trump is probably expressing a genuine belief that he’s entitled hold office without limit, like his pal Vladimir Putin. But as performative art, he knows it works in the same way that Al Bundy dressing in drag and reading pornographic magazines worked for the ratings of Married…With Children. People love it because it upsets the prigs.

Very well put!

Yep, VERY well put. Especially enjoyed "Performative art" phrase. Donald has always been, and always WILL be a performance artist. And Trumpets ESPECIALLY love it when he flips lefty the bird!

And he WILL cheat to win the election. He'll declare victory on election night, and the following morning he'll have his portly sidekick Mr Barr demand that counting votes must stop immediately for they have evidence of "great fraud" and counterfeit ballots from China.

This will result in court battle after court battle and the Emperor with No Clothes will barricade himself in the bathroom with his Twit Machine calling his nut jobs to arms.

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Except, it's the left using harvesting and mail in ballots hoping to steal the election. As usual, you're wrong.
Except, it's the left using harvesting and mail in ballots hoping to steal the election. As usual, you're wrong.

Oh don't worry. Billy Barf will claim that too. AND that your mailman was paid a few hundred bucks for extra ballots! :D
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