Will Trump Cut Off Aid to Israel?


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Peaking out from the redwoods
UNITED NATIONS — President Trump reinstated a policy on Monday that originated in the Reagan era, prohibiting the use of United States foreign aid to health providers abroad who discuss abortion as a family-planning option.

United States law already prohibits the use of American taxpayer dollars for abortion services anywhere, including in countries where the procedure is legal. But this order takes it further. It freezes United States funding to health care providers in poor countries if they include abortion counseling or if they advocate the right to seek abortion in their countries.


Israel provides state funded abortion on demand...
Have we given anything to health care providers in Israel?

You misread it and assumed it referred to all foreign aid.
UNITED NATIONS — President Trump reinstated a policy on Monday that originated in the Reagan era, prohibiting the use of United States foreign aid to health providers abroad who discuss abortion as a family-planning option.

United States law already prohibits the use of American taxpayer dollars for abortion services anywhere, including in countries where the procedure is legal. But this order takes it further. It freezes United States funding to health care providers in poor countries if they include abortion counseling or if they advocate the right to seek abortion in their countries.


Israel provides state funded abortion on demand...
Well, it seems pretty clear that they will get exactly $0.00 for health care from U.S. Other things? I can't say just yet, but I bet they will get what our President, Mr. Trump, deems appropriate.
UNITED NATIONS — President Trump reinstated a policy on Monday that originated in the Reagan era, prohibiting the use of United States foreign aid to health providers abroad who discuss abortion as a family-planning option.

United States law already prohibits the use of American taxpayer dollars for abortion services anywhere, including in countries where the procedure is legal. But this order takes it further. It freezes United States funding to health care providers in poor countries if they include abortion counseling or if they advocate the right to seek abortion in their countries.


Israel provides state funded abortion on demand...

Not a chance.

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Health care providers in Israel do not get any funding from us at all. The bulk of our foreign aid is in the form of loan guarantees. We don't give any money. Just guarantee loans. Israel has never defaulted. We give foreign aid in the form of military hardware. Unless doctors are performing abortions with rifles or rockets there is no aid to health providers.
of mine and they will be erased
Will Trump Cut Off Aid to Israel?

Exactly.anybody here who have doubts? watch the videos in post# 9 of mine and they will be erased.

Will Trump Cut Off Aid to Israel?

Plus the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and Israel paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.

He was in the process of cutting off aide to Israel so the mossad wacked him.That is WHY every president since him has stayed alive,they have all given aide to Israel.sad but true.

Trump will not be the next JFK brave enough to stand up to them and say no either.
Yes, we are going to build a new consulate in Jerusalem and then not support the government, moron.
The OP is clearly hittin the Democrat Fake News way too much. Trump vehemently opposed Obama's vote against Israel in the UN. He's considered a much friendlier ally. So the answer is no. He will not cut off aid to Israel.
how can he put american first and still give massive aid to a country that has been found to spy on the u.s.

and dare i mention the uss liberty?

the survivors of the liberty will die off soon...sadly they wont be honored or remembered...as history lets israel get a pass on this....

USS Liberty Memorial

funny how conservatives are all about our military till you mention the uss liberty...then watch them cover up and sweep under the rug.....
I do agree we should stop sending aid to Israel. They can handle themselves. I also support their right to exist as a Jewish Zionist state, free of Muslims.
We should support them in their war against Muslim barbarians, if they ask for it. We definitely should not be tying their hands in any way, or criticize their methods of governing and dealing with Muslim terrorists in their own country.

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