Will Trump Win?...

Will Trump win?

He already has - that's what 'triggered' the violent, intolerant, seditious, treasonous snowflakes.

Interesting piece by Michael S. Rozeff of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

At Trump’s command, the US military is adding forces and use of force everywhere: Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Korea. Victory is ill-defined in all these places, but the question remains. Will Trump win?

I predict that he will lose, and so America will lose. In Korea, we’ve been at the Yalu once before and China entered North Korea in numbers, throwing American forces back to the 38th parallel. That simply means that China is not going to buckle under to Trump. He won’t win there. In Afghanistan, there is no way he’ll win. The reconstituted Taliban shows that. Somalia has been a losing ground for the US military once before and will be again. Trump will not devote the enormous numbers of boots on the ground that it would take really to win in either Afghanistan or Somalia.

The more that the US military presence goes up in Iraq and Yemen, the more that it means the US is not winning anything. At best the US neutralizes ISIS in that region, i.e. restores the previous unstable status quo. The US lost in Iraq, and that won’t change. A continued and heightened presence is a resource drain and a recruiting tool for extremists...

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Will Trump Win?
If the criteria for winning a battle or a war is not defined, then there can be no win.
Interesting piece by Michael S. Rozeff of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

At Trump’s command, the US military is adding forces and use of force everywhere: Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Korea. Victory is ill-defined in all these places, but the question remains. Will Trump win?

I predict that he will lose, and so America will lose. In Korea, we’ve been at the Yalu once before and China entered North Korea in numbers, throwing American forces back to the 38th parallel. That simply means that China is not going to buckle under to Trump. He won’t win there. In Afghanistan, there is no way he’ll win. The reconstituted Taliban shows that. Somalia has been a losing ground for the US military once before and will be again. Trump will not devote the enormous numbers of boots on the ground that it would take really to win in either Afghanistan or Somalia.

The more that the US military presence goes up in Iraq and Yemen, the more that it means the US is not winning anything. At best the US neutralizes ISIS in that region, i.e. restores the previous unstable status quo. The US lost in Iraq, and that won’t change. A continued and heightened presence is a resource drain and a recruiting tool for extremists...

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Will Trump Win?
If the criteria for winning a battle or a war is not defined, then there can be no win.
Will he win again? We will all be right 50% of the time.

Unless you said he would win but won’t be re elected then you’ll be right 100%
Interesting piece by Michael S. Rozeff of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

At Trump’s command, the US military is adding forces and use of force everywhere: Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Korea. Victory is ill-defined in all these places, but the question remains. Will Trump win?

I predict that he will lose, and so America will lose. In Korea, we’ve been at the Yalu once before and China entered North Korea in numbers, throwing American forces back to the 38th parallel. That simply means that China is not going to buckle under to Trump. He won’t win there. In Afghanistan, there is no way he’ll win. The reconstituted Taliban shows that. Somalia has been a losing ground for the US military once before and will be again. Trump will not devote the enormous numbers of boots on the ground that it would take really to win in either Afghanistan or Somalia.

The more that the US military presence goes up in Iraq and Yemen, the more that it means the US is not winning anything. At best the US neutralizes ISIS in that region, i.e. restores the previous unstable status quo. The US lost in Iraq, and that won’t change. A continued and heightened presence is a resource drain and a recruiting tool for extremists...

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Will Trump Win?
All Trump needs to do is pronounce victory and his follows will celebrate. A win is totally irrelevant. Everything Trump does is a tremendous victory. If you don't believe it just ask him? He has never lost.
All Trump needs to do is pronounce victory and his follows will celebrate. A win is totally irrelevant. Everything Trump does is a tremendous victory. If you don't believe it just ask him? He has never lost.
Well, the truth is he hasn't lost much. This is why he sits atop the world.
"The reason I say China needs more jobs is because Americans aren't capable of doing the tech work."

"Plus they gave me money from the top."

All Trump needs to do is pronounce victory and his follows will celebrate. A win is totally irrelevant. Everything Trump does is a tremendous victory. If you don't believe it just ask him? He has never lost.
Well, the truth is he hasn't lost much. This is why he sits atop the world.

Melania is holding the chair....Barron is going to be the richest, most unintelligent young person of the century. So there's that. :10:
All Trump needs to do is pronounce victory and his follows will celebrate. A win is totally irrelevant. Everything Trump does is a tremendous victory. If you don't believe it just ask him? He has never lost.
Well, the truth is he hasn't lost much. This is why he sits atop the world.

Melania is holding the chair....Barron is going to be the richest, most unintelligent young person of the century. So there's that. :10:
No, Barron will not be the richest young man of the century, and you're forgetting Trayvon Martin and "Big" Mike Brown.
The cost of Empire. The bill will have to be paid at some point. Dark times are ahead if we don't reverse this Empire-Building Agenda. We're already $21 Trillion in Debt and spread way too thin all around the world.
All Trump needs to do is pronounce victory and his follows will celebrate. A win is totally irrelevant. Everything Trump does is a tremendous victory. If you don't believe it just ask him? He has never lost.
Well, the truth is he hasn't lost much. This is why he sits atop the world.
No, he hasn't lost much or won much. He's too busy tweeting.
Interesting piece by Michael S. Rozeff of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

At Trump’s command, the US military is adding forces and use of force everywhere: Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Korea. Victory is ill-defined in all these places, but the question remains. Will Trump win?

I predict that he will lose, and so America will lose. In Korea, we’ve been at the Yalu once before and China entered North Korea in numbers, throwing American forces back to the 38th parallel. That simply means that China is not going to buckle under to Trump. He won’t win there. In Afghanistan, there is no way he’ll win. The reconstituted Taliban shows that. Somalia has been a losing ground for the US military once before and will be again. Trump will not devote the enormous numbers of boots on the ground that it would take really to win in either Afghanistan or Somalia.

The more that the US military presence goes up in Iraq and Yemen, the more that it means the US is not winning anything. At best the US neutralizes ISIS in that region, i.e. restores the previous unstable status quo. The US lost in Iraq, and that won’t change. A continued and heightened presence is a resource drain and a recruiting tool for extremists...

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Will Trump Win?
If the criteria for winning a battle or a war is not defined, then there can be no win.
Were you capable of rational thought you wouldn't ask that question. How can you decide if Trump can win if you don't know what winning means?

What's your definition of 'Winning.' I'm open-minded. Go for it.
lol You're the one who is making claims about "winning" without knowing what you mean by "winning".

There are no more 'Wins.' There are only endless bloody quagmires. It's the very sad result of these numerous undeclared wars.
lol You don't know what a "win" is but you know it's not possible. What is Ron Paul putting in the koolaide these days?

Sure you don't mean L. Ron Hubbard?

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