*Will UN or Last Resort USA, Stop South Africa?*

Sorry bout that,

  1. Seems this new President wants clarification on what Trump tweeted!
  2. They went and changed the constitution on SA and then looked around to see if anyone was looking, Trumps looking and he is about ready to pounce like a big ole LION!
  3. I think its time the convert their constitution back, or get a huge wack from USA, the UN is a shit org, worthless, we should stop funding the UN.
  4. Presidency seeks clarity from US on Trump’s land, farm killings tweet
  5. Cyril ~ aka president of SA, is asking: Please clarify so we know you won't come kick or stupid asses, Mr President Trump.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Looks like white families in South Africa are going to be wiped off the planet and then have their land stolen by blacks.
  2. Where is the UN?
  3. Lets send an Aircraft Carrier there fast to protect the white people and their rights.
  4. No body wants to support the white race in Africa.
  5. If they steal the land and kill the white land owners, we are obligated to NUKE the whole area.
  6. READ ALL ABOUT IT: South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms
  7. What say you?

This coming genocide will be viewed by Leftism ideologues the world over as payback for Apartheid. While I can't stand either the Afrikaner guttural accent or the movie District 9, what is happening to the Dutch ancestry there could be the most horrifying crime of our century no one tried to stop or really remembered hearing about.

In my opinion, deploy an MEF to SA and let our badass young Marines do what they do best. Evacuate the friendlies; seek and destroy. Our boys need a good fifteen minutes of live fire practice.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So a nation ruled by blacks will murder off the whites, is that the understanding we need to garner from South Africa?
  2. Look to Detroit, whites left long ago, its run by black liberals and the city looks like a war zone.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Looks like white families in South Africa are going to be wiped off the planet and then have their land stolen by blacks.
  2. Where is the UN?
  3. Lets send an Aircraft Carrier there fast to protect the white people and their rights.
  4. No body wants to support the white race in Africa.
  5. If they steal the land and kill the white land owners, we are obligated to NUKE the whole area.
  6. READ ALL ABOUT IT: South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms
  7. What say you?
Trump's Tweet About South Africa Doesn't Fit With the Facts

When have his "Tweets" ever fit with the facts?
Sorry bout that,

  1. *Its all in your mind*. or a dream....
  2. *Blacks will not take whites lives and lands.* then why did the government....
  3. Its in their new constitution they just whipped up.
  4. This is nothing but a powder keg waiting to blow up.
  5. Cyril wants to know what Trump plans on doing.
  6. Trump will stop these black head shrinkers.
  7. Get out the ole black pot and boil up some ole whitey flesh, just like the olden days.
  8. Its pure insanity, and its something old and something new.
  9. Trump will stop it WATCH!
  10. Its only just started.
  11. Shuffle the deck real good folks.
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Sorry bout that,

1. So they are back peddling !

Sorry bout that,

  1. Looks like white families in South Africa are going to be wiped off the planet and then have their land stolen by blacks.
  2. Where is the UN?
  3. Lets send an Aircraft Carrier there fast to protect the white people and their rights.
  4. No body wants to support the white race in Africa.
  5. If they steal the land and kill the white land owners, we are obligated to NUKE the whole area.
  6. READ ALL ABOUT IT: South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms
  7. What say you?

I say. We are not obligated to nuke because lands are returned to those it was stolen from.

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