Will White Privilege End Affirmative Action?

"The problem with whites", you're a fucking racist, lol.
How about typing the entire comment you dishonest mother fucker. Because I said this:

"That is not happening. The problem with whites on the right is how they see equal opportunity is a zero sum game."

Whites on the right. A specific group of whites. Not all whites.

Get it?
A fair shot implies no special treatment. Reserving special treatment of any kind to one race is the very definition of racist. You faggot racist.
So you're for whites getting preferential treatment.
I believe blacks are equal to whites. There are variations WITHIN the races - some are stupid, some are lazy, some are unmotivated - but that applies to blacks and whites both.

That is why after two generations of favoring less qualified blacks over better qualified whites - again, speaking toward the individuals - for college and grad school admissions, we drop the racist liberal policies and ignore race when deciding upon applications.
Lol! We've had 246 years of less qualified whites getting everything. You are a white female, which is the group that has been favored over all others. YOU ARE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
How about typing the entire comment you dishonest mother fucker. Because I said this:

"That is not happening. The problem with whites on the right is how they see equal opportunity is a zero sum game."

Whites on the right. A specific group of whites. Not all whites.

Get it?
Singling out a racial group is the very definition of racist. You're a racist. End of story.
Singling out a racial group is the very definition of racist. You're a racist. End of story.
Singling out a subgroup within a race is not. Right-wing whites are a subgroup of whites and not the entire white race. I know what racism is, not what I want it to be because it hurts my feelings to hear things about my subgroup like you do.
Where did I say that? Nowhere, that's where. Making you a liar AND a racist. Asswipe.
If you oppose affirmative action that's what you are for.
Singling out a subgroup within a race is not. Right-wing whites are a subgroup of whites and not the entire white race. I know what racism is, not what I want it to be because it hurts my feelings to hear things about my subgroup like you do.
So singling out left wing blacks isn't racist either.
I believe blacks are equal to whites. There are variations WITHIN the races - some are stupid, some are lazy, some are unmotivated - but that applies to blacks and whites both.

That is why after two generations of favoring less qualified blacks over better qualified whites - again, speaking toward the individuals - for college and grad school admissions, we drop the racist liberal policies and ignore race when deciding upon applications.

LIzard is still upset they fired her from the school for being racist.

Less qualified over better qualified... but the point is, they are qualified.

You can't keep telling blacks to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and then complain when you keep cutting the bootstraps.
Singling out a subgroup within a race is not. Right-wing whites are a subgroup of whites and not the entire white race. I know what racism is, not what I want it to be because it hurts my feelings to hear things about my subgroup like you do.
So you're an urban chimp, a subgroup of Blacks. Calling you that is not racist according to you.
Less qualified over better qualified... but the point is, they are qualified.
There are plenty of positions for the less qualified to work themselves up to better qualified. But it takes work, time and sometimes more education.
I’m told by blacks all the time I should be in this neighborhood. So again.. why are you justifying your racism? Please for the love of God treat Black people equal
That's the problem --- when we treat them as equals they get all huffy and complain of "racism."
That's the problem --- when we treat them as equals they get all huffy and complain of "racism."
Precisely. The only people they consider NOT racist are those who support racist policies that favor one particular race over another.
LIzard is still upset they fired her from the school for being racist.

Less qualified over better qualified... but the point is, they are qualified.

You can't keep telling blacks to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and then complain when you keep cutting the bootstraps.
There are plenty of positions for the less qualified to work themselves up to better qualified. But it takes work, time and sometimes more education.

Very True. There are also positions the more privileged can work their way up from.

That's the problem --- when we treat them as equals they get all huffy and complain of "racism."

Except we don't treat them as equals. Not in education, not in economics, not in law enforcement.

Since this is about college education, you and LizardBrain88 keep whining about how awful it is that blacks get affirmative action, but I don't hear you complaining about how the wealthy get advantages. Remember the Varsity Blues scandal? Where all these rich people bought their kids way into college by fraudulent test results and bribing officials? And most of them got slaps on the wrist. I think Felicity Huffman got a whole 11 days in a "Club Fed".

Meanwhile, a black woman who put a friend's address as her own to get her child out of a school where violence was a regular thing got five years.

Treat them as equals? Bullshit.

Precisely. The only people they consider NOT racist are those who support racist policies that favor one particular race over another.
Racist say what?

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