Maduro steals election in Venezuela.

Which is creating your own conditions just because you don't want to admit Dems tried the same thing Maduro succeeded at, and are on record doing it. And on record being smacked down by the SC.

The only one that tried to do what Maduro is doing is Trump...and he failed
That's the idiotic shit that nutters tell themselves. It's even funnier when they use words they don't even understand, like you just did.
Dumb Americans!

Now accept the truth…
Some questions for US leaders and pundits who support regime change in Venezuela:

1) How can you call Maduro "autocratic" when you've been trying to overthrow Venezuela's government for more than two decades? Did any Venezuelans vote for you to change their government? Deciding for a foreign population who should rule them and how they should govern sounds autocratic to me.

2) How can you rail against Venezuelan "socialism" when your government is massively intervening in Venezuela's economy -- with the aim of destroying it? You claim to worship the free market yet employ Treasury Dept. bureaucrats to design sanctions that cut off Venezuela from global markets and even seize its assets. By your definition of it, that sounds pretty "socialist."

3) How can Trump and others demonize undocumented immigrants when they knowingly create millions of them by destroying Venezuela's economy and forcing them to flee?
Aaron Matte
Dumb Americans!

Now accept the truth…
Some questions for US leaders and pundits who support regime change in Venezuela:

1) How can you call Maduro "autocratic" when you've been trying to overthrow Venezuela's government for more than two decades? Did any Venezuelans vote for you to change their government? Deciding for a foreign population who should rule them and how they should govern sounds autocratic to me.

2) How can you rail against Venezuelan "socialism" when your government is massively intervening in Venezuela's economy -- with the aim of destroying it? You claim to worship the free market yet employ Treasury Dept. bureaucrats to design sanctions that cut off Venezuela from global markets and even seize its assets. By your definition of it, that sounds pretty "socialist."

3) How can Trump and others demonize undocumented immigrants when they knowingly create millions of them by destroying Venezuela's economy and forcing them to flee?
Aaron Matte

How can you call Maduro "autocratic" when you've been trying to overthrow Venezuela's government for more than two decades?

If we try to overthrow a government, does that mean it can't be autocratic?
I thought I had been really clear the first time that this thread was about the Venezuelan election, not the United States, not Trump, not 2020.

Let's try again
How can you call Maduro "autocratic" when you've been trying to overthrow Venezuela's government for more than two decades?

If we try to overthrow a government, does that mean it can't be autocratic?
Do you deny the US has tried to overthrow their government while imposing stringent economic sanctions that likely has caused considerable human suffering?

Oh…I almost forgot, you like your government doing these things, yet you claim your a conservative.
Do you deny the US has tried to overthrow their government while imposing stringent economic sanctions that likely has caused considerable human suffering?

Oh…I almost forgot, you like your government doing these things, yet you claim your a conservative.

Does an autocratic government become non-autocratic based on US sanctions?

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