Wind Farms Increase Warming?


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2012
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
There are some important limitations to the study. It notes that the warming effect depends strongly on local weather conditions, as well as the type and placement of turbines. It didn’t analyze impacts outside the continental United States or time periods beyond a year. And it's difficult to imagine anything approaching this level of wind power actually being built in the nation.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

This sounds like a very incomplete study.
As a meteorologist who works for one of the major wind farms, I can tell you they do indeed warm the regional climate. 1-2 deg F from the original area temps prior to the farms being built. And it also changes wind patterns of the region.
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.
There is no long term gain... Inside 5 years most of these monsters in Wyoming will be piles of scrap.
So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?

They don't GAF that a detailed analysis of how they are produced and maintained shows that they'll never offset the "carbon footprint" that they create, so how is this supposed to change what the warmers are trying to pass off as minds?
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.
There is no long term gain... Inside 5 years most of these monsters in Wyoming will be piles of scrap.
Kinda funney how we have had them running around here for over ten years. You are full of shit and according to the OP article you are full of shit.
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally. ...
Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

The article refers to research published in the journal, Joule.
The abstract of that journal says, Wind's overall environmental impacts are surely less than fossil energy.

Furthermore, the study is based on 100% of the electricity in the US being supplied with wind power. That will never happen.
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.

Can you show me a single piece of observed, measured data which supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability?

The fact is that observation tells us that wind farms kill some very important wildlife, absolutely despoil the visual appearance of entire swaths of land, and cause temperatures to increase locally and possibly cause more widespread warming..that is a hell of a lot more observed evidence than you can produce supporting the hypothesis that the climate change we are seeing is man made vs natural variability.
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.

Can you show me a single piece of observed, measured data which supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability?

The fact is that observation tells us that wind farms kill some very important wildlife, absolutely despoil the visual appearance of entire swaths of land, and cause temperatures to increase locally and possibly cause more widespread warming..that is a hell of a lot more observed evidence than you can produce supporting the hypothesis that the climate change we are seeing is man made vs natural variability.
Mean while I have seen absolutely no evidence that any thing in this article is true. No before or after temp readings. Windmills kil birds and bats huh. At a higher rate than an oil spill like hell. Tall buildings kill them also. Mean while I have been at the bottom of a windmill and never seen large numbers of these corpses. There are reems of data showing man can influence climate. Does any one remember the dust bowl. Go blow your self. Strip mining and oil spills have killed millions of these animals over the years. Your lie that we can not ruin our environment is just that a lie. Dust bowl, easter island, the ohio river in the seventies just to name a few.
Mean while I have seen absolutely no evidence that any thing in this article is true. No before or after temp readings.

Of course you see no evidence that it is not true either. What's your point?

Windmills kil birds and bats huh. At a higher rate than an oil spill like hell. Tall buildings kill them also. [;quote]

So because some things kill them, it is ok to add another thing that kills them? That passes for logic in your mind?

Mean while I have been at the bottom of a windmill and never seen large numbers of these corpses.
Anecdote now? Do you have any real argument at all?

The literature puts between 140,000 and 350,000 killed by windmills every year...and we aren't talking about sparrows, pigeons, and starlings as are killed by buildings...we are talking about raptors...endangered species...

There are reems of data showing man can influence climate. Does any one remember the dust bowl.

Same old weak assed arguments all warmers make...move them goalposts. Can you or can you not provide a single piece of observed, measured data which supports the man made climate change hypothesis (which speaks to global climate change...not local change) over natural variability.

Don't bother answering because we both know that you can't....because no such data exists....anywhere,

Go blow your self. Strip mining and oil spills have killed millions of these animals over the years.
Care to name any endangered species that such activities were pushing to the very brink? Care to name any instances where such activities went ignored by you so called environmentalists and the killing was allowed to simply continue and even increase at near exponential rates with no call for action?

Your lie that we can not ruin our environment is just that a lie. Dust bowl, easter island, the ohio river in the seventies just to name a few.

What lie? The only liar here is you and yours...liars and hypocrites. Of course we can harm our environment...we can't however, alter the global climate and if you care to prove me wrong, then how about you provide a single piece of observed measured evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

Again...don't bother because no such evidence exists.
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.
There is no long term gain... Inside 5 years most of these monsters in Wyoming will be piles of scrap.
Kinda funney how we have had them running around here for over ten years. You are full of shit and according to the OP article you are full of shit.
I am consulted before any maintenance is done on any piece of equipment. You don't have a clue what their down time is or how often they need major rework... Its pretty damn often. When the subsidies go away, these monsters crash and burn inside 5 years..
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.
There is no long term gain... Inside 5 years most of these monsters in Wyoming will be piles of scrap.
Kinda funney how we have had them running around here for over ten years. You are full of shit and according to the OP article you are full of shit.
I am consulted before any maintenance is done on any piece of equipment. You don't have a clue what their down time is or how often they need major rework... Its pretty damn often. When the subsidies go away, these monsters crash and burn inside 5 years..
you are full of shit! The one out side my dealership has been providing electricity for over twenty years now. So eveidently you do not know what the fuck you are doing in keeping them running. Mean while you want me to beleive that your stupid ass that is against wind mills to start with have taken the time to learn how to fix them. Like fucking helll. You are full of shit. What is the most common part replaced on them and why ?
Mean while I have seen absolutely no evidence that any thing in this article is true. No before or after temp readings.

Of course you see no evidence that it is not true either. What's your point?

Windmills kil birds and bats huh. At a higher rate than an oil spill like hell. Tall buildings kill them also. [;quote]

So because some things kill them, it is ok to add another thing that kills them? That passes for logic in your mind?

Mean while I have been at the bottom of a windmill and never seen large numbers of these corpses.
Anecdote now? Do you have any real argument at all?

The literature puts between 140,000 and 350,000 killed by windmills every year...and we aren't talking about sparrows, pigeons, and starlings as are killed by buildings...we are talking about raptors...endangered species...

There are reems of data showing man can influence climate. Does any one remember the dust bowl.

Same old weak assed arguments all warmers make...move them goalposts. Can you or can you not provide a single piece of observed, measured data which supports the man made climate change hypothesis (which speaks to global climate change...not local change) over natural variability.

Don't bother answering because we both know that you can't....because no such data exists....anywhere,

Go blow your self. Strip mining and oil spills have killed millions of these animals over the years.
Care to name any endangered species that such activities were pushing to the very brink? Care to name any instances where such activities went ignored by you so called environmentalists and the killing was allowed to simply continue and even increase at near exponential rates with no call for action?

What lie? The only liar here is you and yours...liars and hypocrites. Of course we can harm our environment...we can't however, alter the global climate and if you care to prove me wrong, then how about you provide a single piece of observed measured evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

Again...don't bother because no such evidence exists.
Great article that offers absolutley no evidence in support of their conclusions. I guess it is typical for idiots like you to rely on such material as you do it every day on this web site.
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.
There is no long term gain... Inside 5 years most of these monsters in Wyoming will be piles of scrap.
Kinda funney how we have had them running around here for over ten years. You are full of shit and according to the OP article you are full of shit.
I am consulted before any maintenance is done on any piece of equipment. You don't have a clue what their down time is or how often they need major rework... Its pretty damn often. When the subsidies go away, these monsters crash and burn inside 5 years..
you are full of shit! The one out side my dealership has been providing electricity for over twenty years now. So eveidently you do not know what the fuck you are doing in keeping them running. Mean while you want me to beleive that your stupid ass that is against wind mills to start with have taken the time to learn how to fix them. Like fucking helll. You are full of shit. What is the most common part replaced on them and why ?
I see your a moron... keep living in fantasy world...
A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?

Could the windfarms reverse the Earth's rotation?

A new study by a pair of Harvard researchers published in the journal Joule find that more wind power could increase warming, first regionally, then globally.

They find that wind farms could warm the surface of the US by 0.24C.

The mechanism for this is thatwsnd turbines generate electricity by extracting energy from the air. This slows down wind and in other ways alters the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. In short, unintended consequences.

There are complaints by some that the models used to determine this have problems. Of course, if you are a warmer, you can't really use this complaint in defense of your position on wind since you believe so heavily in models which are fraught with problems for the very warming scenario by which you endorse wind in the first place. Problematic models don't seem to be an issue for you.

Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming

So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?
Did you read the article in full? You might want to go back and read it again. It quotes a short term possible issue and long term gain in the fight against climate change.
There is no long term gain... Inside 5 years most of these monsters in Wyoming will be piles of scrap.
Kinda funney how we have had them running around here for over ten years. You are full of shit and according to the OP article you are full of shit.
I am consulted before any maintenance is done on any piece of equipment. You don't have a clue what their down time is or how often they need major rework... Its pretty damn often. When the subsidies go away, these monsters crash and burn inside 5 years..
you are full of shit! The one out side my dealership has been providing electricity for over twenty years now. So eveidently you do not know what the fuck you are doing in keeping them running. Mean while you want me to beleive that your stupid ass that is against wind mills to start with have taken the time to learn how to fix them. Like fucking helll. You are full of shit. What is the most common part replaced on them and why ?

Ah you are an used car salesman, that explains your attitude and inability to make a rational comment.
So I am wondering what you wind warriors think of this. You don't seem to care that wind turbines could drive raptors to don't seem to be bothered by the effect on bats and migratory birds. How do you feel about wind if it causes more warming?

They don't GAF that a detailed analysis of how they are produced and maintained shows that they'll never offset the "carbon footprint" that they create, so how is this supposed to change what the warmers are trying to pass off as minds?
LOL What a liar you are. Here are the facts;

Carbon and Energy payback of a wind turbine

To 'offset' the emission of 2,175 tonnes of carbon dioxide requires, given average Saskatchewan emissions of 660 kilograms per megawatt hour, the generation of 3,295 megawatt hours of electricity from an emission free source such as a wind turbine. This may, given the material in the previous paragraph, be stating the obvious - but there you go anyway.

As noted: a 2 megawatt wind turbine, operating with a capacity factor of 40 percent in Saskatchewan, would annually generate 7,000 megawatt hours of electricity. From this it is an easy step to see that the same turbine would need less than 6 months to generate 3,295 megawatt hours of emission-free electricity thereby avoiding 2,175 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

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